Why mercy mains are so toxic?

Yes, it’s not a debate when you resort to flinging insults and ignoring things you don’t like.


Like how he ignored a huge portion of the replies :joy: (including mine). Don’t know why he bothered replying if he was just going to give up.

I’m going to give you a serious answer.

It’s not “Mercy mains” in specific that are being toxic on the forum. That’s just an idea. And if an idea is popular enough, it tends to stick around.

You see this happening all the time in the world. “Cops are corrupt.” “Politicians are evil.” These are not necessarily true facts, most of the time it’s only a minority of the time. But these idea are so common that people believe it because they’ve heard it enough times to think it’s true.

You can probably guess where I’m going with this. The idea that “Mercy mains” are somehow different any other player isn’t supported by any facts either. It’s curious to think how it even started.

But people have a tendency to blame something for whatever is wrong. “It’s the government’s fault,” etc. You hear this all the time. And again, because you hear it enough you begin to believe it. “Mercy mains” has become such a concept.

In reality, you have the opportunity to discuss any other hero at any time other time. And it’s usually a product of confirmation bias that you even believe it’s “Mercy mains” in specific.

However, the reason that these threads get so much attention is because of the game’s culture. If you go into a Quick Play game, you’ll very rarely find people volunteering to support.

So most people who begin to main Mercy are the people who wanted to help the team work and likely started playing Mercy out of necessity, and these are the people being used as a scapegoat.

It wouldn’t be any different if it was “Ana mains,” “Zenyatta mains” or “Lucio mains,” you’d still get the same rise out of people. Because it is a controversial thing to villainize support players. “Why are the players that are constantly healing me so toxic?”

People don’t like when you lay blame on the players that support them, so you get a strong division between posters:

  1. Those who believe the evil exists and insists on that it does.
  2. Those who are upset with you scapegoating the support group.

In the end, nothing prevented you from just making a thread and talking about the issues you wanted to talk about. It’s that you have to begin opening the thread by making baseless accusations towards players to get a rise out of them, and it works, but it also tends to devolve the thread into more emotionally-charged responses that are less constructive.

The next time you blame “Mercy mains” for something, simply ask yourself one question: Have you actually seen any evidence supporting this idea? If not, you might just be feeding a negative stereotype.


Ah okay. Tbh I don’t find any of y’alls comments meaningless but then again I’m also not personally invested in the mercy debate (I actually like playing her, but I’m not on a side or anything.) Pretty much everything we say here is subjective too, so I can see where you’re coming from.

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The thing is he made a thread before this one to insinuate that Mercy players are bad and not skilful. That’s why most of us are upset.

I just wanna say that symm’s rework is uite successful. I have played all versions of symmetra and I enjoyed all of them. (this one’s LMB is kinda bad, but its fine by me)

ye and false report things they dont like
or just being toxic to genji and tracer players

That’s one thing I hate about this forum, a big chunk of people take the skill of a hero too seriously.

That’s a really good post Bogrim.

If there were more people like you in the forums,
this would be a friendlier place for everyone.


“False report”. Did I not just give a reason why it’s flaggable?

Stop, you’re supposed to be toxic and false report them for being a genji player!


i dont think the problem is that some heroes r skilled and some r not
i think that ppl problems is that a skilled hero is more bad then a “unskilled” hero
thats why ppl dont like how brig can 1v1 most dps heroes she is less skilled then genji or tracer and can easily win a 1v1 vs them

there is no reason to flag this post

It’s Trolling
This post is inflammatory, extraneous or upsetting.

This thread is inflammatory and upsetting. These 2 points can also be used to describe his previous thread.


Stop trying to 1v1 a Brig as Genji/Tracer? :thinking:

Oh the op’s hypocrisy :roll_eyes:


I’m not talking about skill level, I’m saying people ignoring opinions cause ‘X character is easy’. I play heroes based on if I like them even if they are seen by the community as weak or ‘OP’.

That’s not true tho, most DPS heroes can out range her. Even Genji can, Tracer can kill a Brig if she can bait out the bash[same tactic can be applied to all heroes against Brig].

This is going to sound mean but the problem to me looks like more of a player skill issue then a Brigitte one. I play a lot of fighters and use that mentality with this game as well. It’s either I will adapt to new heroes or buffs/nerfs, will still voice my displeasure.

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It was way better and healthier than valk and E rez, as Mercy’s history comes to show. Also, mass rez was so impossible to counter that she was trash pick for two seasons and almost no picked at all in GM until the rework came. Finally, it’s still so impossible to counter that Hammond could just mine the corpses countering mass rez immediately.

Please, edit that because you missed a verb. It makes no sense. Also, check the last point. Mass rez was not op at all as Mercy’s pickrates can show. You are just ignoring facts, inventing them or lying. Your choice.

Mass rez could have been op ONLY if Mercy had an E ability, something she always lacked. Without one, she lacked of mid game utility, so she was a bad pick in comparison with other supports. E rez is the most busted ability in the game, so broken that they have had to make it contradict the whole character by making it immobile during its cast time. Also, valk contradicts Mercy as a single target support, making her stupidly easy to play/master and removing all her skill and her weaknesses, something that never happened before. Now she is braindead. Wanna heal? Valk and hide, lol. Wanna rez? If you can hide, yeah. The only time Mercy takes skill now is if you ignore that cancer button valk and the quicksands simulator E.

