Why is OW getting so much hate?

you literally cannot play bastion effectively.

There are two shot AOE characters galore running rampant in gold/plat that you genuinely cannot compete with unless “muh aim” and even then, pharah can be hyper aggressive and just literally fall on you and two shot you then boost and fly away and you cant do anything about it.

Most tanks are trash and are mostly only good on defense due to the fact that they dont have to push because most of their push strength has been nerfed into the ground.

I dont care. Mercy flies and can go to whatever team mate in line of sight. If she is attentive, you literally cannot do anything with him. And if you’re saying a tank can only be a disrupter then I think he needs a rework.

yeah because hanzo can shoot him mid jump and then pressure you with scatter arrow.
Now hanzo has a leap ability that leaps him out of ur range of AOE and its on a shorter cooldown than your jump, and even then when he can just do the trick of run away and climb back up. you literally cannot combat this.
Stay up top, oh look they ran away.
follow them, oh look you gotta sit on the ground while they snipe ur team.

literally cannot counter this.

And no, if you can pick any character on any side of the match, attack or defense, then heroes cannot be one specific role on some maps.

They need to be in a vague generalization and not specialized in a certain way, this will literally make them have a very low pick rate and be trash in any other situation.
That is truth and it also explains why Orisa was trash because blizzard designed her to work well on Defense but yet not have it so you cant only pick certain kinds of characters on defense/offense. Literally a terrible design choice.

Have you not read any of my other post?

Bastion, like I said, is in a delicate area. If given too much he’s op. Properly protect him like with Pirate ship and he dominates.

Orisa, Rein, D.Va, and Winston are all fine. So dunno why you say they are trash. Rein is the most picked across the board out of EVERY character now. D.Va is still powering through even with the death of Dive. Orisa is fine, but she’s too slow even by Rein standards. And Winston fell out due to the meta shift. Doesn’t make him bad though.

Hog is still good imo, just doesn’t mold well with the meta.

Pharah is #9 picked in Gold. #13 in Plat. She’s beat my Ana (ANA!!!) for christ sakes in Plat. She’s not a problem. With the double sniper, it’s hard to be a Pharah main right now.

Thankfully we don’t go on with what you think. Tanks have some specific roles. Rein/Orisa are anchors. D.va/Hog are Bullies. Winston is a disrupter. They don’t all have to play the same. And if you are trying to 1v1 anyone besides Widow and possibly Hanzo as Winston, you are doing it wrong and failing to support your team.

Scatter isn’t in the game anymore? If he got the shot while in the air, he’s a good shooter. Can’t blame mechanics for that. Scatter didn’t “pressure” him because it one shot him while aiming at the floor. What game have you been playing?

Funny, I do all the time.

You don’t even make sense half of your post and what you are arguing is completely against what anyone else has said. I think you need to do some better research on some of the game mechanics and the characters kits. Also understanding what meta is. Why certain characters can’t be meta but can be viable. And why said characters aren’t always meta in every situation. So thus, I can’t take anything you actually say seriously. Going forward, I’m just ignoring responding to you.

You literally use this word too much and have no clue the actual definition of it.

I still remember that one Widow, who tried to do Ledge/hook trick. But that player was so used to Winstons chasing him down, he climbed back when he met… me :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Never hard to kill off a Widow. Even in current meta, Winston is my goto guy when there’s a really oppressive Widow on the enemy team.

Also depends on how well the enemy team is working together as well.

Why are you so adament about protecting blizzard when they’ve obviously failed many times in terms of balancing.
It took them nerfing every other aspect of ana to finally realize they need to nerf her burst healing potential given to her by her bionade to stop triple tank.

I didnt say rein was trash. He’s okay, because he’s the only one that can essentially be successfully offensive now.
Dva is trash because her missiles take away most of her kit’s power. Getting rid of it or simply dodging it because its not hard to, and attack her because she dragged herself out of position to fly into u with them, she mostly sacrifices herself for a single kill and you cant really do much about it.

Orisa is trash because of what I just said. She was made defensive in a game where you can pick her on Offense. that limits her usability by 50%

Winston is trash because simple healing can out do his damage under every circumstance. Even pros play winston how I just stated when you said “no he’s only a disrupter”. Pros play him like that and the fact that you can literally just become nullified just from a mercy beam really sucks and makes you seems incredibly weak. Because of that, he is weak, he gets bully.

I dont care what character you play. She is comboing with pharmercy and junk main to produce two shot mechanics that do combo with each other to garner chain kills.

thats where you’re very wrong. A tank can be played however you want to play that tank.
Blizzard is terrible at designing new characters and the only really real tank is orisa because she isnt mobile under any circumstances.

“hog and dva are bullies” then why nerf there bully potential when all you had to do to stop the bully potential was to deny one very deniable aspect of their kit.

Im telling you this because its what happened because people are not threatened by winston.

To some very dumb widows probably

Im saying the game is completely unbalanced. But yet here you are saying a lot of people will heavily disagree on you with for many different reasons but you’re nullifying them with your own believes that there are ROLES in this game, which imo are clearly undefined.

A bully tank that can be crapped on if they cus why not, we cant hurdles in this game it needs to be casualized?
A anchor tank that can go across the map via charge?
What about Dive tanks? Winston and Dva were dive tanks. Now suddenly dva is a disrupter?

What even is this? Unless you’re gonna say there’s many many roles that these characters have because people can play them in wahtever situation they feel like. You know. Generally. As i’ve said earlier that characters in this game should be made. In a general sense.

On competitive it varies, but on QP usually the other team is way better than yours :stuck_out_tongue:

What are you even talking about? Every event besides retribution was recycled from the last year. Even the current event is just all the events recycled.

