Why isn't Blizzard taking the easier option?

What kind of ”well” coordinated push doesn’t require you to kill the enemy’s main healer?

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Watch this

It shows actual EXAMPLES and EXPLANATIONS as to why Mass-Res is vastly better and promoted better gameplay for both Mercy and the enemy team than the reworked Mercy


From the same youtuber :slight_smile:

Made a lot more sense to swing the ult economy before they nerfed all ult’s by 20%.

Im not going to watch a 5 min video. It wont change the fact that mass rez promoted bad gameplay. Sure there were some good uses for it, your pharah died, instantly get her back up, 2 quick picks on your team, rez them back for a 6v6. No amount of good examples will change the negative impacts it had of not healing your team, hiding in a corner, letting them die, then going in to rez.

Since we’re talking about Mercy’s old and current state :slight_smile:

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but OW devs refuse to admit failure :confused:
thats the issue.

they spent time and money reworkign her…if they admit it faield that means they wasted that effort and money.

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But there’s a lot about Mercy that makes her unique. Getting rid of one part of her won’t make her generic or bad.

I’d much rather have a different ability on a shorter cooldown than rez.

Okay, you can ignore facts all you want, I can tell you’re just trying to plug your ears and not wanting to hear the other side properly, such entitlement to your oh so correct vision. The video showed how Mercy DIDN’T HAVE TO HIDE OR SOTP HEALING like you said we did.

Come back when you want to have an proper discussion.

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“notice how non of these mercys have hidden yet and activly healing”
Just after the Mercy literally let the team die, hid behind the wall, then swopped in for a res.
Most the examples in that video are Mercy activly abandoning her team, hiding behind a wall/obstacle then ressing.

Every other healer has to reveal their position or put themselves in a dangerous position to benefit their team. Mercy could literally hide around the corner at spawn then fly in for an instant team rez negating an entire team wipe. Totally different, if you can’t understand that I don’t know what to tell you.

What? So is Mercy supposed to let herself die to Pharah too? Oh lord, she is using smart positioning!!!

Both Genji and Tracer could have killed her, she was defenseless.

Because I dont want to watch a 5 min video of mercy rezzing ppl? As ive stated, there were good uses for it that didnt consist of bad game design. Problem is the bad game design use was very popular. If you dont think hide and seek mercy was bad, well then we just have differing opinions, seems blizz shares mine.

fun fatc is…Rez is what makes Mercy unique…

it is the ONLY thing.

healing, dmg boosting, flying, mobility are ALL on other heroes.

Rez is the one unique thing about Mercy.

Don’t say Mercy didn’t hide most the time then.

I never said Hide N Seek wasn’t bad, I said it existed because people wanted to exploit the flawed system Blizz made.

and it was simpel to fix the issue of hide and seek…becasue it RELIED on the god mode buff she had.

if they reverted it hide and seek wouldnt of been possible (as she’d instantly dive vs enemy team)

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The flawed system being mass rez right? Cuz it totally wasnt only used for higher sr gains.

Was more of a happy side effect.

And then she would be back to being a bad hero, with tons of people asking for buffs.