Why isn't Colorblind Mode fixed for Console players yet?

I’ve noticed that on PC Colorblind mode works the way it is intended to. When the ult meter is full you get that full color change, enemies affected by Infrasight and Sonar arrow are the correct colors that enemies were chosen to be. For console, when your ult meter is full, it stays blue but there’s just a ring of whatever color you picked. Mostly noticeable with colors like red and yellow. If you have enemies yellow or any other color they’ll still be red for Infrasight and Sonar arrow. I mean come on how long has the new colorblind mode been out already? Why is it still not fixed for console players while from what I’ve seen it appears to be working fine for PC players.

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Because console in 2019 = lul

Thank you for that blinding insight. You’ve really opened my eyes.
/s (obviously)


It’s factual sarcasm.

I play on PS4 by the way lol. I’m still waiting for them to fix Group Color, and enemy colors being friendly in UI.

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