Why is this patch the size of the entire game?

New and updated AI, new enemies, new cutscene, a new full map (not just a small and simple one like the Lucio ball stages, and the christmas and halloween maps are just Ecopoint and Eichenwalde with a different lighting effect).

Also, as far as I’m aware, PTR updates don’t typically launch with events, since PTR usually has big things to release separately, such as a new map or hero, and Blizzard doesn’t do that sort of overlap.

Also turns out they’re doing another background update to make updates run smoother and smaller in the future.

(Souce: BlizzardCS Twitter)

I think we have the right to complain, when the estimated time for this download for me is 19 hours.


RIP you, I’m actually almost done updating. Oh wait queue is long af and I gotta go off pc because reasons

I just leave the computer running overnight for these things and do something else in the meantime (Like play Borderlands). My only concern is if i’m ending up with a 30GB folder after the update.

Jelly why you always speak in third person. :thinking:

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You mean third person. First person is I and we.

Thanks wasn’t paying attention.

It’s a habit I have, sorry if it bothers you😓

No not at all, I was just curious you know.:flushed:

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That’s fine, I’m curious all the time😂

This is already being discussed in other threads, the patch is big to help expedite future patches:

Also the patching cycle may take a long time or pause at times, this is normal:

They’ll eventually condense it all down to a smaller file size… but yeah, these requirements are getting a little ridiculous.

I re-checked the overwatch folder and after the download it’s only 900MB larger. Thank goodness i don’t have to delete anything on the SSD.

I’m more curious on why the download is going so slowly. 3 BPS when my current download speed on several test sites is clocking around 50-80 mbps.

Maybe Blizz should have been trickling this downloads in smaller bite size chunks over the last few weeks rather than cramming an 14 gig download through a chokepoint.

Could be worse, Star Citizen was sitting at 65GB 8 months ago.

I’m currently using my 256 GB SSD that i use to put Windows on for my game storage (bc my HDD is slow speed) and my space is slowly diminishing with this update :frowning:

Hey, Johnny Mnemonic can do better than that in his head.

Don’t worry, it’s almost the same size. You just basically redownloaded the entire game because they completely changed their filing system. It replaced the previous files.

Curiously, the Overwatch install on my PS4 went down from 25 GB to 21 GB.