Why Is Lucio a DPS Now?

That’s all he is now, every match he’s in.

Barely heals his team, most healing is on himself, heal boosts only himself, set on speed boost most of the match just so he himself can go fast, mega focuses on damage, ults just to save his own life, flanks the enemy team over and over, gets significantly more damage than healing and racks up just as much if not more kills than the DPS.

He is extremely annoying and I’m getting very tired of having to focus on not two, but THREE dps every time he’s on the enemy team.

Oh yeah he also absolutely sucks to get on yours because that’s a guarantee that you basically only have one support.

I don’t understand why they made him an assassin and keep buffing his damage?


Eskay, and this isn’t an MMORPG.

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Characters have roles to play and Lucio is no longer a support. The majority of Lucios don’t support their team, don’t heal their team and barely care about their team at all, they dps.
And don’t give me that stupid excuse of “oh dpsing is supporting”, then every DPS character should be in the support role.

He should have his healing removed and be moved to the DPS category.

What’s your point?
This is an FPS game.


Ok remove all the roles then, OQ is every mode, no more balancing based on roles.
It’s not just an FPS game.

Does Scout in TF2 also heal his team in a radius?

Theyre trying to make supports more DPSy so DPS players will play something else.

Why should they remove Classes, from a Class Based Shooter?


Nothing you ever say makes any sense at all.

I complain about Lucio’s damage being buffed to the point that he plays best as a DPS character and every Lucio playing as a DPS because of this, and then you act like this is totally fine and that characters shouldn’t be locked to their role and support should be able to be balanced to basically just be dps.

So I suggest that they just remove roles, since you think characters should just be able to be balanced however, and then you act like roles are important?


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Perhaps, but why is that my fault?

Roles are not hard baked, and defer heavily between games.

Spy / sniper / and medic are supports in TF2 as an example.

That and well, everyone is a damage dealer. And the end goal is to delete the enemy team.

the nuance is how they do so.


I think Lucio needs some damage nerfs.

Assassin playstyle has always been a thing but it shouldn’t be so easy to pull off.

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Funny how you go on and on about healing healing healing but missed the most important part of his kit


Which class were you playing when Lucio farmed you?


Lucio always been, between Redshell and DSPstanky, a pseudo dps under the right hands.

Unfortunately, not a lot of Lucio players could actually pull it off.

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Lucio is there for the speed boost and beat in brawl/rush comps, and to harass the enemy backline as much as possible together with Sombra/Tracer. Always been like that.

Frogger ? (Vine boom) you mean frogger right ? (Vine boom) in all seriousness frogger definitely contributes to the popularity of Reddit more than eskay I personally don’t see her dps a lot

Always has been

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Since Juno’s release, I mostly forgot Lucio existed

Lucio is one of the new favs for the cheaters. They literally aimlock you and jump around as absurdly as possible. It’s a new thing. Ofc not all, but really him along with junkrat are the new hanzo and soldier for the cheaters.

Yo Homie, not ALL of us are like that, but i understand where you are coming from… i have seen a lot of them and because of so many lucio’s are doing that well… now there is a hard focus on boopio’s and i don’t play support anymore.