There are far way too many ults out there that are consistent team wipers. I’m talking about ults like Rip Tire, Death Blossom, Dragoblade, Grav Combos.
If not this you could spam ults like crazy and win a match. (BEFORE YOU SAY THIS IS NOT A VIABLE STRAT IN GM SHUT UP ITS A VIABLE STRAT IN GOLD AND PLAT). It was a fair strategy when this game was designed to be a casual shooter.
Blizzard was fully aware of how dumb this was and designed Mercy and the game around Huge Rez.
Fast forward to a year and a couple of months later, and DPS Mains start to cry since their team wipes were negated constantly by Mercy since killing Mercy was not a priority.
Now fast forward to today and team wipes happen to often and spamming ults is a viable strat.
We need a heroine, an angel, we need Mercy to return.