Why is there so many more nerf Mercy threads?

I mean the hero along with Lucio is the definition of how a hero should be.

Low skill floor and mid to high skill ceiling.
Comes and goes with the meta and a fan favorite.

If you’re gonna nerf her at least make it a power shift instead of a full on nerf.


Cause this one time she used super jump to avoid a bad genji or doomfist streamer so their fans are coming to the forums to complain.


It’s probably because the DPS heroes that mercy are good with almost always get nerfed, and people are starting to see the pattern now, especially now with pharah looking like she’ll get a nerf.


Hitscans got nerfed, so people are looking for reasons to blame for their own inability to kill pharmercy now that pharah isn’t a throw pick. Despite pharah not doing much better than pre-nerf. That and echo is still broken and mercy pairs well with her.

Or they simply hate mercy and she happens to be in a good spot rn so…


I wouldn’t mind a powershift or a rework but people saying stuff like nerf her healing and damage amp is just dumb lol.

Granted Two of the 3 heroes she got nerfed were already strong without her


Some streamer or OW content creator HAD to have made some complaint about Mercy.

That’s really the only time Mercy threads start to pop up. To parrot what they heard from one of them.


She is actually the most played support in GM right now. This of course doesn’t fly in MY SKILLWATCH and seeing Ana below Mercy in pickrate means that the game is acutally broken and I can’t play the game and today someone asked me to switch to Mercy which made me VERY ANGERY :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: THIS CAN’T HAPPEN IN MY OVERWATCH HELP HELP DEVS HELP I CAN’T HANDLE THIS HELP IT’S BROKEN FIX IT NERF HER SHE’S SO BROKEN OMG HELP :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


Is basically what’s going on :slight_smile: So do everyone a favor and keep ignoring the topics because they’re just players being mad because the wrong hero is being played right now. Mercy is completely fine. If anything they might just give her right click something else


Because people can’t learn to counter her

Haha thay reminds me of that one time McCree’s range got buffed to almost 30 meter before fall off.

They quickly nerfed the cowboy back down as soon as a Mercy attached to him.

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What counters her though? She is almost always the last to die in a teamfight

A gun? She’s the most defenseless support in the entire game


Unless she shoots back. She does have one of the strongest hand guns in the game if they are a decent shot. Watched a POTG with a pistol Mercy player the other night. But then that’s all they did the whole match. Every time they ulted, they went on a shooting spree. LOL

Strongest hand guns in the game? What? Even with headshots it’s quite a lot of shots to kill a 200 hp hero


Because she enable Pharah but instead of looking the real problem, wich is Pharah, people look on Mercy.

2 maybe 3. Not many. If you can shoot. I have picked off many would be snipers with her before.

5, actually. If you hit all headshots. It does 20 damage.


LOL No. Its not 20…

you can look at it on the wiki mate…


Mercy is part of the problem because she gets flight. Only Mercy can’t make use of her flight mechanics as much without another aerial target. Echo is less egregious to most because at least Echo falls to the ground far more regularly and cant’ lift off for a guaranteed 6 seconds. You can rocket jump so often with Pharah to quickly get off the ground with Mercy assistance.

Yeah, 40 per shot for crit, 5 rounds a second. She is lethal.

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