Why is roadhog not getting attention?

I see ALL these changes to different characters and different heroes, and I am really happy that the game is moving forward. But one character who is my main has not been getting enough attention and I feel like is falling quite a bit behind now with Mei and Reaper being so good. Roadhog. Is there any reason for this ? (I hate the idea of moving him to dps) All He got recently was one extra shot.

I am by no means a high rank player I’m the opposite, I am low ranked at gold and even at such a low rank you can REALLY feel him being “under powered” Especially when reaper is so dominant down here aswell.

Anyone else share these feelings ?

Roadhog is an example of a low skill hero.
The fact he is granted a kill by a silly ability is enough for him to not be brought to the spotlight.


Is Roadhog actually struggling? He seems to be in a pretty solid place as far as I can see. He was also buffed recently, so I am not sure why you think he needs to be looked at again?


I really don’t think he should get any buffs but I’d like if they gave him a passive that reduces the ult charge enemies get when shooting him cause he’s an ult battery right now

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Mei and Reaper good? Bro… You are a few weeks too late. Reaper, it has been legit months at this point, has it not?


Roadhog isn’t a bad hero, he just feeds his *** off even if he does well because he’s fat. Don’t judge him k

Dude you’re basically a personification of a character who kills with a silly ability.


Yeah but I have to aim and I need a wall to maximize my damage, so my positioning counts :))

Hook is quite difficult to land if the enemy knows how to manage the hook’s weaknesses. It has an array of counter play abilities and multiple character weaknesses.

Often staying on hog is throwing.


Dude how…
It’s pretty much instant…

3 seconds of search…

This is when hog was a guaranteed ohko character too.


I think all Roadhog needs is some kinda of damage reduction while he is ULTing.
Like 30% or something. He is too easily mowed down while he ults.

this is fair, after all, it doesnt matter that he feeds ult when he can shut most ults down with a hook

How is Hog throwing? lol
He IS a ohko character.

What if he could use Take a Breather during ult. That would be nuts.

I don’t think he needs self heal, just the damage reduction during his ult.

June 2017:
Players have been complaining about hero with ~5% pickrate.
Blizzard gutted hero (~5% down to 0.38%)
Players happy.

The thing with Roadhog is just his whole design is causing people to run to the forums and complain about “unfun” and “unfair”, similar to Mei and Junkrat.

People are just happy to not have to deal with these heroes in game, they don’t really mind if anyone of them would be garbage tier, just look at how many players gives a damn about Bastion.

I personally don’t think he really needs anything at the moment, it’s better to just let him be, any buff he would receive would most likely end up in an outcry and as a result Blizzard would, instead of reverting him, nerf something else in his kit.

Unless you manage to do the hook combo on Mei you’re going to have a bad time, even if you do the combo she’ll just pop into her cryo but that gives you time to escape.

I play a bit of Hog but Reaper isn’t a huge problem tbh, if you shoot him once before doing the hook combo he’ll most likely die from it. Sure, sometimes you screw it up or it’s on CD, then you’ll prolly die unless you can survive until it’s off CD again.

Shoot him from a distance -> Hook combo.
Similar works on Mei.

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According to the wiki, Roadhog’s hook travels at 40 meters per second, while Rocket Punch travels at 45 meters per second. Having just checked in the practice range, I can assure you that Rocket Punch also has a more generous hitbox than Roadhog’s hook. “I have to aim” applies at least as much to hook as it does to rocket punch.


armor revert and reaper nerfs made him bad again. i dont play him no more. i literally rather play torb on attack

I think he’s fine. My thoughts are that the devs are reluctant to buff him along with Genji, Soldier and others because they’re actually fine but are overshadowed by the increase of power levels we’ve had during the last few years, in raw healing numbers, sustain and CC. What I’m hoping is that they’re lowering the power level overall to help these heroes out.