Why is there so many more nerf Mercy threads?

Gun tends to counter everything if we hit enough shots, it’s not an exclusive thing to Mercy.

Everyone says it’s easy to just shoot at a Mercy, but no one can consistently take her out first

yeah 40 per crit lol, so 5 headshots.


In one second. Done it.

and one second is much longer than it takes for a mccree or any other dps to destroy you…


Sure. Good thing she doesn’t have fall off to worry about.

only immense projectile speed slower than most projectiles in the game…

are you seriously trying to convince me mercy’s pistol is good?


At least once a week the forums pick out a random hero to cry about, this week Mercy was rolled.

Just saying, she isn’t defenseless.

I have won my share of flanker battles with her and its funny how surprised the attacker is when they get ganked by my pistol, and they spend the rest of the game chasing me instead of my team which I think is fricking hilarious.

Means I can finally ask for Sombra buff since they stopped to cry over that f-tier hero?


People think, that every hero should be a “rocket science” to play… :woman_shrugging:

People just get really absorbed in team fights, their team starts winning… then mercy gets a rez and they feel frustrated and think it’s unfair that their effort was undone.

The reality is, rez is on a 30 second cool down. There are some ults that can be charged in that amount of time if the player knows what they’re doing.

Just gotta learn to focus the mercy down at the beginning of the fight or it’s going to be an uphill battle. If you’re unable to focus her down… you gotta let your team know to be on the look out for her rez after the elims start coming. She’s extremely vulnerable while rezzing.

i don’t want her “nerfed” but deffo think some power needs to be taken out of damage boost - maybe made into an ability cool down which will be more skilful to use due to managing the cooldown.

Like to rez scrapped too in place for something else

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I think people are really frustrated with hero comps that +1 her, and that is why they are calling for nerfs, when they probably really mean -and what the hero needs- is a powershift.

Essentially, Mercy is highly valuable as the DPS off-healer. The game is trending more and more towards a damage orientated game. Blizzard understood there has been a problem with Mercy’s damage boost several times before -heros are designed and rebalanced around the concept of possibly being pocketed by Mercy-, but what it is starting to feel like is that there are several DPS heros that feel no impact without a Mercy, but too high inpact with one. And of course, this complaint is towards the more and more dominating hard pocket Mercy, which has become the primary viable way to play her, but is also the least skillful way to play a hero who does have an interesting kit.

Blizz has nerfed individual heros that feel too strong with a pocket several time. They’ve tweaked them to try to make them viable without a pocket, but no too strong with, and it isn’t sticking. The recent nerf to hitscan wad because they were starting to feel too oppressive…but they didn’t change Mercy’s damage boost at all, which really is a huge part of that. So the hitscan PR overall did go down…but in lower SR, Pharah has become too difficult to counter, and the Mercy pocket just moved to the Pharah, next. In fact, hitscan PR went down but Mercy’s PR went up. In GM she’s the second most picked hero right now. It reads as something in her kit is starting to feel imbalanced.

You’re right that Mercy is like Lucio; when viewed in a vacuum she’s balanced. But we can’t look at balance that way for a team-based game. You have to look at other factors, like PR/WR, risk/reward ratios, synergies, if a hero is being played as intended, and if they’re fun to play with, against or as. To be honest, Mercy checks all the boxes for those criteria as starting to need something reworked. It’s been that way for a while, but in theory the hitscan nerf should have effectively been an soft Mercy nerf. It wasn’t at all, it was just a nerf to hitscan, who feel even more in need of a Mercy pocket now with the nerf.

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While that is true to a degree, this isn’t just a low SR issue. An entire team can be camping a corpse in a team fight to deny a rez, and Mercy’s rez will still go off in some nonsense.

However, even if you think that people are just frustrated because it’s an ability and the counterplay is to just stop it or shoot her…remember; heros have been reworked or even nerfed, even with terrible pickrates, simply because they felt ‘unfun’ or ‘unfair’ to play against. Mercy herself has already been reworked once for that exact same reason. And her PR was relatively low then. Mercy is currently the second most picked hero in the game in GM. There is no way to look at that beyond ‘yikes’.

This is actually Baptiste currently. He’s the most played hero in the entire game at GM


True and also almost every support has equal playtime and then right under is Zen and then Moira at the very bottom.

Support meta is pretty diverse atm

Mercy has been issue for years because of how much she can influence other heroes. Same with ana. And the worst part is it is always the wrong heroes who gets the nerf because of those 2.

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so when I scrim and the other team has a pharmercy and it requires almost always 2+ people to focus her down, that is our inability to deal with a pharmercy? Even though we are scrimming at a 4.5+ level?

To OP. I am unsure, but I believe that Mercy is perfectly fine balance wise and requires no nerfs whatsoever.

McCree kills a 200hp hero with 2 headshots, Widow with one and it doesn’t even need be fully charged…