Why is it I can have a 58% winrate and after hundreds of games and still be below or at the SR I placed?

Are you talking to me? If so ,why weird?

That make no sense to me to be honest :confused:

no i was replying to the top500 guy who came here to flaunt his rank and be a jerk.

Noted (20characters)

Because the sr system is sheeeeeet

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Keep that 50/50 matchmaking… only fair right?


In short, the ranking system is a pile of flaming trash.


It does what it supposed to do - it keeps you playing. Otherwise you are likely to stop playing, once you reach your rank.

It’s not a road to success, it’s treadmill.

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How old is your account? The more confident the MM is in your rating, the harder it will try to keep it there. In some ways I feel like I’ve gotten worse at the game, but the MM insists on putting me against much better players all the time. It’s annoying, but whatever. I ain’t carrying squat. Sorry, team.

Someone brought this up awhile ago and was pretty interesting and I am noticing it a lot these past few seasons but it seems like if you are carrying your team (especially when you still lose) then next match you get players who were just as bad stat wise as your team you just played with. Like they go off of, “Okay this person had great stats so we can’t add others like them or it will be a blow out so we will match them worse players to balance.” and then you end up getting stomped again.

I wish I bookmarked the post but a few people tested this theory by playing mediocre yet winning more matches vs carrying a team in which they lost more.


because the mm is made to go 50/50 no matter how nutted you are

169W-156L-8d is NOT winning the majority of your games.
That’s a .507 record from the view point of winning 169 out of 333 games. If you played 1,000 games at that rate you would only be +7 games at the end of it. You’re not ranking up winning +7 out of a 1000 rounds.

Even if you were getting +25 SR per a win that would be +20 wins to clear the 500SR of a tier. You would need around 3000 rounds to do that at your current win rate.

Players have to win 55%+ of all the games they play to rank up with any real forward progress. I get people counter with how ties are not a loss and Performance SR can do this or that etc.

but comp is a brutal system that really just rewards being being way better than your current rank to get out.


Disclaimer: I agree with your main response, but want to counter argue the math & reasoning behind it.

Draws are meaningless, & you move the goalposts when you count them in your total matches played, whether you group them with wins or losses. It makes sense when taking into account wins per matches played (or time spent), but not when talking about win/loss differentials. It’s better to leave them out of the equation in this case, so rather 169 wins out of 225 matches. That’s a 52% W/L or a 13 win difference.

Going off what I said prior, +25sr would net you 325sr or so. Assuming flawlessness after that, it’d be just ~7 wins to cross that 500sr threshold. I’m not too worried about arguing pbsr, it largely won’t affect those that are in or very close to their intended rank.


Because the matchmaker is Blizzard’s method for introducing grind into the game. I would wager that player engagement and playtime goes up when people have to grind their way through the system, and so the matchmaker is there to see that that happens.

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As an update I’m now probably 100-150 over the SR that I placed at. I didn’t get to check my win ratio before I went to work, but from the times I remember checking it, it would be 58% or 59%. Still this has happened before where I dip above temporarily before dipping back down with my ratio pretty much staying pretty much the same

I disagree…
because when people are batting around these sort of topics the real question is “Why haven’t I ranked up!!?!!”.

The fastest way to cut past all the crud, backed by pretty much every players profile I have seen in 4+ years on the forum, is total win rate of all games played. It needs to be around the 55%+ or nothing happens. 53% doesn’t seem to be enough, even with performance boost.

1000 rounds 507w performance when it needs to be 550w? Anything OTHER than 550w in those 1000 games, a player isn’t really going to rank up.
So does it really mater if they are ties or losses? I say no, being the system doesn’t care either from the view point of ranking up.

But draws don’t prevent you from ranking up. They don’t allow you to rank up either, they don’t have any weight.

Yeah, & the game doesn’t assign weight to draws when calculating winrate, so the winrates we see everywhere on career profiles & the like aren’t counting draws.

So then you agree with me? The system doesn’t care, nor does it assign any value to draws.

I’m not arguing what winrate you need to be successful, I’m arguing that draws don’t have any weight to you ranking up or down. Counting them as losses skews numbers. A draw & a loss have different ramifications, you can’t treat them as synonymous.


Just curious, what is PBSR?

Performance-Based Skill Rating. It basically means that your performance, or how well you do in matches, dictates your sr gains and losses. Performance-Based Skill Rating, or PBSR, is the system Overwatch uses in Competitive for Plat and Below.

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@IamSoCool basically hit the nail on the head. You still get your mid 20ish sr for a win or loss, but your gameplay can impact that number to be more or less than standard. Supposedly that stops starting in diamond, where your sr gains & losses are much more standardized.