Why is Mercy's healing still 50hps?

If they gave Mercy a bit more ult charge for damage boost, which right now averages pitful 811 per match, great Mercy would get more healing in the form of Valkyrie, rather than being given a flat buff every monkey without a PHD can use.

Just healing isn’t going to change anything about her gameplay.

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Probably to give other healer opportunity to compete with her, so if the comp is heavy tank oriented people will pick either moira or ana depending on the situation.
She shine in dps comp but not limited to it.

In what world is 60 HPS “Massive amounts for healing for tanks”, when we played with that value before and it wasn’t nowhere near massive?

And to answer your question, maybe Mercy needs more healing because she’s the only main healer without burst healing(Healing Orb, Nade)? She USED to have a slightly bigger healing BECAUSE she has no burst healing, but even that got gimped.

And those healing numbers actually work against you because you are forgetting something important: Those are only Healing numbers. You need to check the Damage numbers as well:

Moira: 6,897
Ana: 4,079
Mercy: 474

Yes, Mercy heals slighly more than the other heroes, but she contributes to the fight WAY less. 9735 Healing + 4,079 DMG is far more useful than 11098 + 474, its simple math.

Mercy needs buffs because when you take all that a hero can do, as you should, she is the one coming short in this situation, and its not supposed to be like this.


She is very good, despite the incomplete and misleading description provided in the statements above


It kind of was. It meant she was consistent and kept up. It’s kind of an overshadowing element to other main healer choices.

I think Mercy would be perfect if she had ways to get to 60hps, but if it was earned, not just given. Something that actually defined depth of a good Mercy player.


No it really wasn’t. They reduced her healing on the same patch they buffed the other healers, she would have been knocked down regardless of weather or not her healing got reduced.

The reason Mercy was so predominant at that time was because, despite all the other nerfs she had already received, double-Sniper was the meta and her DMG Boost+Ress synergized too wel with those too, it never had anything to do with her healing.


Would like to remind you; it took both a nerf to Mercy’s healing AND giving Ana’s nanoboost 300hp for Ana to beat Mercy’s healing numbers in GM

Remember when people were saying she’d always be a must pick with E rez and the -10hps would do nothing? Ah good times…


So? Ana still does a boat-load of damage on too of her already high healing, PLUS her utility.

Mercy’s healing was never a problem, so much that they increased it from 50 to 60 back then and now increased it to 60 ON VALK ONLY as a band-aid fix.

Ana and Moira have more healing than Mercy.
Ana and Moira have burst healing on-demand and Mercy doesn’t.
Ana has insane utility and Moira has Damage, Mercy has one good utility(DMG Boost) but you can’t use it as often since her low healing requires you to stay on healing most of the time, and Res will get you killed 80% of the match.

Hows that fine?


Problem is though, she’s being outshined even in 2-2-2. Ana is outpicking her in anything above Bronze. Ana, Lucio and Zen just got nerfed, so I guess we’ll see how that plays out with the new stats.

Regardless, Mercy averages 811 dmg amped, a pitiful amount. It’s even more pitiful when one consider how much ult charge you get from that, supposedly it’s 2% every 3 damage, but an user’s test suggests it might be as low as 1% every 5 damage, which is frankly even more pitiful. Whatever the actual amount is, it’s too low in practice.

You see, Mercy is being punished with the lack of ult charge for damage boosting, which is a big part of why one picks her in those DPS comps.

GOATS was already a rising strat by that patch, Mercy was out that particular door regardless, that probably just fast tracked it.

Mercy was buffed to 60HPs in Valkyrie and ult charge reduced by a comparable amount, and now Ana is being nerfed to 250HP. So Blizzard must have thought it was overdone.


They originally increased Mercy’s healing to 60 hps to solidify her role as a dedicated healer.

Caduceus Staff
Healing Beam
Healing-per-second has been increased by 20%
Developer Comments
Mercy’s healing is also getting a boost to solidify her role as a strong, single-target healer.

Why they reverted it to 50 hps is beyond me, as their explanation strongly contradicts their goals for Mercy. Even if she had 60 hps now, Ana would be a far greater and appealing option due to the utility she brings, and even Baptiste.

Moira lacks utility and is just raw healing and damage, but even then she pushes out roughly 25% more healing on average than Mercy can while being able to damage more than three times the amount of damage Mercy could boost previously when she had 60 hps.

I averaged 2k to 3k damage boosted back when Mercy could heal 60 hps, and average 6k as Moira per match. Now the gap is so disgustingly wide, there’s minimal reason to pick Mercy over any of the other healers. I’m averaging 700-1000 damage boosted per match live, while still pushing out 6k damage as Moira.


They want winston to be able to damage someone who is being healed by mercy somewhat.


