Why Mercy is one of the harder heroes

Zen can have both his healing and damage boost active while at the same time shooting.

Ana has AOE burst heal and she doesn’t have to switch weapons to do damage, in fact she can fully heal her target and after that her shots go through a full hp target till it hits something, be it another injured ally or an enemy.

Hard disagree. Nanoes defensive properties are very underestimated and it does bail people out, it became a serious clutch ult after the burst heal was added and I’d suggest you look into it. Better bail out a tank by burst healing for 500 than letting him die and saving it for another team fight.

Brig yes but Moiras ult coupled with her orb is 215 hps, unless it’s something as strong as Grav + Dragonblade, she is fully capable of keeping teammates alive with it through other attacks.

One does not need to make such a request in a public forum…posting implictly invites replies

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Because you’ve been hijacking my thread and clearly ignoring my original intentions with it.

I like playing Mercy in moderation and I don’t think her kit is super weak. I think that playing her is challenge after all the nerfs and if you’re up to that challenge, you can do very well with her.


I have not hijacked this thread.

Disagreement is not hijacking

No, but stalking my thread and scaring away/fighting everyone that agrees with me kinda is hijacking.


So does every other character in the game. I quit playing Mercy because she is so very very very easy and boring.

Replying to a thread is the basis of discussion.

There is no stalking here, nor any hijacking

I have offered my point of view, and have done nothing to scare anyone off, nor have there been any fights

She’s easy to pick up, but her ceiling plateaus earlier than heroes like Ana or Zen. Aside from beam/rez priority, the most you can do is juggle between her staff and gun effectively while landing shots.

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I must say, I do notice that as well. They do the same on my threads, as well as many other Mercy threads, starting fights with people, forcing their opinions on others unrequested, and taking things out of context. I question why they insist on harassing mercy players and derailing topics in such a way. I do believe a mod should look into it at this point. It’s kind of getting out of hand.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


But Zen has 5 people to choose from for healing and 6 enemies to choose from for discord. He’s got pretty much twice as much management on his plate than Mercy.

Yes, a 100 heal burst every 10 seconds. This does not take away from the choice she has to make as to who to heal or to damage. Once again, twice as many targets to keep track of than Mercy.

This is only a boon when the stars align and your number 2 target happens to be directly on the otherside of your number 1 target as they get healed. Not the most common occurrence.

You misunderstand. I am fully aware of Nano’s defensive capabilities, I’m simply comparing it’s value to an offensive Nano. As this:

Is not always the case. Sometimes it is, indeed better, to allow the tank to die, let the team regroup and then initiate with Nano + DPS ult, or even just Nano the tank when the whole team is in position to support him and abuse the space they make. And even if it is better to keep the tank alive, the reason why that is valuable is because Tanks have high HP and usually, good close range damage. Nano provides them the health, the extra damage and the DR to get in close and wreak havoc in the enemy team. So, in other words, it meets this condition:

That I mentioned in the first place.

On paper. That is not a reliable 215HP/S though. The orb is required to Travel, during which time it can bounce off path from someone who now needs it, or the orb can be DMed, or it can run out. Moira’s Ult is fine for keeping the team topped up in a fight, with it’s high HP/S especially with a Biotic orb, as you mentioned. However, it’s unreliability and it’s slow start-up time does not make it a feasible method of acting as a “get out of jail free” card.

There has been no fighting, nor any harrassment, nor any detailment by me

There have been ad hominems directed at me, including some in the statement quoted above

Because they disagree with you?

That’s fine in you want Mercy reverted, doesn’t mean it’s going to happen, doesn’t mean it should. The important thing is what the devs think and that’s that Mercy is fine.

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Someone needs to teach you the art of battle Mercy.

Sometimes it’s more effective to break out the pistol to focus fire an Ulting Soldier or Genji than hold down left click and pray.

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Indeed…so many forum members mistake disagreement as something against the rules…if everyone agrees on every topic, what discussion would there be?

Admittedly, I’ve never been one to pull out the pistol much, even at times when that may be the best thing to do. I usually opt to hold down right click and let the heroes, who are designed to do damage, do damage.

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I don’t always agree with their posts (rarely even), but stating personal opinions shouldn’t require action against them.

At least they’re respectful about it.

It’s so fun to snipe that Zen across the choke point tho…

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A lot of people who want Mercy buffed or reverted aren’t looking for discussions, they are looking for a safe space where everyone agrees with them. That vocal part of Mercy mains are the reason the group has a bad rep as a whole and some people even call them a cult. This is why the mega thread was created, there was so many mercy topics.

Some say they want her to be more engaging or fun, other people have pointed out she is plenty engaging and they have fun playing her. Some say she’s useless and people have pointed out she isn’t , the devs said they like how she is doing. However, some people still refuse to play other heroes instead of one that they do not like and blame the character. No one is forcing them to play Mercy.

That the Revert/Reworkmercy groups also make toxic videos attacking Blizzard and making personal attacks on specific named employees thereof, conduct raids on the forums, and promote boycotts against the game - and openly state all these things are right and just to do - also contributes to said impression

There are over 2 dozen characters in the game, and if a player no longer enjoys character x, the player should move on to another character. This happened to me with the Torb rework…I hate Nerfedbjorn, and as such I moved on

And Mercy has 5 people to choose from healing and she has 5 people to choose from damage boosting and 6 people to choose whether to shoot at or not, but she has to choose if she can stop healing to do either of that while Zen has to press a button without even interrupting his orb spam.

You do know Mercy has a pistol she can do damage with right? Well the fact that you disregard it, despite it having a significant damage output just proves the point. Mercy having to swap weapons to do damage herself was the whole point about having to make difficult choices.

I mean it’s not something I’ve just theorized, I’m a moira main too and I constantly keep people alive with. Even without the orb thats 140 hps, you can basically instaheal any squishie and a 1 hp d.va to 600 in 4 seconds. It can and should be used for BOTH defence and offence

Nice try, but these are the same 5 people. 5 people to keep track of is 5 people to keep track of, regardless of what you’re doing with them. If you want to inflate numbers like that then Ana has 5 heal targets to choose from, 5 Nano targets to choose from, 6 damage targets to choose from, 6 sleep dart targets to choose from and 11 Bio nade targets to choose from.

We’re talking about the majority of the time - typical cicrumstances. As admitted, I feel like I always used the Pistol less than I perhaps should, but let us not pretend that you’re going to have it out for anything close to even a 6th of the match if you’re playing a competitive game.