Why Moira healing through barriers hasn't been fixed yet?


It has been months. Why is it still possible? Why hasn’t it been patched?


Go to the bug list, It is no longer marked as a bug, luckily. That Change would be make her underpowered

Edit: Sorry, i didn’t see that. Anyway, i Hope they don’t Fix that and stop marked that as a bug, as i said that would make her underpowered


She’s fine don’t force unnecesary nerf


Go to the bug list, It is no longer marked as a bug, luckily.


It’s still there.

The healing spray can reach and heal teammates on the other side of an enemy barrier

That Change would be make her underpowered

No, not really.

She’s fine don’t force unnecesary nerf

Fixing a bug isn’t an unnecessary nerf. Denying healing is a legitimate strategy. Lucio, Ana, Zen, Soldier are all affected by it, don’t see reason why Moira should be an exception.


Moira is totally balanced, her only utility is Healing unlike other support that have other utility besides heal. Nerfing (or fixing) that would make her underpowered since She is really balanced at the moment


That’s just your opinion.

6.5 k damage is hardly “only healing”

Anyhow, I’m not here to discuss her balance. I’m just saying, this change needs to go through.


It’s probably not an easy fix or have other bugs as priorities. If it were an easy fix they would’ve done it already. They still haven’t fixed the moira ball interaction with Mei’s wall yet and it’s been in the game since Moira’s launch.

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They did fix it…

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Maybe. But having a LOS check as they do with things such as Lucio doesn’t seem too hard. But I don’t know

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The devs should stop Mark that as a bug, since It would break her then


What? I still see it disappear from time to time

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Because it’s unnecessary, if they did “fix it”, it would be a huge nerf for Moira, who is balanced.


Yes for sure. Lets have her heal insane amounts of heals through barriers when only one other character can do it and that character (Mercy) is a pure healer.

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They fixed it, i play both Mei and Moira, and now Moira Orbs bounce when hit Mei walls


Yes, I’m just going to take your word for it.

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Moira is basically evil Mercy so I don’t see why she can’t heal through barriers.

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Ahh my bad then, I’m probably crazy :joy:

But yeah about the other bug they’re probably still working on it.

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She has the lowest DPS in the game, 50/s.


Barriers make already a huge problem For her, can’t allow her to recharge or self-heal (when the orb are on CD). We don’t Need to make her against barriers even worse and frustrating