Why is shadowstep still so bad

Lmfao you know both these accounts are prob gonna get suspended even if you barely did anything wrong… because the mods are a joke and blizz hates the forums

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As long as you’re being honest about it.

No, just speed it up.

Sometimes I be thinking about making a custom server with match voice labelled “COME DISCUSS REAPER” where fellow Reaper mains sit around, run into cars on Oasis, and have a long civil debate about Reaper.

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Bruh idc ive been perma banned on like uhhhh 5 or 6 accounts from the forum ghat werent even myn for some of the most minor things all though a lot of them werent minor…

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I actually created a rework for Reaper to fix his many gaping holes, available here: Reaper Rework (Proposed, not Blizzard)

Yup all 5 of them then some bronzie can come in and say ReApErS fInE

Ok. I understand how it’s just unfair how you can’t just say what you feel sometimes. Sometimes it just takes too long for the message to sink in.

It might be a thought experiment where they are just trying to see how long it takes until players realize it is the worst ability in the game and heavily outdated. Honestly, if I was a developer, I could see myself doing that. Just for a few laughs.

That being said, as bad as it is, I ALWAYS contend that at least it gets you to high ground. It is not as though a buff to SS would magically make Reaper viable.

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Only buff needed is the aiming. If you teleport into enemy lines or close that they hear you even after the silent update to it thats on you lmao. Youre not supposed to use it mid fight either.

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We know we’re not supposed to use it midfights. That’s the point. He’s literally a dps player who can’t use one of his abilities in a fight unlike other dps heroes. That’s literally what we’re saying and why that’s a problem…


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Well he is a gold console player with 0 time on reaper this season so im sure he knows better

None of his abilities? Mid fight? Have you heard of wraith form? You know the ability that lets him escape without taking damage and reload his gun while giving him a speed boost lmao? Talk about woosh

Wow youre stupid he was saying he cant use one of his abilities meaning ss in mid fight but whatever moron its 3 am im going to sleep

So he cant use one of his abilities or he cant use shadowstep? If youre using SS mid fight youre flat out stupid. You dont have to be GM to know that. Thats why he has Wraith so he can use that mid fight.

Double woosh lmfao

“Here let me use ss mid fight even though its not meant for that and die then complain about it in the forums”

Holy crap, you don’t have reading comprehension. Not wasting my time with you.


I just love spending 10 minutes trying to get the destination onto a ledge or roof.

Go back and read what you put if anyone doesnt have any sort of comprehension its you lol

… Lol. Oh my goddddd.

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Werent you leaving bc you have some curfue lol?

Shadowstep isnt meant for mid fight deal with it. He already doesnt take damage, reloads his guns, and gets speed with wraith.

These people i swear youd think just bc they were gm theyd know better but nope lmao