I can confidently say that I find primal rage quite easy to use in comparison with mass rez. You can even use it for your personal burst healing if you are in trouble, so…

No reasons given. Just these:
1- Unfun to play against (wow, quality argument, everything in this game is unfun to play against!!!)
2- It counters braindead piling ult strategy (so countering bad game is a bad thing? Okay…)
3- Hide and rez (as even Seagull admitted, something that was “only a bunch of Mercys hiding”, so it was a lesser problem that only required QoL changes, never a revert back to the most cancerous designs in all Mercy’s history).

That’s fine. I noticed that EVERYONE loved mass rez before during my games and NO ONE said things like “filthy mass rez, I hate it” or “bloody Mercy, kill her”. When did that start happening? Surprise, just after the rework. And did the Mercys found her fun? Considering the huge amount of complains from EVERYBODY, the answer is no.

I’m sorry but calling people names is not constructive and really goes against the forum rules, I guess you should know that. Treating a part of the community as if they were a sect is very toxic and should be punished, no matter who are you.

Haven’t seen any dps soloing, have you? I can tell you that that’s the most common thing you could see, and not exactly only in lower ranks.

Hahahaha. I’m sorry, but that’s simply laughable. Do you really need an ez mode pro simulator for pretending to be good? I’ll tell you how valk works.
1- Wanna heal? Just learn to prioritise targets, you never needed that button for soloheal you team.
2- Wanna boost? Okay, but you aren’t healing now, so be sure your team isn’t taking damage or simply winning.
3- Wanna rez? Okay, but unless the character is ridiculously out of position you are wasting your ult’s time. However, in this case you are rewarding bad positioning and bad game.
4- Wanna be mobile? Learn to GA properly.
5- Wanna shoot? If the enemy can see you, you can see it. If you really need infinite ammo and self regen, that’s because you suck at aiming, so please, git gud.
6- Wanna cheat death or come faster from respawn? Yeah, that’s a good use. Hey! What a great ult!

In conclusion, valk is nothing but an ez mode pro simulator for dummies that heavily disencourages Mercy to engage, as she can fly at 29 meters from the fight, out of everyone’s range and/or LoS (hiding behind a wall) while doing all her hard work just holding a button. It’s the perfect afk mode.

P.S.: So, according to you, even Anymetic and all the best world Mercys are bad Mercys? Lol.

Or not, you can be pushed out of range too, hacked, stunned, and a large etc. It’s so easy to stop a rez now that hide and rez is mandatory.

Nope. Indeed, you can press valk whenever you want because you won’t add anything special to the game, you will simply make your normal job infinitely easier, just braindead. Mass rez required the highest decision making in the entire game, as you needed to know about positioning (yours and other’s), resources from both teams, importance of the rezzed teammates, situation judgement and more more more things. Valk requires zero thoughts. You have it? Okay, if you want things for free just use it. Why nobody calls for valk to be used but everyone calls for rez to be used? Easy, because rez is the real Mercy’s ult. Valk is just an E ability in the wrong place. It doesn’t belong to her, nor for this game it seems, considering that Molten Core was removed because it was unfun to play. Valk is cancer to play, not just unfun.

That’s false. Reworking her in the right direction is a great option, and very popular indeed, probably more than reverting her. Just fyi,

Bring back mass rez with plenty of changes (so new model) + completely new E ability (non existent before) + reverted reverted healing (60 hp/s once more) + changes to her passive =/= revert, but = rework.

Bring back valk + bring back E stationary rez + reverted healing + accidentally changing GA = revert, not a rework

Bring back mass rez as it was + no more E ability + reverted reverted healing (60 hp/s) + reverted GA changes = revert

So… your point? I know, you hate rez and you don’t want it in this game. I’m sorry, but it won’t be removed, so please, remove that ridiculous idea. Even Jeff stated that people with that opinion ("remove rez, it doesn’t belong to a FPS game) was naive and clueless about the game. Please, start thinking about a constructive way of balancing Mercy without destroying her as this revert has done.

Yes, she had the most attention because she had a rework that NO ONE wanted and made her an op monster against her own mains will. Then Blizz wrecked her over and over again, rezzing every single bad design from her past, making her a contradictory and boring spawn, not really mobile (thanks E rez), braindead (thanks valk) and now simply pathetic (thanks trash healing).

So… according to your logic, Blizz has reverted almost every character in the game. Mercy has been already reverted, as valk and stationary rez existed and were removed for good. Dva has been reverted because of her defense matrix change. Ana has been reverted because of her damage changes. Widow has been reverted because of her hook changes. You realise how stupid that sounds? No. Mass rez in any form is not a revert with tweaks.

Anyway, since Mercy has been sent once more to her alpha state, anything would be a step forward, even a pure revert. The only thing they can revert now is her appearance. She could be reverted to a black man again…

If you have nothing constructive to say, that’s the best decision you could take, so I applaud it, despite your toxic speech. You proved that you can’t discuss facts with the Mercy community without insulting them, so moving on is the best thing you can do. Thanks a lot.

Won’t quote your entire post, I’ll only say two words:

Preach it!


You meant to say rework :stuck_out_tongue:

This! This is perfection sir, I think the same :star_struck:, let me tip my hat for yah :tophat:
If only I had some hearts left… they always ends up so quickly.