She was a counter. Dont change the meaning of the words please.
What’s the difference between counters and synergy picks?
Pharah is not a buff to Mercy.
Synergy is not a direct buff. Is it so hard to understand?
I dont want to force my teammates to pick a certain character just because its the only way to work around with my character.
Pretty sure no one said anything about direct buffs.
The fact remains that if you remove said synergy, it would be a nerf (Even if it was a slight nerf) to both heroes
I think it is a lot more complicated and depends why the Synergy works.
In this example I think Pharah is a buff to Mercy.
I also think Tracer, Genji and even Winston are buffs to Mercy.
The reason being that Mercy has guardian angel which allows her to be as fast as her team.
Having really fast teammates allows her to be really fast, Having a team that does not move very fast means that an entire part of her kit isn’t being utilized to its full potential.
Even Ashe helps Guardian angel due to her vertical mobility in particular giving Mercy another anchor point then you have that sweet damage boost on top.
I don’t think just one hero synergy is a buff to a hero but there’s still a lot of factors to take into consideration.
In the case of Symmetra one example is if they keep adding heroes whose weakeness are lack of horizontal or vertical mobility because she can negate those weaknesses.
Hero Synergies are complicated
None of the Symmetra players are any happier than you are about the time and effort it takes the devs to try and make something of her. The entirety of the 3.0 rework was a lot of extra work put in for an overall disastrous result. No one wanted this. Very few people are actually happy with this outcome.
She is borderline unusable. You mention McCree taking years to get something to help him, but McCree has long been generally usable. Symm 2.0 was as well. Symm 3.0 is a complete crapshoot that is largely incapable of anything, with a horrendously mismatched design, completely befuddling balance choices and the result is, somehow, a decrease in pick-rate, down from bottom of the barrel.
The second rework should not have happened. I would’ve been far happier with some light QoL improvements to 2.0 than this mess. They brought a lot of extra work on themselves by completely replacing her with an entirely different hero, and no one asked them to do that.
The 2.0 rework released with a bug that was so obviously noticeable I literally saw it on my first play of her in the training area within 30seconds.
It took 9 months to acknowledge it after I don’t know how many threads but many of them had 60+ likes and quite a few pages.
Sure they have done work on her but it hasn’t always been high effort or high quality work.
Rushing out changes and saying its done is almost as bad as doing nothing at all.
Quite a few people are happy with the outcome although most agree she needs some tweaks in numbers to get her to the right place.
Just out of my friends majority have gone from not liking to play her to enjoying her very much and asking me for tips on how to improve.
Whether or not people like a hero is so subjective its hard to predict if the majority of people will or wont like changes.
I would have predicted the loss of some players because there were people who were playing her purely for the auto-lock beam and shield generator because it unbalanced heroes like Tracer who are only balanced due to their low health pool.
Then there are also the people who played her with brute force and neglected her turrets which in my experience was common to see bad turret placements or people who barely use them at all with 2.0.
Then there are people who would place her ultimate then sit there baby sitting it and nothing else, This playstyle is gone so they will be gone along with it.
3.0 photon barrier and teleporter are extremely powerful but only if you understand how to place them well, If you place them badly you will get little to no value.
This further decreases the number of people playing her because quoting the forums “Teleporter and photon barrier are totally useless” even though they are extremely powerful 99.95% of the time that I use them.
What couldn’t be predicted is how many other players would pick her up after the changes.
The throwable turrets were suggested in the Symmetra megathread at some point and I remember hitting like because I thought it was a fantastic idea.
I once suggested making her beam much less sticky/Locky while improving its damage and giving it a longer time at charge levels so charge levels actually mean something and took skill to gain instead of getting it effortlessly basically every fight. I even did number calculations but I’m unsure how close the numbers were to what we have now.
I also suggested making Teleporter an ability, Although I suggested it be more like Moiras orb with the exit and entry allowing you to place either where you want.
In terms of her secondary fire there were many suggested changes particularly in fire rate and I think the removal of piercing was more to do with the health of the game and how bad it feels dying behind barriers which is the same reason Hanzo doesn’t have piercing arrow.
People did ask for what we got although I have no idea if anyone suggested the new Photon barrier ultimate I know the other changes were suggested by people even if its just coincidence they happened since I’m unsure whether Blizzard read things.