Why is it called C9-ing?

During overtime If the enemy is moving the payload and the players accidentally step too far away from it resulting in a premature loss I often hear people say that the enemy has c9-ed.

Why C9?

Because a Team Called Cloud Nine got off the point during OT and lost the map.


Because Cloud 9 got off the point during league one time and forgot about the objective, causing them to lose overtime/the map.


Lmao, what a terrible legacy to leave behind


Doesnt cloud 9 own spitfire or am i crazy?

C9 or Cloud 9 is an instance from a pro play level game where the attacking team would actually win the fight, chase kills, and in doing so leave the objective point and lose the game. However, players seem to not know what it means and just claim “C9” any time a game ends. Either out of ignorance, or simply to try and be annoying.


Yes they do

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Cloud 9 did it first

Yea they do, they got rid of their original roster and picked up the kongdoo panthera roster which became the original London spitfire

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Back in Open Division I believe, a team named Cloud9 forgot about the objective so many times within a series that it was just named after them.

At least that’s what I remember.

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And british hurricane right?

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I would guess since Cloud 9 owns Spitfire, they own Spirfire’s Contender feeder team (Hurricane)

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That’s not c9, it’s a c9 when the team ignores the objective to chase after the fight resulting in a loss.

They’re just using “c9” as their way of calling you stupid.

I really wish they never did that, because the joke they spawned is so boring and overused now to the point its more cringe than funny when someone says it.

Quick, more people reply with same explanation that’s been given already!

I guess that depends on whether you view a “chasing after a fight” to be accident or not. I tend to see it as an accident because no one would intentionally “C9” on purpose unless you’re throwing.

Yeah, it has almost gotten to the point where its toxic in some cases…

An example of a C9 I actually managed myself one day:

It’s a very toxic legacy. Cause most people don’t look at replays before the match ends… they just call out C9 if any one is alive when the match ends. Never mind if your 30m+ away from the point, or got pushed off by lucio, ball, etc.

Just instant claim of C9.

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It’s a reference to an Apex Season 2 match between Cloud 9 and Afreeca Freecs Blue. Cloud 9 walked off the point after winning an overtime team fight a total of 3 times, which lost them the whole series and cemented them as a meme.

I remember one time we were battling on the cart in Junkyard, just near the end of the map, most of us had died, a Sigma used his ult, lifted the enemy team off the cart, but he himself also went up, and we lost. LOL

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