Mercy is the only healer with consistent reliable heals, while other healers have to rely on aim, cooldowns, etc. Honestly Mercy does not need higher than 50hps healing because of this. It’s unfair to the other healers who dont have that consistency and reliability.
Mercy also doesnt need burst heals. Her Valkyrie chain beams already work for semi-burst healing your whole team, but she doesnt need the burst healing potential that Moira or Ana have because thats not her niche. It just isnt.

When Mercy had 60hps there was a Mercy on each team (usually, and we’re talking competitive games), and she could outheal the damage that the second healers would bring making the whole damage aspect that other healers brought not as important. She shouldn’t be able to do so considering how easy it is for her to output healing.

??? Pretty sure she still does the most healing, or maybe Moira is ahead of her by a little. She does do enough healing, she just inst meta because she doesnt have a defensive ultimate but thats not a problem because it isnt her niche. She still is a main healer.

Whats so bad about this? You’re literally using her ult how its supposed to be used, to boost Mercy’s ability to keep teammates alive. Plus its mid fight, of course theres a lot of damage and possibly even damage dealing ults flying around. What do you expect?

She DOES do enough healing, her healing numbers have barely dropped since the 50hps nerf (from what I remember), its just not as easy to keep everyone alive which is how it SHOULD be considering how much easier and more consistent her healing is compared to other supports.


Then why was mercy not meta the entire time she had 60 hps? There was a time when mercy was considered weak even with her 100% consistent 60 hps. I think that the other parts of her kits are the issue, not her healing output. I never saw one person complain about 60 hps until it was nerfed, no one ever said 60 hps was too much, everyone was complaining about rez and valk. The devs even said they were done nerfing mercy and that she was balanced right before they nerfed her to 50

Honestly, it doesn’t just make it harder to keep everyone alive, in my experience it just makes mercy really really bad at healing tanks and therefore fail her role as the main healer. I don’t even notice any difference really when healing squishies/200 hp heroes with 50 hps, but when it comes to healing tanks it feels like a whole different ballpark. Healing tanks as mercy with 50 hps is futile, it takes 10 seconds to heal rein considering he’s taking no damage, and for ana and moira it takes under 4 seconds to heal rein. With 60 hps, it already took mercy twice as long as ana and moira to heal tanks, that was the trade off for the super consistent healing and that was fair to me. Now it just feels awful on tanks.


I’m also sad about the damage boost change.
If I understand correctly, this change was made so that projectiles/hitscans shots that go though Baptiste’s ultimate will be boosted at the end.

Since the boost occurs before the attack reaches the enemy, I believe they made this change for him. It doesn’t affect Orisa’s supercharger or Ana’s nano boost so it’s only bad for Mercy…

But who cares right^^ I’ll main Baptiste and be done with it. Seems much more fun.

Yea… This is my problem with how they did things.

We literally do not know if it was needed or not.

Especially now that Moira is getting her heals slightly buffed again, that’s just going to boost her numbers above Mercy even more.

“But damage from a support doesn’t count as a meaningful contribution!!!”


“Mercy’s fine because she can damage boost”

Am I the only one who sees the irony?


Mercy isn’t bad per say, but she certainly isn’t the go-to healer for anything like she’s supposedly intended to be. At most, she’s just picked for either consistency in lower ranks and the occasional pocket higher up. Not really the go-to healer, just a convenient one.

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Seems like some dumb people forgot that there was a time when Mercy was buffed to 60 hp/s because she couldnt compete with Ana.
And guess what Mercy rn cant compete with Ana.


No defensive ult to save from shatter/grav/bomb.

Its a sacrifice Mercy has to make for her consistency/reliability. Also… am I the only one that doesn’t notice a difference…? I found those 10 seconds of healing super soothing/satisfying, almost therapeutic…

It’s not that bad for me but then again, I totally get we’re just into different things. Nothing wrong with that.

Mass rez was a defensive ult so I’m kinda confused by what you mean. If your point is it wasn’t good enough you could’ve ran mercy zen or lucio. I’m just saying 60 hps doesn’t immediately make mercy a must pick.

The 50hps nerf is very noticeable when you valk, I’ll be healing my rein and struggling and then I valk for 60 hps and rein can sustain a lot more. But that’s just me, we can agree to disagree. After all, it was a flat out 17% healing nerf which is pretty significant in this game.

To find the 10 second healing therapeutic you must be slightly deranged :joy: :joy: (just joking around) but when my rein is low and I’m waiting those 10 seconds(that turn into 30 sec cuz he’s taking damage) my stress is at an all time high :joy:

And talking about sacrifices my point was mercys consistent healing at 60 hps already had half the potential of anas and moira’s and I think that is a good enough trade off, now with 50 hps it’s less than half and it feels like there’s way too big of a gap between the main healers, and mercy is basically considered and off support at this point anyway

60 would be great but maybe they could just settle at 55 hp/s

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