Why isn't Pharah listed as a sniper?

I ask because she is probably the furthest from her opponents when dealing damage when compared to every other hero. I don’t really know why Hanzo is even classified as a sniper as well.

So what’s up?

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Pharah isn’t a sniper but more so than Hanzo at least


Same reason Reaper isn’t defined as a marksman, that ain’t the function of the weapon


why isnt zen considered sniper or mei, or rein with firestrike, every projectile hero can be used at any range. whats the point of this thread


Her shots don’t have to be precise. Hence the splashy rockets.

cause her rockets are slow, large and easily dodgeable if you know they are coming. its only up until medium to close range where phara can start reliably hitting people more frequently.

on top of this no head shot multiplier.

Hanzo is the exact opposite, fast projectiles, small as well, and can headshot


Because she’s useless as a sniper. Any Pharah with half a brain knows how to play her correctly at a mid range.

Anyone with half a brain knows to press A and D to sidestep her rockets if she’s trying to snipe.

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Because she isn’t one.

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I just realized that it’s at least a Possibility they could take away her self damage in the coming changes…

That would sure stir some things up…
(And spell the end for all Bastion’s still playing this game.)

Dunno if i would like it or hate it.

Because her rockets travel at 35 m/s (114 feet per second)
Hanzo’s arrows (Full charge) travel at 100 m/s (328 feet per second)
Ana unscoped 90 m/s (295 feet per second)

If the target is able to move out of the way before the projectile even gets to them they are not well suited to a sniper role.

You can see the rockets coming at you from long distance, and move away. You can’t dodge a Widow headshot if you’re unshielded and in LoS.

I’m not sure something like that would make her as fun, i play pharah very rarely but whenever i get a triple from her ult and i have a few missiles left i then aim them at the nearest wall and kill myself, it makes for a funny play of the game😂


As a Pharah main this is a terrible idea. This is probably the only thing that prevents Pharah players from diving into small rooms filled with enemies (a la Hanamura first point next to the choke) and just blasting away at their feet.

I’m still confused as to why there are Pharah changes on the drawing board to begin with. She’s been in a decent place from the get-go, and she’s only overpowering when she’s pocketed by a Mercy. Tweaking Pharah by boosting her strengths now will inevitably result in calls for her to be nerfed into the ground (which we know will happen because Blizzard has done this to other heroes before), whereas nerfing her now just means one less soft counter to Bridgitte.

These decisions by Blizzard confuse me to no end.


Oh, i’m not saying it would even be a preferred change…

Who would have thought they’d give Hanzo an infinite range better Fan the hammer?

It scares me… That, and i’m just prepared for heat seeking missiles on E That can oneshot a Bastion… ;-;

Exactly. I dislike the idea as well.

Yea, and there’s not whole threads asking for a single word on the hero. -.-

And yet, we “don’t know anything about Balance” We could fix this game…



But what if bastion gets heat seeking missiles instead…

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Why stop there? Bastion’s ultimate instantly kills the entire enemy team no matter where they are on the map. Spawn time is increased from 10 seconds to 3 minutes.

What’s that, you say? Nerf Mercy again? We hear you loud and clear

It would still somehow lead to his death, and we all know it…

Yea, and uh… Just disregard those 5000/10,000+ response large, Threads asking for feedback and recognition… Those are just noise and we know what we’re doing.

Plot twist: Every time you use Bastion’s ultimate, the devs nerf him repeatedly.

Also I’m 50% certain that every time they see a thread calling for them to look at bugs on any hero X, they nerf Mercy again just for the lulz

Because of the weapon?
A sniper uses a high precision weapon that can hit things in centimeters from a long distance.
A rocket doesnt have precision, nor does a grenade or a … are we … are we having this conversation?

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Also, Leave Mercy alone… ;-; She’s already dead…

But yea, i could balance this game with a tooth pick and a soup spoon by this point.

And yet… all they seem capable of is swapping an E Ability with a Q ability.

I’m Genuinely surprised they didn’t do that with Hanzo.