Why Mercy is one of the harder heroes

As I said, I am aware she is in favor of some sort of tweak, but I am not aware that she has made any other statements relating to this.

I brought her up to point out an example of a player one could watch to see the difference between skilled mercy play and unskilled. That remains my point here.

Whatever helps you sleep at night dude


if carry to you is heal the one who carries then yes

She’s easy to pick up, her kit is beginner friendly, minimal aim and stuff.

But she’s one of the harder ones to master. Survivability is key. You can definitely tell the difference between an ok Mercy and a great Mercy.

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Despite that, i have witnessed it multiple times in multiple levels of play…and the statement i was replying to indicated (gist, not a quote) that she has no carry potential

I sleep fine, tho i dont know what this has to do with Mercy or OW

Far more than that…

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To me she’s one of the harder supports. She takes gamesense, mechanics, and positioning and all in her own unique way; just like Lucio.

In addition, her extremely supportive focus might make her intuitive for regular support players, but someone alien to the role can easily have a bad time on Mercy.

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I like playing mercy in quad DPS, but it’s super stressful. :upside_down_face:

It sounds like youre saying she isnt easy to play well

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If only. A stick shift gives you more control over your car…

I get your analogy though. I just miss my standard transmission :frowning:

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I mean the same can be said about many disliking current mercy.


This is also true, though one of the respondents from earlier in this thread does not seem to believe that a statement from a forum member stating their like or dislike of x is indicative of their like or dislike of x

But again - yes, there are many folks on both sides

Well said. I fall into this camp as well. :blush:

While I enjoy the core aspects of her kit (i.e. GA, her self-heal, dedicated healing / dmg boost, Angelic descent), I certainly do see many other areas where she can be improved as of late.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

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Without the need to blush, i can affirm that I and many others find her well balanced, impactful, and fun to play in her current state, and ergo in no need of any changes

So does Zen. So does Ana. If we go back to the time before Bap, Brig and Moria, Lucio is the only healer that doesn’t. This isn’t something that makes Mercy special.

Yes, this is the trade-off for it being one of the most powerful abilities in the game and also being unmissable. There has to be some counter-play mechanism to prevent it being OP, so I’d hardly consider this much of a penalty.

I agree with the first statement. Valk kinda sucks. But Nano is not meant to be used to bail people out of a sticky situation. Sure, it can be with the burst heals and the DR, but unless you’re expecting that hero to make a swift turn around and take up the driver’s seat that is a very poor use of Nano. Meanwhile Moira and Brig’s ults are better used as initiation ults. They don’t have enough burst potential to correct misplays - not like Sound Barrier and Trans do.

Still, none of this is really stuff that makes her “harder”.

That’s funny… I don’t recall asking for your opinion or affirmation. :thinking:

Once again, great points made. I agree. :blush:

That analogy is so spot on, it’s scary. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


Personally, I dont see any of the statement as analogous in any fashion

Yes I am…

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