Why is OW getting so much hate?

Uh…how do Sombra’s alterations make the game BETTER somehow? When she’s full of bugs she didn’t have before to the point of her players being furious? Because the nerfs saw no PTR time and the “buff” is nonexistent thanks to the bugs and Brigitte throwing armor around like Oprah throws out cars?

The game is not better. The game is a toxic endurance test when it used to be fun. And we keep playing it because we HOPE Blizzard stops drinking the OWL kool-aid…but know it’ll never happen because greed is always one hell of a drug.

People usually do it to list off reasons as to why they disapprove of the game.
Most decent companies listen to this very attentively and look out for trends in these things. Then produce things that solve these trends and solve leaver’s grievances effectively.

But instead everyone trashes on them and just calls them drama attention seeking and blizzard probably ignores them.

Because another developer will earn the title for best ongoing game.

Blizzard will purchase it for the publicity.

Both of them are trying to sell a game, only one of them is actually putting as much or more effort into maintaining the game.

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People are just heavily overreacting. Thats it really

  • Lacking Dev response to hero balancing
  • Matchmaker is constantly throwing us into stomps (we win hard they win hard)
  • Every rework makes heroes OP, and the ones that don’t get followed up with a nerf into oblivion (Sombra is in a worse state than she was pre rework)
  • No Clans/community features yet
  • No replay system yet
  • Avoid as teammate needs constant management throughout the week since you almost never play with the same people throughout the week.

Its understandable to be frustrated when heroes remain overpowered for months and get a micro nerf without the follow up to ensure the hero is balanced.

It doesn’t help that only 1 dev has actually commented on how they view balance work and it essentially equated to them viewing it as a constant process. Not how they actually measure when a hero is over powered or under powered.

“Maybe” seems like a truth statement.
Nah… they won’t listwn

Bastion, Symmetra, Sombra, Reaper, and others would like to talk to you about that.

And those numbers could be higher if Blizzard bothered to fix things such as the formatting, character balance, conduct of their own players, etc.

They may be cosmetic, but the actual methods being used in OW lootboxes are actually the most predatory out of most anything else out there. And it’s even worse when you take into account the fact that you can’t directly purchase skins unless you stock up on coins, which you can only get through lootboxes either as direct drops or when you get a duplicate.

Most of the events have just been the same variations of previous ones, just with different selectable characters, and the only purpose of the Arcade mode has been to separate the competitive mode from everything else. The addition of community servers has probably been the one positive addition to the entire game, and even that was handled haphazardly. And in a market where every game has some form of single player component, Blizzard being such an outliar despite being famous for their story-driven content is not normal.

[quote] Community isn’t Blizzards fault. Only the peoples. Community is far worse on LoL.

LoL has actually gotten much better lately from what I’ve heard because the devs are actually making solid efforts to reduce toxicity. Meanwhile, Blizzard is actually complacent is making OW more toxic on account of their direct actions, such as implementing a reporting system that’s easily exploited, ignoring the actual worst offenders, allowing innocent people to get banned simply because of what character they pick, and more, all the while hiding themselves in their own little bubble pretending that nothing is wrong.

[edited by Forum Moderator: Please review the Code of Conduct we have available as a guide for forum use to prevent any future action. This reply has had parts omitted from the response to prevent a flame war and personal attacks on other posters.]

This is an understatement.

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The fun just dies as time goes by. It happens.

Less fun, means its easier to hate.

Can’t forget this is a team based game with 0 team/clan tools in it.

The devs sit the fence on one trick issues. It’s reportable to not switch off a hero who is technically feeding/being countered. But in the same breath they say you are aloud to play whoever you want. They have some excellent dance moves for avoiding answers.

There’s a Brigitte megathread at last? I haven’t seen it.

I assume you mean Mercy’s megathread? If so I agree. It’s pathetic how they’ve handled that rework (which ultimately has been a failure that they refuse to acknowledge).

Balanced issues like always
Slow updates.
OWL is boring for the majority if is not …why a single dude playing fornite have more viewers.
Not social features like: LFG, Clan system, general channel…nothing the only way to interacte with people is in game.
Servers issues all over the world: people from Australia, South America, Asia have issues with latency and they cannot play the game properly
Competitive is a mess not worth playing
Lore of this game is complety forgotten: people care about that too, i wish we could get some more of that.

