Why Mercy is one of the harder heroes

I’ll just say this, and afterwards I’ll go back to the thread topic, since I kind of don’t want this to be derailed any further at this point.

The issue isn’t making an opinion. That’s completely fine. But speaking for the one in question, the act in which it’s done, among other actions I’ve seen, is questionable.

Harassing or Defamatory

This category includes both clear and masked language and/or links to websites containing such language or images which:

  • Insultingly refer to other characters, players, Blizzard employees, or groups of people
  • Result in ongoing harassment to other characters, players, Blizzard employees, or groups of people

If a player is found to have participated in such actions, he/she will:

  • Be given a temporary ban from the forums, depending upon severity

Harassment takes many forms, and is not necessarily limited to the type of language used, but the intent. Repeatedly targeting a specific player with harassment can lead to more severe action. The idea behind this is to prevent any one player from consistently being uncomfortable in the forums.

The issue here is the tendancy to stalk other forumers around and essentially spam them with replies on most (if not all) posts they make, whether they are actually talking to that individual or not. I can see if the person in question is having a conversation with them, with a normal back and fourth exchange, but what seems to be aggressively partaking in an endless loop of forcing an opinion on others (who in most cases don’t ask for their opinion to begin with) and instead of simply agreeing to disagree with them, continues to the point by which it starts fights, even after the person they are talking to has already dismissed or saw their point of view, is something I’ve witnessed for quite some time now. I can say I’ve experienced this, as it’s the main reason as to why I ignore their posts for the most part - despite the fact that they’re almost always quoting, referencing, and trying to talk to me when Mercy is the subject.

But even disregarding that aspect, in the case of not only constantly targeting specific people, but also referring to them in a lot of cases to be a quite derogatory way. For example, right on cue, is this remark copy/pasted constantly and out of context in many mercy threads…

Notice how out of context the post is in regards to the thread? This is because it is a smear, and the goal of them saying this is to try and talk about me in a derogatory manner. I believe there’s some cause for concern for such derogatory attacks and misinformation, especially as 9 times out of 10, they are brought about offtopic, and unprovoked. No matter how much we may not like someone or their views, consistently talking about other people off topic and out of context in this way, which in turn ends up derailing the thread and starting fights, is not okay.

I’ve seen this happen with Fritz, Titanium, Sovereign (when they were here, not sure if they still come here), as well as many others, as well as myself quite often, and it’s been a theme that’s been going on for what seems to be months now. And I should reiterate that this isn’t brought about upon request, but as an out-of-context deragatory smear that happens without any provocation. As proven in this very thread.

Now, I should be clear and say that there’s nothing wrong with just making a post or a few and being done with it, and there’s also nothing wrong with not agreeing with someone’s opinion. Disagreeing with someone is always fine to do, if not encouraged, but when one actively seeks out threads that a specific forumer is in, just to derail their topics with starting arguments with the OP or by causing arguments by constantly starting past drama or talking about someone in a derogatory fashion, I think we have to realize just what the motives behind these words are, and question how such posts are constructive and healthy to the discussion and topic at hand.

And let me be the first to say, I’m no saint, and never claimed to be one. Not at all. None of us are, and I’ve even went as far as make a public apology for said actions this person has claimed I took part in regarding the raid months ago, as well as many others mentioned (which is conveniently left out).

But the reality is, people are moving on. I think it’s fair to say that many forumers, myself included, don’t feel at all comfortable with such behavior and attacks - especially for just having an opinion about a video game. And I think it’s certainly something worth looking into at a higher level. Not only for the benefit of healthy discussion, but also for the benefit of players on the forums who don’t think everything about Mercy is fine. At this point, I believe it’s definitely a cause for concern. :thinking:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


The post i made was topical in the context of the post I replied to, which explained why some Mercy main forum members have a bad reputation here

I completely disagree with you there, but you are entitled to that opinion. I believe it’s best at this point to let the mods be the judge on it, and suggest that we get back on topic. Thanks. :blush:

I agree. I remember having a comp that consisted 3 tanks, and I was the only solo healer as mercy. We ended up winning but due to no one on the team being willing to be a second healer, many were complaining that the Mercy should have switched to Moira or Ana for more heals. Feels bad.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


If you add up all the comments made in any thread that mentions Mercy: you’ll notice dodo makes up about 5% of the posts and says literally the same thing in each of them.


I just find her/his post annoying. Like a jehova witness putting his foot in the door.


Anyone who says Mercy is easy to master has never attempted a Super Jump Resurrect.

Jump too late and you break your own Rez, jump too early and you’re dead meat, and the room for error between the two is less than a quarter of a second. Yeah, keep telling yourself that the ceiling for Mercy is low.


The same can be said for a number of forum members

If a forum member writes that Mercy cant move during rez - a statement i have seen dozens of times - should my reply somehow be different each time even tho the only proper response is that she can move during rez?

Said another way - i end up replying similarly because the same statements are made repeatedly by others

I find some posters to be annoying as well, but i dont think this constitutes a violation of the forum rules

What I got out of this post was bascially…

“Mercy’s tools for directly affecting the game state are weak and/or clunky, so Mercy is much more difficult than she appears because you need to not waste any time at all.”

And I must say… I completely agree.


Close enough, honestly


As long as your post contains the word Mercy you can expect to see him. :joy:


Any forum member is permitted by forum rules to participate in any thread, as they deem fit

The only solution

Stop making threads about Mercy


Side question Fritz, have you seen my attempt at fixing that problem? Found here.

I didn’t say you couldn’t respond, I simply stated that you reply to every Mercy thread. You like to find things that aren’t there.


My statement was correct and topical within the context of the statement i replied to, which implied (as i see it) that my actions were problematic in some unstated fashion

On a related note, i do not reply to every mercy thread

So in other words you assumed I meant negative intent when I made that statement?

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As I said, it appeared (to me) to be implied, as I read the statement in question

as violet chachki says : COME THROUGH!!!

I dont know the reference here, sorry

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