Why is mccree still a shield/tank buster?

If he is so busted why are you plat? Using such a busted hero should make you 4.3k at least :joy:
There is not a single dps hero in the cast busted right now.

Overwatch Balance since years:

Very popular with the Kardashians honey.

Yeah it’s a little bit different context there…

Imagine the outrage if Flashbang was added on a post-launch hero. :rofl:

Everyone just accepts it because it’s been there from the start.

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Factor in mitigation from armor. Factor in healing rates. Factor in barriers. That damage shrinks down quite a bit.

I mean again, 180 damage in one second is a lot of damage in one second. In two seconds that’s 360 damage. But the reality is, that’s not always going to happen when miss rates are still incredibly high.

It’s more than that. You’re looking at anywhere between 900 to 2100 health at any given time.

All damage heroes were.

Unlikely to happen. Blizzard seems more than happy to let Ana continue to use Sleep Dart. And for Lucio to continue to have Soundwave.

False. One stun is death for Flankers like Tracer, Genji, Reaper, and more. When Hacked, Tracer loses her mobility to blink and rewind. And post-Bash, Tracer can lose 50% of her health from Whipshot plus a basic swing.

Reinhardt still has his barrier to protect against Bash and Hack, still has his cleaving damage from his hammer. Wrecking Ball may be more vulnerable, but his barrier will keep him alive even after a Hack or a Bash (provided he turned it on prior).

No, this is false.

Certain damage heroes are struggling for relevancy, but that doesn’t mean that some heroes aren’t overpowering. Tracer is a fairly good example of this, and the fact that McCree is being picked as a means to deal with her solely (along with other reasons) suggests that there’s some overuse here that indicates some issues of more problematic designs.

That’s the overall power ranking; not necessarily how the game’s balance has always been.

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Geez, you think?

Glad to have you back with us then.

Say, you guys call a dps’s burst combo cheese and no brain. But a Shield Tank pressing a button while looking at a general direction to block hundreds, or thousand damage for the whole team is in any way much more skillful?

No one ever stops to wonder just how much free values Shield Tanks provide? No one ever questions why Shieldless comp is borderline throwing for most ranks?


Not even going into effective health because I just want to keep it simple

Thanks for a warm welcome