Why Moira healing through barriers hasn't been fixed yet?

Only trascendence can’t go through barriers, but it isn’t a problem because Zen has x2 Speed and this allow him to avoid this problem.
Lucio has really good mobility and Can Wall ride or speed if he needs to heal someone. His healing isn’t even huge For a single target and It’s AOE in a 10 m around him, unlike Moira that is AOE only on front of her and still need a Little aim or you will waste charge.
We compare seriosly Main Healer job to Second Healer? Main Healer needs to have consistent healing all time since they are the main font of healing of the team, Moira has already a resource bar, make her healing not go through barriers Will make her inconsistent.
She is really balanced for now, we don’t Need another support underpowered

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Brigitte does 58.3 DPS (her attack rate is 1.66 Hz). But yes, Mei’s primary is the lowest, followed by Moira, though Mei does have a secondary that deals more DPS

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Forget that list, if it’s not fixed 6 months later, it’s not a bug, it’s intentional.

They’re gonna fix it an opportune moment (when brig gets released) cuz FOTM

Yeah but the stats doesn’t tell you if this damage is being effective or if it just trash damage


Doesn’t matter. All heroes can do and do trash damage. It’s not unique to her. It still puts pressure onto enemy healers. Simply the act of swapping to heal a squishy who got bruised by the orb and her primary (100 DPS) can result in your tank dying.

No it gave to them ult charge and value

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And it doesn’t give ult charge to her?

Doomfist had a bug since launch where he could use meteor strike to reach unintended places ,only got fixed around a month ago

Not too much since you don’t kill the target

That’s just your opinion

There’re so many bugs that need to be fixed, so much so that people consider them features by the time they get fixed. It’s like a slow moving car-crash, the likes of which we haven’t seen since the October update that slowed down Lucio and Mercy’s movement.

Another bug that I think will anger people (mainly Tank mains) are Orisa and D.Va’s reduced knockback when shooting (unintentional and gives them an advantage over Winston, Lucio, Pharah, and Doomfist). This one could either be bad (cause it makes Tanks more vulnerable) or good (makes them more consistent with Rein’s vulnerability).

The longer they wait to address these and fix them, the harder it’ll be for the community to accept. But this one regarding Moira’s spray has been in the Known Bugs list since her debut on the PTR. 5 months to prepare, and this is still news to people. It’s gonna be a nightmare.


No that just the facts

The only reason I could see to fixing it would be to make Ana more relevant. But why wouldn’t you just buff her then?

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Not really. 5.7 final blows for a healer who also heals 11k is anything but insignificant. And as I’ve said, it’s not insignificant in teamfights either since if not healed, that orb will likely kill someone.

Hmm, must be difficult to fix a simple bug, or it could be the fact that it’s a feature more than a bug sort of?

Why is Pharah still a rocket sniper that can fly…

Final blow because she is good at finishing off people but at solo killing she’s not that good

And no the damage of the orb would not kill always someone considering that the damage split up

Solo kills is a garbage metric that doesn’t tell you anything. Especially for a support.

And no the damage would not kill always someone considering that the damage split up

Orb + primary is 100 DPS meaning, your healer has to react basically instantly or you die. Especially if you were bruised by something, which tends to be the case in team fights. Just the fact that your mercy has to stop healing your tank to heal you can and does result in your tank dying.