Why is shadowstep still so bad

Shadowstep being terrible is one of the only universal things the ow community can agree on, and its no secret that reapers been underpowered for a longgggg time so when are they finally going to improve one of if not the worst ability in the game


You really shouldn’t speak for everyone. I think it’s a fine ability, it’s just you can’t just use it randomly and expect to get away with it for teleporting in plain sight of everybody. Reaper can sometimes circumvent the entire enemy team and surprise them with an absurd amount of damage.


No way dude teleport is probably the best thing ever on a flanker you get free positioning with no side effects.


My bad i meant universally agreed on by competent players i didnt realize we were including bronze and qp games


The most useful thing about it is that it gives you a moment of invulnerability, but he already has Wraith Form for that so yeah it’s pretty trash.

I would just… speed it up a bit. It is a teleport, which is inherently powerful, so it does make sense he’s vulnerable while using it, but I think there’s a better middle ground…

<20 LOLs required>


Yeah pretty much lmfao

That’s a good question, we’ve wanted it buffed forever.
Just turn him into Corvo already.


No, no. Just no.

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Oh you mean 99.9% of players?

Honestly the only thing I find wrong with it is that aiming it is still too clunky.

Oh another bronze qp player greattttttt

Yeah. Great considering they make up the absolute bulk of Overwatch’s revenue. Are you just looking for others who are just like you to talk to because there’s no way your attitude is going to be heard by Blizzard’s ears.

Bronze players make up 8% of the competitive playerbase please stop pulling facts out of thin air
h ttps://www.esportstales.com/overwatch/competitive-rank-distribution-pc-and-console

Edit: Actually the number is lower on PC my mistake


Blizzards ears lmfao they hardly listen to anyone but themselves, but as for the thread itself its hilarious to me that people who hardly play the game at all except for in extremely low ranks and in quickplay matches, think ss is good especially when they have almost 0 time on the hero like you

Also the top rankers pull in the revenue.

I very highly doubt the large number of smurf/low SR even come close to the $$ OWL brings in

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And I’m not trying to shame Bronze players. Everyone has their reasons for their rank. I hit GM once and never came close to it again. I don’t think I’m an amazing player.

Using the lowest rank out of any game to justify a character for being viable drives the rest of the higher ranks insane. On the flip side; I also don’t think that we should use a GM tier to justify how to balance heroes.

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Ironically, I am (low) GM. I just don’t post on that account. Pointing out a single ability for why a character is weak is just terrible. The ability itself is fine, Reaper as a whole doesn’t have an incredibly cohesive kit.

Bronze players make up 8% of the competitive playerbase

They didn’t just say Bronze player, they included everyone in QP too, which unquestionably includes the vast majority of players of Overwatch, not just competitive Overwatch.

Blizzards ears lmfao they hardly listen to anyone but themselves, but as for the thread itself its hilarious to me that people who hardly play the game at all except for in extremely low ranks and in quickplay matches, think ss is good especially when they have almost 0 time on the hero like you

Sounds like you just want to come in here to insult and argue with people then.

I have a thread that I really poured out a lot of my heart and soul on to talk about Reaper’s problems. Would you mind taking a read if I linked it?

Yeah you just dont post on that account lmfao

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