Why? like seriously why?

Continuing the discussion from Update for Unranked Leaver Penalties:

Like just why ? Why do we neeed this ? At this point get rid of unranked then like tf is the point of casual play ? Inb4 ppl accuse me of leaving 50x no i hardly leave ever like ever . So the fact that even i think this isnt needed lol .


They gave up trying to fix competitive matchmaking, so people started to treat QP like comp. Instead of just fixing comp, theyā€™re cracking down on QP.


Looks completely reasonable to me. How many games do you plan on leaving?


If you arenā€™t a chronic leaver you have nothing to fear.


I like to think outside the gas, because Iā€™m the sharpest bulb in the bush.


Imagine having to deal with consequences for your actions.


I got disconnected because of my internet ( though this is the only game I disconnect from, funny ) and have a 4 hour suspension. I call bullcrap on all of this.

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Oh wow they nerfed the leaver penalty. Crazy.


Given the constant hiccups with blizz servers everyone should fear for their accounts lol


What server do you both play on?

I have never had an issue with the servers or been randomly kicked from a game for over a year.


Youā€™ve never seen the server has closed due to an unexpected error? I refuse to believe that, especially if itā€™s on NA West.


I have. Multiple times, but Iā€™ve not been penalized for it. Even a situation where I had 3 in a row, no penalty time at all or other messages.

Oh I see what youā€™re saying. I havenā€™t either, but I saw it more pre-leaver penalty. Thereā€™s also the server disconnect bug Blizzardā€™s addressed. I havenā€™t experienced it but obviously itā€™s going around.


Iā€™m on NA East and I havenā€™t experienced that, when not playing during Maintenance times, since like a year ago. :man_shrugging:

Just lucky I guess? But I havenā€™t heard anyone complain about it until this thread.

The 1 disconnect = full ban is a recent thing that Blizzard addressed. :person_shrugging:

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Oh. I never heard about that either. I must have been living under a rock. lol

thanks for the clarification.

I havenā€™t seen it personally either and of course when people started complaining about it, you canā€™t help but be skeptical. I like to bring up the bronze bug a lot - NO ONE believed anyone saying they were being trapped in bronze until Blizzard says, ā€œWhoops, thereā€™s a bronze bug and some people werenā€™t able to rank up.ā€



My partner got hit by the Bronze Bug when it all went down. What a mess that was. :skull:

So I always look at every Blizzard system in this game like this, ā€œHereā€™s how itā€™s supposed to work IF itā€™s working correctly and thatā€™s a big if.ā€ :laughing: At this point Iā€™m convinced a lot of the systems are off the rails.


Iā€™m glad their easing up a bit. I kinda figured they would when I saw that even some of the names in the creator community were saying ā€˜Uh, maybe this is a bit muchā€™

Now we need to reorganize that same pressure towards their ā€˜No swearing periodā€™ stuff. One battle at a time, heros lol