Why limited to PC?

Everyone I saw this post get bumped, I have posted details about the limiations for console players to get the Brigitte skin here:

LOL how is it “no”, I am talking about supporting any and all streamers who supported OW during the dark times, not people who ditched the game. But let’s be realistic here- it’s not about “deserves” its about business but you’d be lying to yourself that the streamers don’t also benefit. I never said it was a charity drive, but you guys going off on “oh, I really know what its about” are forgetting yes, at the end of the day this is all a simple equation:

Blizz runs a for-profit business providing entertainment at a cost - you pay a cost to have that entertainment. That’s all it comes down to. If some direct “good” can occur along the way like the Pink Mercy skin or even say this level where it’s indirect, it’s better than just it all going to Blizz right? It’s first for advertising no doubt, but it’s also a handy way to help entice people into view OW and support streamers. Stop being so dichotomous in your thinking, there is win-win-win here.

Yeah expect they are relying on us to spare the costs of their advertising.

Which is perfectly fine, fwiw you pay for all their advertising any way, at least this is direct and helps streamers. Like it or not you pay for everything you get from Blizzard on some level, so what? They aren’t a state-run charity service…

So like I originally said, the less people who buy it the better.

So it’s the cut-off-my-nose-to-spite-my-face line of reasoning - okay.

First off it is $15. If you are paying $18 you are paying at the wrong location (streamers outright say not to gift subs from the App store because Apple just pockets $1 and the charge is passed on).

Second, whatever technical thing they ran into is clearly not worth dealing with when everyone will have it in 3 months and in the grand scheme of several years 3 months is not worth worrying about.