Why is Mercy's healing still 50hps?

She wasn’t about burst healing in the first place. Her design was to provide consistent single target healing.

Plus, properly utilizing her has more to do with using her damage boost than actual healing.

She doesn’t have to aim, and she has some pretty good utility
those two things come at a price, that price being your hps

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See, that solution turns Mercy into having the best healing average per game, even above moira, the healer that only has the ability to heal

And Mercy has practically zero damage, while Moira has a lot.
Mercy also has nothing resembling burst heal which is more useful than consistent healing.

I don’t see the issue.

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she averages lucio damage… THat’s not damage. that’s trash that feeds the enemy supports ult charge.

she practically has the best burst heal bringing someone from dead to full

I just find it kinda weird how they practically gave Baptiste M2 Mercy’s old 60 HPS healing except it’s instant and AoE and if you do some calculation with his fire rate it’s around 72 HPS instead.

I generally come away with a thousand and some change damage when I play Mercy, not counting damage I boosted. I dont see that as “practically zero”, particularly when I am getting most of that damage in a situation that results in a kill on the other team rather than just feeding the red team healers

this is quite normal, given that Moira needs to do damage to make optimal use of her healing

Given that rez can take a dead player and restore all of their HP, with the huge bonus that all of their activity now starts up as well, I kinda sorta see rez as more or less a burst heal with the limitation that it is usable only on a dead target.

I know the game doesnt count it statistically as healing, but functionally, thats pretty much how it works

I’d at the very least say it “resembles” burst healing

Personally, I find consistent healing to be more useful

Because 50 hps is all she needs.

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From what I remember Orisa’s supercharger, Mercy’s damage beam and nanoboost and added up to the inital attack. Than Baptiste’s amplication is added then finally zen’s discord orb. So Orisa, Mercy and Ana all increase the power of the player. Baptiste increases the power of the attack when it grows through his amplification. Zenyatta increases the amount of damage a target receives.

So it going something like this

100x2.3=230 (So Mercy, orisa and Ana all boost the power of a hero.)

230x2=460 (Baptiste boosts the attack)

460x1.25 (Zen boosts the amount of damage a target recieves.)

If damage amplifiers were just stack straight on than the total damage would only be 355.

There’s no cap on dmg boost. If you are dmg boosted and attacking a zen discord target you are dealing +60% dmg (55% now that zen got nerfed).

You can even stack orisa ult + discord + mercy amp + nano + baptiste ult.

Jeff talked about it in some interview that they may eventually put a cap but right now it’s unnecessary because a comp with ridiculous amount of dmg amp doesn’t really exist.

See, if you count Resurrect as a burst heal, then Mercy ALSO has zero utility and said burst heal is literally the most inconsistent ability in the game bar none.

Moira’s burst heal on the other hand is on a 10s CD, doesn’t have a 1.75s cast time, doesn’t have a 75% slow, and can’t get interrupted by CC .

I think I understand your point here, but it disregards the “bonus” over and above the “burst heal” effect - a teammate’s actions restored to the team sooner

I find it to be very consistent, myself, though there is maybe more thought and care one has to put into it than say an Ana grenade

I love Moira - but - her orbs have other limitations that are not mentioned in the statement above

Things which are consistent need to be lower. Why do you think Zen and Lucio have low hps, and Rein/Moira/Winston have relatively low damage?

Mercy’s healing can’t be blocked, and she has plenty of mobility as well. Mercy simply doesn’t work well in super tank heavy teams, just like you wouldn’t pick Moira in a quad dps game.

Mercy will be much more relevant when dps are more relevant.


Mercy’s active heal target could gain immunity from being killed by burst damage, instead reduced to 1 HP. That would help offset the complaints of the one-shot meta we live in (which GOATS is a result of). The ability is now canon with Baptiste and fits with Mercy’s “Heroes never die!” quotable.

The simple answer is: no healer can output as much sustained healing as she can

for example if Moira runs out of juice she has to deal damage or wait or orb, during that downtime her hps is 50 during 3 seconds and afterwards it’s 0, orb always heals 50 hps too, so, the only reason Moira has 80 hps on her primary is to cover the downtime that might happen in between, if she were to have infinite juice her healing would probably be even lower than 50

For Ana the math is simpler, if you miss 1 out of 2 shots your hps drops to half, so 45 hps which is under Mercy’s value, pros can keep it up fairly well but want it or not Ana needs to reload and Ana is also incredibly vulnerable so they have to play carefully not to get dove. Nade helps, sure but Nade is such a powerful tool that you mostly save it for antiheal a whole team or to save yourself from potential death

Mercy though can stay tethered for as long as she wants to and not only is 50 hps a perfectly viable middle number for the healing output but also consider that IF her target were to die she can always rez them back up, not 100% of the time sure but she’s the only one who CAN do such a thing

Potential gameplay needs to be taken in consideration when balancing and that’s why Mercy’s healing is still 50 hps

Damage boost?

also, where was it written that a burst heal skill cannot be utility? O.o it’s in fact both

Discord actually is multiplicative, so it will be more than 55% because discord also boosts already boosted damage.

100 damage with Boost and Discord hits for 162,5 as in 100 * 1.3 * 1.25, instead of 155 which would be 100 * 1.55.

Every other boost is additive.

Granted this was also when nobody expected the rest of the support class (sans Brig) to be buffed while they nerfed her hips. But we’ll never know.

If they go forward with the 2/2/2 matchmaking change, they need to revert the change.

She’s the only dive main healer, and god knows we’re not getting another main healer anytime soon. We have 3 deathball healers mainhealers and one dive main healer who has nearly half of the burst heal potential as the other main healers. With Dvas nerf, armor nerf, and reapers buff, and Reinhardt having the best ultimate out of the main tanks, dive just won’t make a comeback without mercy being able to heal the damage that we can expect dive tanks to take.

Orisa May make a comeback on 2 point defense with baptiste, although that remains to be seen, but too many characters rely on mercy being as viable with heals as the other main healers.

Probably because the devs hate Mercy / Mercy mains. Sigh