Why mercy mains are so toxic?

Look, pal, I wanted to get in the discussion mostly because of your first reply which was right about some stuff, but was really really starting from wrong premises which you seem to have taken up based on your own bias or agenda.

While the social mechanics you have explained in your first post are true and undeniable, you are denying the fact that those “stereotypes”, which no one is makin since no one is saying “all the mercy mains” but “most of the mercy mains”, are based on data. And you asked for that data, and it has been provided to some extent. But you proceeded to ignore it and disregard, while weaseling out of the arguments made against you and becoming, really, really defensive.

So, lemme try something here.

We are subjected to a constant spam by people who define themselves as Mercy mains. Now, it’s clear to everyone that those player are not the 100%, but we also don’t get to know the full extent of the whole “Mercy players” group and we are talking about the users pool that we can see and know, hence the posters of this forum.

So, once we restrict down the group “Mercy players” to “Mercy players who post on the forum” we get really precise to who we are talking about and the people who are considered in this group. That means two things: We are fully aware that the posters of this forum aren’t and can’t be “All Mercy mains”; “Mercy mains” refers to a group of people who post in the forum, actively or not, and that happens to “define themselves as such” and hence play Mercy as their main.
Saying this for clarity, even tho you should have already understood this: This group represents the 100%. It’s not the 100% of players in the game, it’s the 100% of people who we consider on the forum and as the source of the problem, which is the constant and over the line spam, and includes both Mercies that aren’t the problem and Mercies who are the problem.

Now, what we define as problematic, and seems to have triggered your first reply, is that the MAJORITY of Mercy Mains start threads, continuously, about the same argument in a neverending cycle of spam. No one is sayin “all of them”, we are addressing the MAJORITY of them. This, alone, debunks your idea of “You are making a stereotype”. This is not a stereotype. I can understand your confusion, even tho you seem just to want to appear as that instead of really being confused. And the arguments of “we are not sayin all of them” and “they are making a constant spam” are backed up by proof that you can find in this topic and just by lookin at our front page for 3 days in a row and counting how many threads about Mercy, and the changes she should get, plus the threads about Mercy players feelings we get. If you don’t want to wait, just use the search tool, enter “Mercy” and look up the dates on the topics.

This should clarify why what you said could have been right, but has been disproved through the discussion. It looks a little lame to see you holding your position when you are clearly disgegarding facts, while asking for them, and working with only “generalism” while the counterpart is being very, very precise about what is saying and it’s backin up their claims with objective data.

You could have made the argument that “You are not defining etc etc” but i just did with this post. It’s really really precise, defines both the problem and the population we are addressing and pinnin this onto, while also explaining the terminology used.

Considering how you have been answering up until now, i really don’t think anything useful will come out of your replies, but if you want to keep the discussion going, i’m okay with it as long as you actually can make good points and be precise. If you wanna just generalize and act like a SJW who doesn’t really have solid arguments but just ideas that disregard reality, please don’t lose the time and don’t make me lose time.

Got monsters to hunt and a palico to yell at.

This is biased and wrong.

There was also a second part, but it seems like the thread got removed. I’ll summarize the second part:
LGTB community was on a slippery slope to become as spammy as the majority of you guys are. Their threads were gettin flagged and closed left and right, so they made, FOR THEMSELVES AND BY THEMSELVES, a megathread. Since then, no more spam of any kind from them and guess what? Their self made megathread is still up. No one is flaggin, no one is complaining on either side.

You lack maturity, they don’t.
We don’t have a problem with players, or how they play or what they play.
We have a problem with spammers and poor reasoning.

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