Not to mention all of the hero reworks were slow as snail and all of them failed.

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Almost all those balance changes were pretty terrible.
Mercy is still way too OP
Bastion/Sombra… I don’t even need to say anything else there
There is still no new core game mode
Comp is still bad.
No role queue
Missing features everywhere you look

I could go on.

Its why I stopped playing

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Mei yeti event was different from mei snow ball tho.
still not much of a change tho.

  • I wouldn’t say many are terrible. I do think that many of the changes were un-needed or took a kit in the wrong direction. Junk’s aiming nade, wrong direction. Zen’s volley nerf, un-needed. As examples.

  • Mercy isn’t op at all. She’s balanced and fair. The fact that you can stun her through that really long rez is enough there. Or kill her. Or hook her. Whatever the flavor there.

  • Bastion is fine but bad enough niche where he doesn’t fit anywhere. Can’t really comment on Sombra since I really don’t play her.

  • There doesn’t need to be. Unless you’re suggesting OW turn into all the other games and just go with a Battle Royale, which is a horrible idea in itself too.

  • Comp is only bad on the edges of the ranks due to low number of people with the MMR system.

  • Role queue is a garbage idea for OW in it’s current state. We can revisit this subject when there are at least 50 characters.

  • Like what? Name these missing features? Most of the ideas of the “missing features” is people trying to turn it into CoD or just all around bad ideas.

  • Stopped playing but still commenting on Overwatch’s forums. As Frozen song says. “Let it go.”

Ok, I give that one a pass but they only did it cuz they got a backlash during junkenstein.

So just because I stopped playing the game I have to drop everything Overwatch related?

I don’t think so.

As Ive said before. I will still follow Overwatch. I was still read the forums. I will still watch any shorts. I will still read the comics. I will still pay attention to new hero/event releases.

I can still enjoy those things without playing Overwatch.

You don’t get to tell me to leave the forums simply because I don’t enjoy playing the game anymore.

Thats like telling someone who decided to cut cable TV that they aren’t allowed to have a TV anymore

If you need more details on “missing features” follow the links provided:

tbqh, Zen’s volley nerf was a way to lower his skill floor, and raise his skill ceiling.
He now has more control over his shots so he can potentially land more shots than previously.

She kinda is OP. She effectively replace’s Orisa’s ult, Dont know if their ults stack tho.
But she effectively replaces it with a highly mobile 200 hp character that can fly where ever.

Bastion is not fine.
he’s too slow, his hit box is too big and he effectively cannot do much damage in comparison to the amount of damage he receives.

you are right, there doesnt need to be. however, doing nothing creates staleness and staleness drives people away. That is very much true. However instantly suggesting battle royale is purely done to demonize the statement to make it seem as bad possible.

now this is heavily awkward to even say simply because Match making.

I dont think so. you’re not going to get 50 characters at this rate. Blizzard cant even release one gud character that isnt OP or trash.

lmao, you’re not here for criticisms and wholesome debate. You just wanna put ur foot down that overwatch is a good game.

AOE characters shouldnt get teh right to two tap people because would you know it? Their shots are biggger than everyone else’s and therefore should do very much less in comparison.
Soldier gets 19 damage per shot but junk gets 6 times that amount for a bullet that can bounce around corners along with insta get-out-of-jail-free mines that are also 120 damage.
its complete trash in terms of balancing.
The game utterly needs to be slowed down and the amount of DPS that is being flung about needs to be heavily slowed down because this isnt something that promotes all kinds of characters. Infact this is mainly why bastion isnt viable.

I didn’t say you had to. More of a suggestion. It’s like wanting to take a beating over and over with constant reminders. When I leave games, I leave everything behind. Not saying you gotta do what I do. But I don’t like reminders all the time.

I never read quitting overwatch threads. I just see them as a cry for attention. No offense and not saying you are.

Just because I think you missed it.

this shows exactly that you’re not here for wholesome debate, you’re here to put a foot down and stomp opposition with circular logic with “no ur wrong” without explaining why.

I’ve explained why I think winston is trash. His damage can simply be outhealed by a mercy. Not to mention any other kind of healer attempting to also heal. That would just make Winston completely bad.

But another arguement im going to make is that I believe heroes in this game shouldnt be meta specific. Maybe if we had like 50 or more characters, that argument would be completely valid, like in LoL. But its not. We’re at 27/28 characters right now and there is no limit to what character you can pick on whatever side of the board. you can be on offense and pick defense orientated Orisa. Or you can be Defense and pick Soldier 76, an offense character.
There is no limit to this. Because of this, I believe characters in this game should NOT be Defense or Offense orientated. They should be in a General purpose situation until blizzard decides on how they want to push forward on this issue.

In fact nothing separates the defense cast from the offense cast. There is no underlying trait for any of them. So why does this separation of class even exist in this game?

I dont blame you. Im not saying you HAVE to go read mine either.
I agree that most of those posts aren’t very helpful and people don’t usually leave good feedback.

I happen to actually really love Overwatch. Deciding to not play it anymore wasn’t one of my favorite choices ever.

Thats why I decided to at least leave reasons why I left, things I feel could be improved upon and hopefully at some point I will be able to come back, play Overwatch and have fun again.

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That’s all everyone’s personal choices and I respect it.

I just will never understand why people like to have daily reminders of leaving something behind.

It’s like an ex for me. Get rid of her and out of my life. Memories and all.

I admit that I don’t have as much fun as I use to. But that’s because I’m a Junkrat main and he gets punished really heavily this current meta. But I do still like the game so I’ve just adapted and moved onto playing other characters. Specifically Brig right now in comp.

That being said, this is the first season in a very long time I’ve actually enjoyed playing Comp.