Why Is Lucio a DPS Now?

It’s kinda simple on my mindset when I play lucio.

I want stats. If my team dies I don’t get healing stats. If enemies don’t die before my team I don’t get healing stats. If I don’t hit my shots I don’t get dmg stats. If I die I don’t get either stats.

Slightly less monke brain thoughts applies too: If my team dies I don’t get healing stats so I save them with speed or boops. If enemies don’t die fast my team dies instead so I have to do dmg or help to put them in dmg’s way on top of speeding/healing.

You think logically, you play with team most of the time, you get more stats. Abandon your team, often there’s no stats for you or them, lose lose.

While Reddit Lucio’s have always been a thing (thanks Frogger/Redshell), dude, focus on preserving yourself. Raging doesn’t give you anything but bad decisions. Play conservatively and see if you can capitalize on Lucio/play classes that can discourage him. Cass, Moira, etc.,

It’s really hard for him to be in every single match when Juno/Brig is literally hard meta and nearly every single match.


Because support has gone back to being DPS but better, since they also heal.

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His healing output is outweighed by the utility his speed gives the team - and speed is still support.

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There is a balancing act. You don’t need speed unless your team needs to move, you don’t need healing if everyones already topped up.

^This. My Current lucio goal is to get over 5k mitigated, i am averaging out at 5k/8-10k/2-3k and want to see all 3 stats over 5k lol.

Any lucio worth their salt should have 5k damage and over 5k healing in a good match, just too many trash damage players out there trying to finish their battle pass and dailies so they queue all roles and just play like a 1 trick dps. Block, avoid, report for throwing, move along.

have you not noticed theyve been doing this to every support since ow2 came out

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Totally, but I think his standard crossfade healing feels negligible in most fights. 16hps gets outvalued by the speed burst of 25% in most cases was the point I was trying to make.

This is what makes it seem like he:

Frogger is a terrible influence

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Now? He’s pretty much always been like this.

The nerf down to 18 damage per shot was daft and I’m glad they backpeddled on that.

What the heck!!




This is basically it. Look at Illari, her whole premise is to put down a pylon and let it heal for her

Gotta cater to the lowest common denominator, “i go BBBBBRRRRAAAAPPPPP”

It’s not because I’m playing Juno at least lol. If she’s my other support, I’m Brig 100% of the time

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Probably because they were trying to differentiate Lucio from Juno. They have a lot of overlap due to both having strong speed boost capabilities.

Juno is bit more poke style play where you hang back and provide healing and speed. Lucio is more in the thick of things providing close range damage, disruption, and speed. The damage increase Lucio got makes him more dangerous at short range, which he kind of needed after hp nerf.


It’s different in Overwatch though. Spy and Sniper don’t heal their team.
EVERY support in Overwatch heals their team, and most of their abilities are for healing or supporting their team.

All Spy and Sniper do is kill players. That’s it, that’s all they do, that’s their purpose.

Lucio has several abilities to heal and support his own team, but most Lucios are not playing him that way. They’re using heal boost on themself, ult on themself, speed boost just for themself, and running off away from their team to get kills since they buffed his damage and that’s now what he does best.

It’s now a guarantee if there’s a Lucio on the enemy team, he’s going to be wallriding and speed boosting all the way to our backline to try and assassinate our supports and dps. It’s extremely irritating, and it’s very difficult to hit and kill a character as fast and evasive as Lucio who can also displace you and heal himself.

its because of the dps passive and tank buffs, you just get very little value focusing on his low healing. Why tank buffs? because thats the only way you can get get value against supports that have insane single target healing like Juno and Ana. The only way you can prevent the enemy tank from running over your team is by killing the enemy supports.

Yerp and they also have a gun! aint that something!

It’s almost like every game is differnt and doesn’t have to follow trick white mage design just for tradition sake!

Three words FREE BIRD YEAH -epic guitar solo-

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