Why is it I can have a 58% winrate and after hundreds of games and still be below or at the SR I placed?

Because if your team’s average SR is higher, you’re favoured to win. Therefore you would not gain as much as if you won while your team was expected to lose. For example if your average team SR is 3700 and plays against a 3800 average team, you will gain more for a win (and also lose less for a loss) than if you beat a 3600 average team.

I don’t recall asking any questions. I know what you are saying but I’m saying that the performance modifier should be removed in all ranks because it is arbitrary and takes away focus from the primary objective of the game. Which is winning instead of worrying about how your stats might affect your SR.

I know this, I’ve kept my eyes on all the typically understood modifiers, it doesn’t consistently follow that pattern.

Yeah, after checking again I had forgotten you weren’t OP, that’s my b.

The primary objective is still winning, it’s a handful of players that actually worry about stats vs sr, the game doesn’t force that worry.

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Probably because games in your elo are less balanced with smaller player base. So sr gain/loss is affected by games being outside of 50/50 range.


This is what seriously ruins the game. It’s almost a self fulfilling prophecy when they only match you with -1000sr teammates. Why even do placements if their window is so big and they weigh you down with anchors?

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Not really because averages over time would eventually put you in your place if you are consistently a weak link. Stats can neither determine value as they require context as another mentioned. For example the annoying ball that spins around in circles at the point or payload,bit I stun him to allow the team to finally kill him with suppressive fire I doubt it will know the value not what I did since it mostly calculate things like damage which shield bash only does 5 in that instance hit that was a lot of value. Also sheild bashing and booping an enemy off a teamate which might not get a kill for the stats but it does add value because the system can’t detect situational value or tactics.

Another reason I know it doesn’t detect value all that great I literally have a POTG with Brig where Zarya gets a grav on 3-4 players and all I do is mace the crap out of them. Basically she timed the grav and was probably doing damage too but it just so happens I was close by and my mace hits multiple enemies (meaning 105-140 per swing) so the system decided “value” was my dps and me standing there holding right trigger.

in top500 you loose sr if your wr is below 65%, get over it.


Neither an answer nor does this apply to me as Im not Top 500.

I can understand what Blizzard might be trying to do with this formula but this technology would only work if the ai could analyze the game exactly how a human would. I’ve written code and I writing AI that could truly grasp the scope of what had value and how much would be a huge undertaking due to the amount of potential scenarios, situations, combos. AI does not think like a human it’s all "if variable x = y then variable2 ±/- variable 3”.

Pharah providing rocket fire not getting much damage but scaring away the enemy and scattering there forces and causing them retreat is an easy example of something very useful and highly likely to not be registered in the stat performance calculations. If we were all NPC’s inside a simulation of the very same game dukeing it out then Stats would be very viable.

On a side note I just found out you don’t get mmr when you lose which possibly could be some of your best games if its your teamates slackin.

Anyway I can appreciate what Blizzard is trying to do but it is disappointing because if I don’t rank up even with a ratio 51± or higher it means my teamates get progressively worse and I made the mistake of letting my tank derank as low as like 1200 in bronze and it took me way too long to get to 1490 and no way do I belong there but getting below your rank is like quicksand and this effect would extend throughout the ranks. The game is what it is though, I guess I more or less got an answer to my question.

you lose more sr for a loss than you gain sr for a win.

Simply win more sr per win.

Your account must be old. The system sandbags pretty hard on old accounts for some reason. I suspect it has to do with anchor stats, but that can’t be confirmed.

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It takes recent stat and if you havent played on your account for 6month + it will make it like new placements but instead of starting in gold you start at your rank.

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this is interesting to say the least

Same thing happened to me and i dont understand why. am i the definition of hardstuck ?

I won the mayority of my games 169 wins 156 loses with 8 draws
my peek was 2400 this season and im at 2280 right now

My main hero is Ana with a little bit of lucio

Hero - Percentage - games played - wins - lost - tied

Ana - 53% - 176 - 90 - 81 - 4
Lucio - 52% - 66 - 34 - 31 - 1
Moira - 51% -24 - 12 -11 - 0
Mercy - 41% - 14 - 6 - 8 - 0
Baptisete - 59% - 9 - 5 - 4 - 0
Brig - 63% - 5 -3 -2 -0

Partially might have to do with who you won versus. Beating lower quality players, I hear, lowers SR gain per win. Maybe I’m wrong.

You’re close. It’s more that if you’re team was seen as the underdog you’ll gain more if you win and lose less if you lose and vice versa.

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Yeah that’s kind of what I was getting at, but didn’t wanna call people out for being such terms as underdog and all. Nothing wrong with that. It just seems this community and the moderators are sensitive and have no skin or thinner than frost on a morning clover.

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Waka let me tell you this bro. Just do not play Mercy ever again for any reason lol. Mercy relies on someone to actually for REAL guard you. She’s great if you duo, but solo que? No just don’t put yourself through that bro.

My session went well keeping a positive win rate with Ana now at 54% and got a new season peek 2423 ,i can taste plate already XD but i notice that my teammates are not willing to swap at all ,i had a zen getting dove by doom monkey and genji and somehow it was my fault for playing lucio .I suggest a switch and i was a cry baby ,no wonder why people dont join VC i dont blame them.

Jeff himself has confirmed that the ranking system is not made to be climbable (which is basically bad design since it kills the point of playing competitive beyond the placement matches)

You are most likely getting less points for wins compared to losing.

weird flex but ok…

I believe this is based on SR difference of teams but also somehow takes into account MMR.

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