What card game do you think sym and soldier play, since theyre both rock bottom?
And Hog’s still trash tier, so I’m not exactly filled with hope.
What do you think the beam changes are gonna do? She’s obviously gonna be in an even worse state than before.
I wish she wasn’t played in a 4min match in owl since it’s apparently too op! She definitely deserves a nerf because the 1% of the community played with her for ONE match
That was how many years ago?
Irrelevant at this point.
It’ll let the devs know if she needs a 5% charge time buff or a 30% charge time buff.
So, why couldn’t they buff other parts of her kit?
As has been explained in this thread, she received buffs in some areas, and nerfs in others. Her level 1 charge and turrets (which is the first thing that will hit an armored target unless you charge on a barrier first) will actually do increased damage. Her level 3 charge will only take .17 seconds longer to destroy 200 armor, which only a few characters in the game have assuming they’re at full health. Though if Sym has had long enough to charge to level 3 it’s likely the target will not be at full health from either herself or her team also dealing damage. She will still be doing the same exact damage to unarmored targets.
I dunno. Maybe they’re expecting a meta shift with Baptiste, maybe they’re not done buffing the parts of sym they want to buff, maybe something else.
I do know that there are a dozen “sym is neglected” threads up despite her just now getting a change while justice for Junkrat is a year overdue.
Great. So now her turrets (which are already garbage against tanks) can now be slightly less garbage against tanks.
Sym is not going to suddenly become meta because of a meta shift.
Oh, we Sym mains are so blessed compared to Junkrat mains. I mean, look. We just got a nerf! Clearly the devs are listening!
Because they have to keep her feeling the same but the core of her design is inherently flawed. So they’re trying to turn coal into a diamond, but the coal is actually just a dried turd.
She’s basically the Zelda of Overwatch (Zelda from Smash Bros). If they keep her "feel" relatively the same, she will be worse than a good chunk of the cast by default.
prob because no one wants to shoot a lazer beam that doesnt go far…or charge up a shot,throw turrets that are plain out easy to kill,and a ult that people can jsut run on the other side of to kill you.
Baptiste looks pretty good in bunker and he’s not the only buff to bunker on the ptr right now. Sym is good in bunker, might also be good against it.
You really are. She gets a buff every two patches, maybe three. She’s also gotten two reworks.
Or, if the heros wher buffed they woub be too opresive to play against.
Sombra goats is already annoying.
Sym’s ok with bunker comps, but there are just generally better picks for it.
Most likely not. Her kit is easily dealt with by focus firing.
When was her last buff? The most recent one I can think of is the damage buff to her primary that we basically only just found out about because they never mentioned it.
I don’t remember half of them, i don’t play any Sym so i don’t think about it that much. Haven’t they buffed the range on her primary and make it charge 20% faster?
I’ll look up some more later, maybe, but i’ve got to get busy now.
Those changes are fairly old.
Imagine if any of her kit gave heals. That was the glaring flaw in her original design. As a damage hero she’s not that scary and can still get out dueled by a Mercy that can aim.
What makes you think the change was meant to target her specifically?
Them stating she’s going to be doing less damage at full charge is indeed a nerf.