Why Mercy is one of the harder heroes

Baptiste’s Healing Grenades do take precision, you have to constantly calculate how far your shots will go and how much they will arc, similar to that of Junkrat’s bombs but without ricochets.

Unless you are spot on near your team at all times, those grenades aren’t exactly easy to aim with.

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And teammates move…oddly enough, a Mercy beam will usually stay connected when this occurs…ana misses, baptist misses, moira runs out of juice, and Mercy keeps healing

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I guess we can agree to disagree. People have different skillsets and projectiles aren’t everyone’s strong suits.

But ask yourself this: If Junkrat’s nades were as forgiving as Baptiste’s would that be balanced?

Baptiste’s Grenades don’t do 130 Damage upon contact. You’re taking this deeper than it was intended. I was comparing them in how they flow mechanically, sharing similar nature of projectiles.

Very well then, but the case is still standing that Baptiste’s Grenades are harder to use than Mercy’s beam, which can justify the larger output.


The very idea to waste half of ultimate on a flying Mercy instead of healing my teammates and have faith in them to kill her themselves is a mistake itself.

Baptiste again, needs to have decent aim skills like every other hitscan to take her out, it is not like his ultimate magically makes the player better.

Mercy has a level of difficulty because burst damage is a thing now, but that does not mean the rest of supports have insanely better abilities.

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So is mine. You do know she is in favor of a rework and considers her to be weak right?

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all those thing you’re talking about are easy to use, mercy is an ez hero with no carry potential

Lol, i have an account in low gm and i still play mercy and i still dont think she is that hard.

I would not pick mercy in general for high ranks, maybe on certain maps. All other supports have way more to offer.


I know she favors a tweak. I have not read that she favors any major changes

That said, her stance on Mercys state was not why i referenced her

Ive seen Mercy carry many times at many different levels of play, even before the Valkyrie buff

Each support has different abilities they bring to the table, but I wouldnt say the others bring more on the whole

A good analogy there. I can’t deny that.

I don’t see what relevance the above quoted reply has to this thread? This doesn’t appear to be a thread regarding many or some players not liking Mercy or vice versa. Also ‘many’ liking Mercy is factually unproven, as is many unliking Mercy is also factually unproven. We, the players, don’t really know actual numbers on either side.


Yeah she is against the 50 hps nerf which you are in support of and she was in the #rework mercy discussion with other streamers and supported changes to her kit. So even your favourite high elo mercy players think she is weak.


I agree with the point you’re trying to make.

Mercy, due to how easy it is to reach her maximum number potential (Healing output, damage boosted, not-dying, etc.) requires far more work to out-value other healers who can do so much more due to their much higher maximum number potential.

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Many liking Mercy has been proven many times over

For Mercy to carry, her team needs some basic level of competence. Which is hard to come by.

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I’m going to end the discussion here as this debate is effectively de-railing the thread, but on many occasions when this has come up you’ve not been able to factually prove it when asked for relevant datasets or proof to back up the boldish claim of ‘many liking Mercy’.

EDIT: Your reply to this post just shows you can’t prove it then, thanks for confirming! A few hundred unconfirmed statements from apparent Mercy players, on a forum, is an insufficent sample size assuming that sample size is even consisting of Mercy mains.

Further notifications of replies are now muted so that I can avoid joining into derailing


I havent read statements from her with those specifics.

My point is that she plays Mercy well in her current state and is a player to watch if one doubts there is a difference between unskilled Mercy play and skilled Mercy play.

There is no need for me to prove it, as it is proven by hundreds of statements by Mercy players scross many mercy-related threads on these forums

And my point is that a skilled mercy player that you respect also thinks she is weak and needs buffs. Glad we have the same favourite mercy player <3