Why limited to PC?

I’ve seen a lot of hate towards the new Brigitte skin whether it be that the listed streamers don’t play the game anymore or that people are mad that it’s a skin for Brigitte. My biggest issue is that it is limited to only PC. I play on Xbox and always have and it’s really upsetting to see that a skin that I would be happy to purchase if it means I can support 1-3 streamers with a gifted sub, but I won’t be able to even use the skin.


Supposedly it’s going to go across your blizzard account. So, it’ll hit your Xbox in October. :woman_shrugging:t3:


Because pc is superior


If I had to guess, it’s some legal junk.

It’s likely going to be available to you later. There’s some tech issue which is the reason why you can’t get it now. Though I don’t think they made it obvious enough that you can’t get it on console.

They’ve released every other skin in the game across all platforms at the same time before this. I don’t care what excuse you ppl invent there is no good reason for this. Its their game and their skin. Releasing a skin they made in their game that people paid $18 for shouldn’t be rocket science. Give everyone what they pay for when they pay for it or don’t sell it at all.


POV: you paid 3x the amount for a PC than a new console and get 10 more fps

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It’s more than a little silly given that account inventories are getting combined across all platforms in overwatch 2.0. (Optional for existing accounts, but I’m guessing moving forward all new accounts will be combined.)

I hope so. Ive played this game for a long time and it would suck if this new way to buy skins is limited to one platform. I assume they will be doing more of these support a creator events.

And no longer a slave to a software ecosystem. There is that…


Well, the less people that buy the skin the better.


Why exactly? How is denying income to Blizz/streamers/Twitch and not getting a skin “better”?

Because blizzard is using their consumers to pay for the advertising that they should be paying for lol. This skin is extra scummy, no matter your stance on anything else.

PC is used more than just gaming and 10 more fps.

I had just posted this on another thread, but will share it here too:

Depends on how much you want to pay. I own a ps5, but I also own a gaming pc simply for OW, but this pc isn’t very good. It can run OW at least, but not new games like AC Valhalla or Cyberpunk. My pc crashes. My PS5 runs games more smoothly.

PC gaming has a lot more benefits than an extra 10fps. Many console games still can’t achieve 60fps without making visual sacrifices. I have a high end PC (3080/5800x/32GB) and a PS5 and my PC absolutely blows the PS5 away in performance.

Because Blizzard don’t deserve it.

Because most of the streamers don’t deserve it, and don’t even play Overwatch. Also, most of them are already incredibly wealthy.

But you got something for it -and you already pay for advertising bro… you were told how it works, the relationship, take it or leave it. Not caring for it is not “scummy”.

Blizzard “not deserving it” is an opinion. As for supporting streamers, many on their do deserve it. Focus on that.

Actually no, the ones who do deserve it are the small streamers who have stuck by Overwatch for god knows what reason. But no, let’s reward big streamers who haven’t touched the game in 5 years or never even played the game.

It has nothing to do with supporting streamers and never did in the first place. It’s all about advertising Overwatch 2, which is why Blizzard have completely irrelevant people involved.