Why Mercy is one of the harder heroes

I personally consider the beam breaking when initiating Valk to be a bug, and i do hope they fix that

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Coalescence, Amp Matrix and Nano all counter Valkyrie…

Moira and Baptiste can use their ults to easily pick Mercy out of the sky and all three use their higher healing/damage numbers to out compete.

Nano= 50% Damage Amp, 50% Damage Resist, 250 Burst Heal
Matrix= 100% Damage/Heal Amp
Coalescence- Unblockable 140 hps and 70 dps
Valk= 60 hps or 30% Damage Amp

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Coalescence is best used for healing first, attack as a distant second; and the beam is very hard to hold on a flying Mercy

Never had an issue picking Mercy out of the sky with Coalescence, personally.

The beam is pretty thick so you don’t even have to have very good tracking


I think you’re over exaggerating. Valkyrie can be used very flexibly, much like Sound Barrier can. It can decisively sway a fight unless you’re subject to a hitscans ultimate.

Use it to push in, use it to fly to desperate teammates, added damage to secure a fight after the first pick works a lot!

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Is that because Mercy gets picked out of the sky or because Valk’s healing is too low to save anyone from a hitscan ult?

Because both. You shouldn’t try to use Valk to resist visor or high noon, but Valk works well against bob because it can mitigate the damage and help your team focus it down.

If you consistently get hitscan’d out of the sky during Valkyrie, you’ve got poor positioning.


Not even good against BOB. He does 112 dps and you’re only doing 60 hps.

Headshots with the no reload pistol might be better against BOB than trying to heal someone through the damage, honestly

The blue team beam is what you should be using to fight bob, not yellow. Healing is not all a Support hero is capable of. If your tanks are too stupid to block Bob damage, gg.

Only an idiot would try to outheal bob damage, especially with mercy or anything but nano boost.

It is good against any attack that isnt one shot kill, because death is delayed. The delay allows time for other things to occur, including but not limited to getting to cover


Or if they died because a Mercy beam isn’t enough to save them from being focused lol

There is no healing in the game that guarentees surviving focused fire…nor should there be. In a game like this, healing should never exceed damage

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I wouldn’t say she’s a hard hero to play. I think she’s easy to pick up and get the basics down, but she’s def hard to master. People don’t realize that Mercys are better or worse based on small minor details. Just including her kit, it’s all about little details to get the most value you out her kit.


Baptiste, Moira and Ana can all hit 105-140 hps in midfight gameplay.

Mercy’s got 50 hps to work with.

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Very true. Little things have big consequences with Mercy. She’s nowhere near as forgiving as people think.


This just means the enemy has terrible focus fire, which is common but doesn’t make Mercy harder.

Most support ults are harder to get the necessary value to justify their use, and have graver consequences for wasting it. If a rez fails no one cares. If a beat fails you’re probably screwed.

Valk is not a SHTF ult. It’s an economic ult, and you should be using it to force ults or push an ult advantage. Just because your team won’t w+m1 doesn’t mean Mercy is hard.

What actually makes Mercy hard are GA techs. The best Mercies compete with the likes of Hammond, primal and DF for most mobility in the game.

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For the record:

Baptiste and Ana require a lot of accuracy to even be able to reach said amounts of healing capability. Their healing is not guaranteed nor easy to use, Mercy’s healing is guaranteed and easy to use.

Moira has to use an ability on top of her healing spray to attain such healing.

I don’t mean to understate Mercy or whatever, but Mercy’s healing isn’t exactly difficult to use.

They only reach those amounts of healing because of a Skill to Reward ratio.


Even assuming those characters hit their shots and etc, none of those guarantees survival against focused fire

Hero is bad =/= takes a lot of skill to use.


Ana maybe. But Baptiste’s healing isn’t difficult to aim with its large splash especially on grounded teammates.

Baptiste’s skill comes from aiming his Damage not his Healing