Why Mercy Isn't Fun To Play | Video

Still doesn’t mean we are anywhere close to the majority.

No, I grew up in in an environment where “Honey” was meant as a term of affection, not one that is derogatory. So, don’t tell me the intentions of my own words, especially when you’re not me.

No, I was quoting you and pointing out the inconsistencies in your logic.

That’s called a bug, I was referring to his damage nerf.

That’s not unfair, certainly not as unfair as playing a Tank that’s supposed to counter him and then having your shield destroyed by a single ability. And before you take this out of context, Scatter required you to “miss” because a direct hit doesn’t yield the same damage.

What’s the difference between undoing an ability and simply preventing it from ever occurring. In effect, they do the exact same things, but nobody’s suggesting that because you need two or more ultimates to counter Transcendence we should rework Zenyatta.

Also if you seriously need SIX ULTIMATES to complete a team wipe that’s the sort of stuff a five man Resurrect was supposed to counter.


I like the idea, but I was thinking balance terms if it were to replace/overhaul Valkryie, not if it were just an add on.

Another idea, which is like a cross between the two, that would overhaul current Valk would be to increase healing output, but limit the chain to two (target plus one, so two in total.) Including Mercy herself, and take away the constant health regen. No speed increase other than what current Valk offers, and again just the half slash for rez’s Cooldown, but keep the cast time. This adds for more thought to be put into it, you have to be concerned where you place your beam and how close you are to the target so you don’t take the heals from someone who needs it (which, gives use to Valks flight in my opinion. Too close? Go up. Need heals? Guardian angel to the target.). And, it gives a slight boost to Rez. Still an incredibly agonisingly long 15 seconds, though.

mercy was a counter to ult spam

you should always keep track of ults and not blow them willy nilly

Ult spam counters itself

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Because making Valkyrie interactive isn’t really possible without fundamentally changing Valkyrie?

To make Valkyrie more interactive, I would:

  • Remove chain beams.
  • Slash the duration to 10 seconds or less.
  • Remove free flight and/or the beam range increase from Valkyrie.

And with those three changes, I have already made Valkyrie unrecognizable.

  • Remove infinite ammo on Mercy’s pistol.
  • Increase the damage of Mercy’s pistol.
  • Remove Mercy’s passive self-heal over time in Valkyrie and maybe replace it with a small healing aura.
  • Fundamentally change how Mercy’s beams work during Valkyrie (example: Small AoE burst healing for X amount, Y times/second rather than a constant stream of healing).
  • Maybe reduce GA’s cooldown to 1 second from 1.5.

And so on. Anything I would do to Valkyrie to make it more engaging would basically make it not Valkyrie, so we might as well scrap it entirely.

What do you mean by that?

Then it should be in their best interest to put it back as an ultimate, seeing that they had to slash other areas of Mercy’s kit that were unchanged by the rework to balance it.


During Valkyrie, press Q to switch to a seconds stage of Valkyrie that is more intense strengths, with higher weaknesses, that cannot be switched back from, until Valk runs out.

Then it would probably look like what I posted above, if I had any say in the matter.

I don’t think removing infinite fire is more engaging. Having to reload, you might as well not bother shooting and only heal / boost. Aoe ultimate healing is Zen. It’s recognizable alright. You’re zen.

Infinite ammo doesn’t exactly change anything, other than making Valkyrie more spammy. Considering that it takes 4 seconds to empty the magazine, a Mercy in Valkyrie (which features a faster pistol projectile speed) shouldn’t be firing for 4 seconds straight. Maybe 2 seconds to pop off a quick kill, and then it’s back to spectator mode with the dancing yellow beams.

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Is Mercy really supposed to spend so much time shooting in Valkyrie anyway? I mean, if the healing is so negligible that the team is fine with her using her pew-pew instead… doesn’t that say a lot about the quality of this support ult?

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I would say that Nano is worse. Because it doesn’t help Ana at all vs Mercy, in which she gets to fly around. I find the quality of the Mercy Ult extremely great.

I actually really like Nano the way it is now, only thing it lacks is also amplifying healing. Now I can, aside from empowering a teammate, also clutch-save someone important.

Also, Ana already has a very engaging kit, so having an ult that is a bit less engaging is fine to me. Maybe add a self-nano?

This is true. Comparing ult to ult is difficult knowing that a Hero Kit might have a lot to do with it. The cool downs to help balance that further.

Ana really is great isn’t she? Love her kit, she needs a bit more tuning (and some console specific changes) but I think maybe we’re finally going the right way with her.

Wish I could feel the same for Mercy. :confused:

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Ana’s base kit isn’t altered for the duration of the ultimate.

I would rather Valkyrie be removed from the game with no replacement than have it stay. It is less fun to use than Mercy’s base kit.

Not to mention that Ana’s ultimate opens up additional playmaking capacity for herself with Biotic Grenade and Sleep Dart while the enemy scrambles to counter the Nanoed target.


Mercy’s Ultimate heals multiple players allowing them all to make some sort of push / play. I would say that it’s stronger than the Nano in versatility.

Yeah, it might be more versatile. Versatility doesn’t mean anything if its stuck in mediocrity.


It’s 2018 can we not be moral puritans?

She has more to do after the rework than she did before the rework. She now:
-Is more engaging (more to think about, and more to do)
-Is much more fun
-Takes more skill
-Is much more balanced (she was ridiculously underpowered before the rework, if any of you remember correctly. Now she see’s a lot of play

Kudos to blizzard, seriously, on an extremely successful rework. I am very happy with the results and I’m so happy they are ignoring all the people who want a revert, because she was even more boring before the rework than she is now.