Why is Mercy's healing still 50hps?

That’s because the braindead healers weren’t in the game then so of course mercy would be used more

Personally, I dont find any characters in the game to be braindead


I think you are referring to Moira and brig? And Moira was only absent for three months during moth meta, Brig came three additional months later.

I mean even with 50hps she heals more than every support except Moira until GM where Ana becomes second

Bronze and Silver she is number 1 healer in terms of output
Gold she’s only within 400 of Moira
Then the gap gets bigger slightly until GM where Ana finally beats her

Sounds about right if you ask me?


honestly, the only way they can change mercy is through her Guardian Angel.

Here’s some idea on what I mean:

  • Add an AoE boop from when she takes off and lands using Guardian Angel.
  • When using Guardian Angel, apply a small AoE DoT affect (5 dmg/s for 3s) to enemy below her.
  • When using Guardian Angel, apply a small AoE HoT affect (5 hp/s for 3s) to allies below her.

These are some simply idea that add tons of depth to her mechanics.


Im low elo so I take my own thoughts on OW with a grain of salt, you should to.


I feel like one of her issues when flying to a target to heal is shes vulnerable when she uses it to get in range for heal because its going to be on CD, and it can put her in a bad spot.

I think a nice little subtle buff to her would be giving her some form of mitigation while in flight and a second or 2 after landing.

20% or 30%.

Or maybe make it a shield on her for 20% lasting a set short duration.

That way she can mix it up a little more.

No duh she’s more balanced now… compare live Mercy to Valk with 2 instant resurrects and a duration of 20 seconds.
She is definitely playable, more competitively balanced than Mercy 1.0 however she is not perfect and could stand to be tweaked.

Like I said in my post:

Ill elaborate and say that a large majority of the time I have the gold medal for healing. This isn’t proof she’s in a good state to me.

The devs are eventually going to nerf Moira and Ana so…

And Ana of course she has more utility than Mercy AND does more healing!! :thinking:


Just going with the numbers we’ve got from 3rd party sites and what the devs have said in the past

She still outputs a lot of healing, though less than Moira because that is all Moira can do.

It literally took them nerfing Mercy’s healing AND giving Ana’s nanoboost 300 healing for her to beat Mercy in GM


I honestly don’t see this as a problem considering Ana get’s value in ways other than just healing and burst healing can be more useful to a team than consistently high over time healing.


To heck with the healing, buff ult charge gain for damage boost and remove speed penalty during Res.

The unique and underutilized parts of her kit, the parts that differentiate a good from a bad Mercy.


I’d love to see them try some quality of life buffs for Mercy. I feel she is playable and 50 hp/s is okay but the negative consequences it had to other parts of her play-style irk me. Deeply.

Here’s the average healing done per game for all supports in all ranks.

1-Moira: 11512
2- Mercy: 11098
3-Ana: 9735

And here’s the results for GM level, where ana doesn’t miss shots so easily.

1- Moira 13918
2- Ana 11941
3- Mercy 11263

Mercy actually is dealing more consistent healing than most. And almost as much as ana in highest level of this game. So why exactly does she need more healing again? Because a support that was modified to be more of a dps meta support, needs massive amounts of healing for tanks?


The same way Mercy gives value with Damage boost and Res

Not every support offers the same values; Ana has high burst to make up for her healing downtimes. Reloading and missing shots; Mercy doesn’t have to worry about this by having a constant stream available but without answer to burst damage. Mercy is one of the best supports for DPS characters, it’s just the meta is not in DPS’s favour atm

Plus with the nerf to Discord, this is another indirect buff to Mercy seeing as she’ll be the highest non-ult damage boost in the game, giving her even more synergy with DPS


Changes are always a possibility in this game, but I fail to see what that has to do with these (or any) heroes being braindead

I’m refuting the reasons why Mercy’s healing was changed in the first place.
It’s irrelevant information you’ve given on her current healing averages because I’m not arguing her healing is too low overall.
50 hp/s is SO lacklustre mid-fight, I dare say a great portion of Mercy’s healing is the consistent topping up she provides. It doesn’t matter to me if over the course of the match she healed the most if she couldn’t provide enough healing when it was needed the most.


Possibly because they have to balance everything around resurrect, a highly powerful ability, being on a standard ability with a fixed cooldown. It’s sad I know, poor design in my opinion, but also true.

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These parts of her kit are becoming increasingly difficult to use mid-fight.
Rez is so high risk. Mercy’s kit is so cluttered it honestly baffles me how people find her state good.

Conversely, it baffles many of us how the anti-Mercy faction finds her state to be so bad


Thumbs up for amazing design ! A strong single target healer with only 20 hps above zenyatta. Highly mobile yet has an ability that locks herself into a state of low movement. An ultimate that is the jack of all trades but master of none. Mercy is SO good.