Why is roadhog not getting attention?

Easy to play, hard to master

Hooking a Pharah mid jump jet, or a recalling Tracer, or a seismic slamming Doomfist is genuinely difficult, especially in high elos where everyone else also has a brain

That with his ult that is really powerful but makes him a big slow target forces you to use it carefully

So again, easy to play, hard to master


Hog is a decent pick. Very strong is you know how to play him well. Counters Reaper and Mei to the point they hscr to switch off in masters and up.

Mei and Reaper just got nerfed. Mei’s pretty balanced and isn’t just hard stomping tanks anymore, while Reaper is useless outside of low ranks where he’s decently balanced otherwise to that skill level. Hog is decently balanced for what his job is supposed to be. He’s a great shield breaker and he’s an excellent damage sponge if supports are healing him while he’s doing his job and he’s alternating his positioning to not just feed all the time.

Rocket Punch has one of the POOREST and HARDEST to hit hitboxes.
The other point is fine.

Go to the practice range yourself if you don’t believe me. See how far off the bot your crosshair can be and still land Rocket Punch, then compare that to Roadhog’s hook.

Hahahahahaha, the irony ! A Doomfist player talking about other heroes having silly abilities ! Bro you got nerves, I can give you that.

At the very least you can bait/dodge hog’s hook and you know that’s everything he’s got for 8s. With DF you can only bait punch which is on a 4s cd, and he has 2 other silly abilities on 6s cd each.

Don’t talk silly, silly !

Actually from the data some dude recently gave on these forums (a table giving the size of all projectiles if I remember right), Hog’s hook has a size of 0. Meaning it either hits directly the target or misses, nothing like DF’s brocket-punch going even through walls.

  1. I would remove the animation delay when he throws his Hook. Compensating for travel time and lag is already bad enough without that horse pucky on top.

  2. His pellets become hitscan.

  3. Rework his right click. Instead of exploding forward in a cone (nearly useless) it becomes a 360 degree air burst you fire over the top of barriers (actually something valuable).

Coming from a Doomfist player… oh the irony.

Roadhog is actually overtuned for what he does, it’s just that what he does is not a good fit compared to the rest of the tank roster. Which makes his synergy opportunities too low.

He pretty much only does well with Orisa, who has great synergy with him still and helps to cover up his weaknesses.

1,2 are great for latency which sometimes causes issues. But I actually love the right click and I have 1500 hours on hog. I think it’s by far his hardest ability is the right click and I enjoy that. One day I wanna learn how to use it perfectly so that I become sniper hog lol. Even though it’s so hard to aim sometimes I like the challenge of it. Plus it’s excellent at breaking shields.

in short, right click is literally my favorite ability in the game about hog, you’re literally throwing a shotgun, what isn’t cooler about that, my brother gets so upset when i destroy his characters with it. It’s funny. best ability in game tbh.

As for a reply to the OP, other than the latency management Johnny brought up. I think hog is just fine where he is. I’m low diamond btw. PC.

OH jeez, now roadhog is a no skill hero?

The list now has a new addition to it! I bet eventually all 31 heroes will be called no skill.

Cough cough just like Doomfist cough cough

??? they nerfed mei and reaper buffing hog, also nerfing all the other tanks has been buffs to hog. Hog is in a great place. Thought this post was gonna be asking for nerfs tbh lmao

You only need right click because of the spread and ridiculous falloff, neither of which should still be around, but that’s another discussion entirely.

Cut your losses an hope they’ve forgotten about him lest they remember he has healing…

I’m mostly fine with where Hog is at.

Isn’t the most meta, but that saves him from sledgehammer nerfs.

A bit less Ult feeding would be nice though.

Why would you ever try to place Blizzards crosshairs on a character that you actually like? Learn from the Junkrats: keep quiet and maybe they won’t notice that your main is still in the game.

If this thread picks up traction they’ll “rework” him into a 200 hp melee hero with 2 hook charges and no heal before you know it.

This is a troll post right?

This is satire right?

I play mostly Sigma and I have no problem throwing out a barrier most times a Roadhog goes for a hook

I mean sure, he can get a nerf too.