Why Mercy is one of the harder heroes

And yet the most Mercy healing you’ve ever done in a match is 6,045. Wow.

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I don’t think mercy is the hardest hero. Nor do I think she’s the easiest hero.

But I do think she has some of the most forgiving healing in the game.

Like my buddy mega is elaborating on here-

Her healing is the lowest on paper, at only 50 hps with no chance for burst.


It requires no resources. No reload. No cooldown. And no aim. Once a beam is locked mercy can be looking any direction she likes- and maintain healing. If Ana has to look away for any reason, be it just to monitor the field or because an opponent is getting in her face, no healing. Mercy however will keep pumping it out.

She doesn’t even need to maintain unobstructed LoS. A target can go around a corner, and the beam will clip through the wall for up to 3 seconds, giving 150 health to targets who do so.

It goes through shields and barriers.

Goes through defense matrix.

At the end of the day mercy is one of the highest overall healers, with one of the “lowest” forms of healing, entirely because of how reliable it is.

The difference between a “good” mercy and a “bad” mercy, for healing, is minimal. Far less than the difference in healing between a good Ana and a bad Ana, for example.

I think what genuinely sets a good mercy apart from a typical mercy, and what influence she her skill floor the most-

Is ressurect.

It’s a difficult ability to use properly in the context of overwatch. Getting big value out of it, isn’t easy- and is one of the areas that will make a good vs bad mercy player be very obvious.

There’s a huge difference between a mercy who only uses it on targets who died behind their friendly lines, or gets picked off on every attempt- and a mercy who is able to weave through enemies and pick up vital front line team mates without losing her head in the process when she sticks her neck out.

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You shouldn’t assume things. Not everyone on the forums is out to get you. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Plz stop loooooooool

It is certainly possible than nothing was implied, but on second reading, i still perceive implied meaning. Fwiw.

Mercy is not the hardest hero in the game, but she is by no means the easiest. It’s very easy to get some value out of her, but it takes work to play her to her full potential. You’re constantly juggling quite a few things, and solving little mini puzzles. She’s kind of similar to tanks in that regard.

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I mean she very well could be if she had an ability in place of res that’s used more often and is more challenging to min/max. They could just provide a res charge during Valk so that it’s still a part of her kit. Many have already speculated on what that ability could be, but there are so many options that would make her much more interactive, with a bit more to think about and less downtime.

A lot of players think that she’s just missing something, we want to add to her kit not take away from it.

@JRoy: Have you looked at BigMainLittleChains?

Finding a reason to play her is harder.
But playing her isn’t harder.

Aka, still a very easy and basic hero new players can pick up. And there’s nothing wrong with that. Heck I main Solider76 who I also consider one of the easiest heros as well. And also has becoming very hard to find a reason to play him. But that does not make him a hard hero to play.

Personally, S76 is in the situation of he has very much going for him. He is quite feature rich. All of his indirect damage buffs make him almost on par with some other heroes.

Ana dps or heal. Nade self, team or enemy. Save sleep to save self or use sleep to help team.
Moira dps or heal. Use ult to heal team or try to kill enemy supports. Burn cooldown on damage orb or heal orb. Conserve resource or don’t.
Mercy is anything but a mistakes matter healer. She has two modes. Heal or damage boost. If damage boost, it’s on your dps more than likely. If heal, nobody above plat is going to say anything if they die through the healing because they’re the ones that need to play more defensively.

Moira has to stop healing to be able to heal more.
Ana Has to stop healing to actually deal with the flanker’s on her.
This is a terrible argument. Healer’s have to take risks and make sacrifices, to nobodies surprise.

Mercy can literally win a team fight for her team alone by taking out the enemy supports from angles the enemy just cant deal with. Stop downplaying her strengths because you prefer to play her at her weakness’.

No. They’re the standard for this Meta. There’s a difference.


So we’re supposed to use Valk to attack as Mercy?

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I think the concept of burst healing or aoe healing is fairly on point as a standard in the game.

Every main healer can theoretically maintain mercy’s 50 healing per second on a singular target or better. As a whole, having effects to AoE heal or burst heal will nearly always be more lucrative as an option as you can just do more stuff. The kicker is just human ability really.

Its one possible use, and in some circumstances, the best use

Another example of the versatility of Valkyrie


It only tracks current season on this site as far as I’m aware. I haven’t played a full game of Mercy this season and I don’t intend to either. I much prefer Ana if I have to heal.

But good job pulling up flawed statistics you tard, I definitely have more healing than that.

Mercy is one of the easiest, if not THE easiest character in the game, deal with it.

Nice try. (20 LOL characters)

D.vaMary 1, bad guys 0.

a year of dive followed by a few months of one shot comps would beg to differ. The meta defines what type of healing is required. We’re in a tank heavy meta, so burst is in higher demand. However in one shot or dive, it’s all about consistent or sustain. Mercy is still the best healer for those type of comps. Just because that isn’t meta currently, does not negate the fact.

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Are you supposed to use Moira’s orb to heal or attack?

Are you supposed to use anas nade to heal or attack?

Are you “supposed” to use valk to attack?

Yes. Sometimes. When the situation calls for it. This however doesn’t mean always. It’s a potentially viable use for it, where the best use is always based on the context.


That’s your own issue, I don’t find it hard whatsoever to pick off a mercy with it.