Why Mercy was changed

Unless you’re saying that “the playerbase” is just a “group of players/streamers”

A main job of a DPS is to be dealing damage. So why aren’t they in the fight leaving my team and I to fight a 5v6 just so they can get a “Team Kill.”

So because a Support had an element of surprise ultimate it’s deemed bad? Again a hypocritical argument. But again you generalized all Mercy’s and accused them of hiding. When in fact most of them didn’t. I could give you an example of me being in a fight actively helping heal my team and then again flying into the middle after my pocket gets killed and Rez them along with 2 other people. Don’t stereotype all Mercy players into the Hide and Rez category. Which is why this rework was hypocritical to begin with. It’s based upon false accusations to a playerbase and opinions on an ultimate that were ALL one sided. Even this rework TO THIS DAY has been a one sided argument. It’s like explaining to your parents why you only got a 80% on a test and they keep asking you why you didn’t get a 100%.


I literally explained why it is better for some DPS to not be seen before they ult. If DPS gets a team kill then they did their job of DPSing. “Leaving the fight” do you know how flanker heroes work? They use flank routes to get to the enemy back line to kill supports or enemy DPS they’re not just gonna be standing in the choke or at main the whole game :roll_eyes:

It’s a fact that some people said that mass rez isn’t fun. Don’t have to show the proof, there already so many. In forums, some streamers, reddit, etc.

The playerbase = all players.

No proof that all players said mass res is unfun, but it is a fact that a group of people saying mass res is unfun.

Mass res is changed so they can be pleased.
Is it so hard to comprehend??

Ok and what about the fact that Jeff said they also changed it because it went against the intended play style of the hero? Point is, Rez wasn’t just changed to please a group of players

Well, jeff also said it was disheartening to play against. That’s why it’s changed

Disheartening to whom? Is it disheartening to all the playerbase?



17 characters rqd

Ok fine lol, disheartening and unfun to everyone but mercy players

I just explained to you a scenario in which I didn’t go leave my teammates to die just so I can get a Mass Rez. So now what? We are at a stalemate because of hypocritical statements for the reasoning behind the rework. I can show a video of a reaper hiding behind a stone and walking right into the middle of my team to use death-blossom.

The developer team made it so that Mercy players were allowed to hide through the buffs they gave it. If they took away those buffs made it harder to execute gave it a reason to use it for Tempo Resurrects and gave her an E ability to keep her engaged in a fight would’ve been the easier route to a year problem.

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No, i’ve seen posts by tanks and dps players said they prefer revert mercy.

OW pros and their obsessed fanboys are running the game one step at a time.

If you think reaper shouldn’t be hiding to ult then you clearly don’t know how DPS work

Then if you don’t think Mercy shouldn’t hide to use single target Rez on live you’ve never played Mercy.

You think so? Actually it’s run by the excecutives decisions. So only a small group has the say in this game.

There are numerous reasons why current Mercy needs another rework. I actually just wrote up a whole thread about it. Have fun.

Again that’s a hypocritical statement try again. The rework was to change Mercy from a hide and Rez playstyle and now what are we doing? Hiding and Rezing again.

Yeah because the hiding and rezzing before was actually a problem, it no longer is. The “Hiding” now only lasts for about 2 seconds unlike before where it would last until the whole team died, and she’s no longer able to reverse 5 picks, just 1

This has been explained multiple times.

Even in threads I know I’ve seen you in.

Using cover for 1 second to simply not get shot is not the same as literally abandoning the fight to avoid all conflict until it’s over

Otherwise Rein and Orisa need to be outright deleted as they “promote constant hiding”, which is ridiculous.

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