Why is matchmaking so bad

I had a plat tank in a masters lobby. Ts is crazy.


wait till you get gold players in your team against GM and T500ā€¦
This game has the worst matchmaking of all time for sure


Because thereā€™s not nearly enough support players to support the 20%/40%/40% split that RQ demands.

In OW 1 a major sticking point was queue timesā€¦ so to hide that issue, theyā€™ve butchered match quality.


Yeah, Iā€™m silver and I constantly have Diamond players in my games. Iā€™ve even seen a top 500 player or two as well. Teams just get instantly stomped.

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Oh wow, thatā€™s crazy.

You think you had it bad how do you think the poor Plat felt. I keep getting Diamond and masters and Iā€™m gold. It ainā€™t fun let me tell you.

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That doesnt matter as you get matched based on MMR not rank. It might just be a masters tank which didnt play any games yet and didnt rank up to his real spot on the ladder. Blizzard always sets you way lower than you belong at the beginning of a season to give you the ā€œfeel goodā€ moment of constant climbing.


There is a hidden MMR, but when these match ups constantly result in hopeless unwinnable games for the other team itā€™s also a match making problem.

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Crazy is me going against t500 as B3. While getting paid!

I agree this game has way too many steam rolls. I think the switch to 5v5 amplified the skill difference drastically because every single player has to carry more weight. In 6v6, if the enemy team got 1 pick it was bad but you could somewhat stall enough if you played smart to get them back from spawn before you lost the teamfight. In 5v5 if just 1 teammate gets picked, suddenly 20% of your team is gone. Even worse if it happens to be the tank.

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I lose 80% of my QP games. Thatā€™s how bad the MM is.


I like what theyā€™ve done with 5v5, mostly for reducing CC, but yes thatā€™s the one big downside. Iā€™ve played plenty of game where each team has one dps/healer not pulling their weight and itā€™s fine but when the tank isnā€™t it usually results in a loss. It makes tank less fun to play for me. Because people tilt hard if the other tank is playing better, or they donā€™t like who you picked, and they stop supporting you making the situation even harder.

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I keep seeing the same players week in week out, I really dont think there is more than a few thousand still playing in comp anymore.
And Activision only cares about selling pixels, they will never attempt to balance anything, its lip service, mark my words.
Microsoft may be an ember of hope but even thatā€™s questionable whether too much dmg will have already been done.


The reason you see differences like that is because mmr and sr are separate now.

Maybe itā€™s because I play in SoCal and thereā€™s such a huge population on that server, but I very rarely see the same person unless I keep the matchmaker going and it keeps the people who donā€™t leave in the same 2 or 3 games.

Because itā€™s Free 2 Play company.

Regardless of what mode I play, Mystery Heroes, QP, or Comp, they are all nothing but a complete stomp fest. This is the only online game Iā€™ve played where games are such a stomp fest and itā€™s horrible. Has Blizzard even acknowledged how bad this matchmaking is?


The devs are prioritizing shorter queue times and fixing matches so noobs donā€™t uninstall.

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Short answer? Not enough Support players.

Long answer?

To be fair, it doesnā€™t need to be 40% Support players. That would be perfection.

But weā€™re probably at 35%/50%/15%.

So moving from 15% to 25% would be a huge improvement.