The is alot more but the game need more attetion from the devs and the community.

Short answer its the ranking system in general if you see that the Enemy team has a higher SR its an immediate buzz kill. I know in the past I have had Ranked games where we have been below by at least 100 and everybody just stopped caring they started doing random things instead of playing as a team.

My answer is do away with the SR counter at the match start up send the two teams in blind and Disable the career profile option for the enemy team in these match’s. I can’t tell you how many times I have heard "there is a genji, winston, and Pharah main on the other team we should have this, this and this.

Make the matches spontaneous and on the fly .

Because season 10 is a thing.

I just don’t know how the dev team deal with the craps the forums gives them.

Anything that people love, will in turn, receive hate. Either from expectations not coming through or when you make a hero that changes the game, people hate change.

I for one enjoy what they have done with the game but the lack of being able to play a certain role or the randomness of “play what you want” is what makes me give this game hate, when I do.

Change is just change. It isn’t necessarily good or bad on it’s own and what it is can vary from person to person.

Personally, many of the changes that have been made since I bought the game have reduced my enjoyment of the game.

I bought Overwatch in November of 2016 because I liked a few of the characters and I wanted a game to play with my friends since they were getting burned out on TF2 due to the changes.

My friends quit due to balance changes over the next four months.

My favorite character to play solo when I got the game was Ana. She was nerfed to the point she was no longer viable at my mechanical skill level.

My favorite character to play with friends was Mercy who had the ultimate that I enjoyed using changed and had an e ability added that I disliked fighting against along with movement changes I disliked fighting against added.

My next favorite healer Lucio had his range significantly limited which made it so I’m stuck focusing on trying to keep the herd of cats that is my teammates into my circle rather than playing the game.

I also liked Junkrat and he was changed to have an additional mine and altered tire caused him to be more annoying to fight and lead to an increase in complaints which lead to changes to his mine damage and the size of his primary fire’s hit box which are not enjoyable along with an increase in negative treatment when I play him.

We’ve also had changes that altered the way some mechanics have worked such as changes to ultimate abilities that have had a significant negative impact on some heros such as Lucio.

Changes to Sombra have managed to increase the level of annoyance she produces against some heros like Lucio while also at times reducing her effectiveness.

We also now have messages in QP suggesting that teams have two tanks and two healers that actually appear to impact . Personally, I find the more tanks and healers you bring into play the less enjoyable the match tends to be (I play primarily in Quick Play).

Then, you’ve got Brigitte. Her armor reduces the effectiveness of many rapid fire heros like soldier 76 whom I enjoy playing. Her shield makes her a tedious pain to fight. Her stuns and knock back raise this up to 11. The overall stats she puts out are excessive. I’ve got a 71 % win rate as her.

The lore also isn’t really doing that great. By having a slow production of lore you lead to users developing head cannon that will tend to be preferable to the user unless you really knock it out of the park. They haven’t been knocking it out of the park. (Some of this is probably personal preference and some of it may also be outside restrictions on the writers.) Honestly, I had a hard time believing that the same person is doing much of the writing on Overwatch also was a writer on one of my favorite games. (He did much of Telos on KOTOR II)

Finally, you’ve got the re-works to Hanzo and Sym and the methods of dealing with enforcement. I can’t talk much about enforcement due to the Code of Conduct but, the re-works in some ways feel like an abdication where instead of putting in a clear effort to fix something they are instead making extreme changes and relying on player dislike to make the mediocre efforts to be acceptable.

Naturally, they’ve made other changes over the last few years( and I’ve even liked one or two of them) but, these probably had the largest impact/latest impact on me.

Virtually all of the changes did/do align with some players interests but, the majority of them haven’t aligned with mine and thus have had a negative impact.

Honestly, the game would be in a better spot for me personally if the developers had put out nothing mechanically since they time I joined the game. It’s something that I’ve run into in a fair portion of the games that as the game gets older the changes get more and more iffy for me(Generally for games the first few months of changes are good and then you gradually hit iffier and iffier changes at least for me personally). I’m starting to look into games that are approaching an end of development so that I can be confident that the developers aren’t going to screw it up.

Add in some questionable choices in communication and my views towards certain members of the development team do lean towards dislike.

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Nah, not maybe.


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No, by mega thread I mean that once per week there is a Brigette or Hanzo thread with 400+ comments. They are not “official” but they are there.