Why? like seriously why?

Yeah, I am veeeery much in favour of leaver penalties, even having sucky internet myself at times, but the penalties were a bit much.
The new ones are pretty fair imo

Because apparently people haven’t gotten the message that bailing on games after they start isn’t okay.

They’ve eased back on the duration for the penalties, which is fine. But they’re not going anywhere. Leavers ruined it for everyone. Blame them.

And people play video games for fun.
Leavers make the match fun for everyone else.
Your ‘fun’ isn’t more important than the fun of 9 other players.

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If we would have been more reasonable with our leaves these past 7 years, we wouldn’t have penalties


Yeah, I can see why a toxic kid like you thinks he should be able to do what he wants.
Can’t wait for your “I have been banned for saying gg!” post soon

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My problem is that the leaver penalty is busted as all heck, I left 2 out of 20 games and got a 4 hour suspension. It’s a complete joke…


Having bad internet isn’t an excuse to ruin matches

I’m anti-penalty in a casual mode just as a general rule. But I know certain corners of this fanbase will act like the sky is falling if people are ever allowed to leave unimpeded as often as they want.

This is a start. 48 hours still seems a bit much on the back half, but can’t get it all in one update.


Are you sure you care about the other 8 players? Or are you just angry that someone left and you’re using the other players as emotional blackmail?


Everyone should consider if they are one of the leavers that Blizz said OW might be better off without


Yes. That’s why I didn’t leave much even before the penalties came into place.

Cool, not everyone shares your opinion.


Never said they did.
But the devs clearly share the sentiment of leavers being bad for the game. :person_shrugging:


Hope you get better as a person :slight_smile:


Of course, they are bad for the game, they make matchmaking harder to control.

The solution isn’t to just throw in penalties to try to hurt those naughty leavers and ignore the reasons they leave though.


Stop asking me why am I afk, the answer is we are waiting for a 5th, dummy.

There shouldn’t be leaver penalties at all for unranked modes. Now I spend every match reporting people for AFK and throwing instead. When will they realize this is a stupid hill to die on? Keep peeling it back each patch but they’ll never admit it was silly how heavy handed this whole thing is.



I don’t give a damn if you leave, you get replaced within seconds, maybe a full minute at most for that new player to be in the fight. I would rather you leave if you’re tilted and can’t play well than degrade the quality of my match by throwing or flaming the hell out of ppl. Past that, it’s QP, I care about my performance, not winning or losing. All that does is change a few numbers in my stats tab. I’m playing QP to have fun and/or improve without the stress of ranking up/down.

Just revert to s8 tbh. I enjoyed s1-s8 of OW2 no problem, but s9-10 have made me seriously consider uninstalling every day I play. Even a week break from the game doesn’t help.


Map type selection.

That’s it Blizzard. What part of control, push, flashpoint being awful wastes of time that causes leavers do you not understand?

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