Why is it I can have a 58% winrate and after hundreds of games and still be below or at the SR I placed?

I mean normally you’d figure that at that ratio I would have gone UP a bit but I pretty much am just going up and down around 1800 when I have 134 games won and 96 games lost and I never disconnected or left a game to incur any penalties. I would have thought that by now I would have at least gone up but nope. :man_shrugging:


Is this across all heroes? I know I’ve seen a few profiles before where their top few heroes have 60%+ winrates, but they have a whole bunch of low-playtime heroes with <50% (probably picked for last-minute stalls and stuff).


I one trick brig so it’s pretty much just brig and her stats reflecting on my role queue stats

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Mind if I take a look? Weirdly it’s not letting me see your profile. It doesn’t even say it’s private, just “not found”.


I changed my gamertag name and I don’t know how to relink it so it updates. But I have

Games played 235
Games Won 134
Games lost 96
Games tied 6

I check all other healers and there is a loss contribution of 4 games over wins from the rare cases I would play them.

Stats. Even if you win a lot you might lose more sr and win less.


What stats? My stats or in comparison to others? Generally I did better this season in I think just about ever category then last. If it’s others these hybrid characters will have a hard time leveling up lol

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Its compared to other player in your rank. So if you play brig, it takes the average of all brig stats. You need higher than those.


Seriously? Pfft here I thought I was one of the better Brig players I mean I just out healed my other healer for 13k (happens often enough) at the end of 2-1 CP. That’s kinda crummy to involve stats since it’s an objective game


Oh they love involving stats. If you tear it up, you keep getting placed with teammates who aren’t as good until you lose too much then they will throw you a bone and give you a 2 game win streak then rinse and repeat. You are basically expected to carry each match unless you start doing bad then you will start winning some.



Yeah I’ve noticed. It seems to have gotten a bit less noticable but it was obvious the first days of the season as I would get long stretches of loosing streaks then winning streaks. They should have just paired you with people close to the same ranking and that’s it. It’s ridiculous gaining 3 Sr when almost evertime I lose its almost guaranteed to be 25 but never 3.

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Yeah I found that to be the case last season as well. Apparently you have to hit 60%+ because PBSR likes to punish you within that 51-59% range.

Gold and Silver are fun ranks. You get a lot of tank throwers there for the “loot box”


Stats are context. Judging by purely wins/losses would nudge many people in directions they don’t belong. Judging value in addition to wins/losses helps push/pull players in the direction they do belong in addition to the win/loss. Your stats (context) of the match help identify how much value you actually provided compared to the standard.


Stats require context, which is why they shouldn’t be used to determine SR gains and losses. Not being able to climb with a 58% win rate is silly.


They don’t. Wins & losses do. Stats are context to wins & losses. The context to stats are so incredibly difficult, perhaps even impossible to track without either manual review or the ultimate AI behind the scenes.

The game says otherwise.

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Stats matter below diamond. Blizzard likes to decide on different rules for different ranks. Stats do not always tell the whole story about wins and losses. It’s possible to have great stats with 4 gold medals but also contributed very little to the success of your team. Furthermore nobody even knows which stats matter the most according to Blizzard. Thus making them even more useless as a factor to determine SR.

The game including its matchmaking and SR system are also silly.


Stats matter everywhere. To pretend in certain contexts they just up & disappear in value is silly.

No they do not, you are correct. Unfortunately it’s the only real data they can rely on when modifying sr gain/loss, so they have their own inherent value. It doesn’t matter if it isn’t the best context, it’s the only real usable option.

Also true, but again, there is no better or more easily available option to look toward.

We shouldn’t.

Untrue. And again, it doesn’t determine SR, it modifies it. As I’ve already said twice now, wins & losses determine sr gain/loss.

And as true as that may be, you can’t change it. Go with the flow or get tossed by the current. Yelling at the river won’t change how it works.


There is plenty people who say that sr gain and loss should be affected by performance even more. I think current system is in the middle and it good.


A better option would be to keep the rules of the top 3 tiers of the ladder consistent for all ranks. Meaning there are no SR modifiers to wins and losses. Players who win more deserve to climb and players who lose more deserve to drop in rank. If stats truly matter then their results will already be reflected in a player’s win rate.

If that were true then you should always be able to gain SR by winning 58% of your games, or even 51%.

I’m not even entirely sure that’s even true. I’m 3,700 & I still get/lose varied sr in the 22-26 range typically & that can get as low as 21 or as high as 29.

It is true, you’re just ignoring half of the equation as you’ve been doing this entire time. Your question has already been answered but you keep asking it.
For the fourth time now:

  • wins & losses determine sr gain/loss
  • performance modifies sr gain/loss
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