Why isn't Pharah listed as a sniper?

But why is Ana considered a sniper if she lacks one shotting potential. It seems like these rules a tad bit flexible.

ana is not a sniper?!!?!? she is a healer
she is sniper by lore but not in game
your mistaking gameplay mechanics with lore and character design

Where it says that??

Whats the point of this thread? Are you mad that Pharah can outrange everyone theoretically by spamming hail mary rockets from the other end of the map, therefore she should be called a sniper? Hanzo or Mei or Zen or Sombra’s secondary can do literally the same thing, are they all snipers too now? :joy:

It seems like you’re going off some odd distinctions here. If Snipers are damage oriented then why is a healer one in the first place? This one shot distinction also is lost on tanks and other beefy heroes. Not to mention Hanzo’s typically aren’t landing long ranged attacks like Widow, Ana, or Pharah.

No matter how much ppl explain it, clearly you will never understand it.
Might as well delete that post

Because she fires rockets while flying in the sky.

She has more relation to a predator drone than a sniper.

Again Ana is not a sniper, where it says that?

I said its a sniper as long as it can one shot full hp targets but didnt say all types of targets in the game, if it can one shot any hero in the roster from a critical at a distance its a sniper

Ana is listed as a Sniper in game. When selecting her, with other snipers the game will warn you about having too many.

Pharah is more like Soldier from TF2 if he had a jetpack. Pharah might not have falloff but she doesn’t have the same long range capabilities because her rockets travel really really slow

Can’t crit.

20 chars

Ana can’t crit either.

Sniper is not an official hero category in overwatch; theres only offense, tanks and supports.

That message there is only to hint new players to be aware ana requires high precision shots and is used at a distance like hanzo and widow but warns you that using many heroes like that can result in pathetic matches where theres not enough bodies in the objective.

But you can ignore this and still win, take it for what it is, a mere suggestion.

There used to be a warning for builders as well, that prompt has proven to be heavily outdated and irrelevant and shouldn’t be taken seriously

So firing rockets should be sniping now? or even launching a nuke should also be considered sniping cause range and all.

A much more reasonable argument but what still limits Pharah from being apart of this group considering her high need for accuracy at great distances? Not to mention how much hell it’d be to play her as a newcomer.

Difference is that no sniper deals splash damage that hits several targets, phara has a LOT leeway to miss, when you talk about snipers if you miss you miss.

If you want a text book definition of a sniper in overwatch its this:

An offensive oriented character that deals 150 hp damage or higher to a single target through one precise critical shot without any intervention and from a range

Those games aren’t overwatch ,what’s the point of saying that ?

The person who you’re referring to spoke in context of generally sniping. In those terms it leaves Overwatch.

Because a sniper has to meet 2 criteria

  1. Be more effective at long range

  2. Be able to kill a “normal” target with one shot

Pharah’s rockets aren’t one shot weapons, it takes at least 2(Not counting dmg buffs) rockets to kill anyone
That’s why she’s not a sniper

Well actually yes, because by definition sniping requires a ranged attack from concealment.