Why is Hog still allowed to one shot most heroes?

I have seven accounts - in 2022 who the hell goes off account level :roll_eyes:

I mean I know I won’t make a dent in thick skulls of some Hog mains on it, but I can tell you the best folks in the game all say the kit is poorly designed.

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I guess they’re the same people who die in Torb goo or lick Reaper’s gun standing still or something. The lapse in logic is just astounding. I get it, nobody likes getting hooked. So, like, don’t stand where you can get hooked?


So make 2500+ posts from an account I can respect, or can you not get above Endorsement 2 based on you speaking in-game how you’re speaking to others, here?

Getting hooked by an ability with a 20m is just me being out of position, lol. The mental gymnastics Hog apologists will go through to defend him is worthy of a gold medal if it was an Olympic event.


Hardly. Again, I suggest you go ask coaches, pros, and notable top 500 CC’s what they think. No one of note thinks this kit is well designed and most agree with my points on it.

Hey now you do not speak for all us plebs. I would LOVE a tankier Hog. Remove his one-shot ability. Can still hook, cannot shoot immediately after. He takes less damage and maybe has the same effect as Doom block when he self heals. Just remove the one-shot possibility from ever happening, OR you nerf his hook in distance and it no longer stuns.

As OP stated Junker Queen is basically what Roadhog SHOULD have been. A skillful pull in (her knife is slower moving and requires more aim and does not stun, hook is braindead mode), a self heal ability, and situational and skillful one-shots. JQ CAN 1 shot squishies, but its far from guaranteed and you need to be SUPER close to do so. Hog just hooks you and you’re dead, even if you have 250 hp.

Please please PLEASE make Hog an actual tank and not a DPS. Would love it.


Translation: “I simply parrot the opinions of those at the top level even though I’m not one of them and their games are nothing like mine.”

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You can spin it that if you like, but it doesn’t change the facts of the matter does it? Nope. And neither are you I’m sure LOL.

I wasn’t talking to you, maybe answer where I was. Actually, don’t. I’m happy to mute you and never see one of your rude, horrid takes ever again! Best of glhf! :clown_face:

Ahem… Grow up… mistakes like that happen in a thread. A simple “I wasn’t referring to you” in context might actually get an apology - act like a butt, a nope.

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Yeah I guess you want the monopoly on that, here. Go off.

Hold up, you’re 56 and behaving in a public forum like this!? Come on, man. I dunno what you’ve been through, but I severely doubt you were raised and socialised to be completely obstinate and abrasive, so out of at minimum a semblance of respect for an elder I’m going to implore you to treat others with at least a little decorum here, even when you disagree (or especially then). Also, please stop buying OW accounts, Blizzard hasn’t earned your money! Spend it on niblings, causes, instruments, or something else!!!

Yeah though, since there’s tons of ways you can dodge the hook via the maps geometry and such. Usually, you’re out of place if you’re just out in the open and are a easy hook target, that is a you problem. However, I think there’s areas where Hog has an advantage, and that’s a good thing really, but there’s also things you can do to mess with hogs hook combo.

Booping hog when he attempts it is a great way to save a teammates life for example, and all of the tanks have some sort of displacement ability. If you’re so out of place that no only are you an easy boop target, but no tank can do anything to save you, why should hog be punished for that?

1.) Don’t say that just yet. I’m already reading rumblings of how her knife is problematic becuase it can’t be deflected and the like. The forums will decide she’s unhealthy depending completely on if she’s played a lot or not.

2.) JQ is the way she is BECAUSE hog’s in the game. They’re a lot like Winston and Ball where they have similar lore and playstyle, you know?

I’m only 3.9k so my games are nothing like theirs. I never once referenced pro players in this thread.

The counters to hog are basic teamwork and communication, and ana, is it really any wonder why so many people have an issue with him?

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I mean you wanna talk slow telegraphed and dodgeable, its not Hog’s hook, its her knife. Additionally you can still use abilities when knifed and being pulled. Soldier run, Cass roll, Moira/Reaper fade, Tracer recall. All can be used when being pulled by JQ. Hog hook? None.

Unless they speed up her knife and/or make it so that if its stabbed in you, you can’t get out, then she may hit that Hog OP level.

Yeah I’m young at heart and have a Peter-Pan syndrome. :slight_smile:

Three grand-kids, manager in IT Security for a global company you all know by name too. I think I earned the right LOL. Love listening to all the Zoomer thinking, it’s quite humorous at times.

If you met me you’d have no idea.


And Mei, Ana, Sombra, Barriers, Zarya, all the Ranged hitscans, Hanzo, Pharah, Echo, Junkrat, Reaper, D.Va, Orisa, Lucio, Bap, Brig, Genji, Torb, ranged Bastion, Res, Zen…


Yes. But if he sees her - Hooked and one shot.

Not bad. If he somehow sees her bullying a support - Hooked and one shot.

Yes but only half the tanks have barriers. This isn’t OW1 Barrierwatch.

Yes if she saves one.

Hooked and one shot

Hooked and one shot

She’s better off killing squishies than wasting her time slowly tickling a hog that can just ignore her. She can get hooked and one shot but it’s not too common.

Same as pharah.

Hooked and one shot.

Hooked and crippled.


Yeah I’ll take it.

Hooked and one shot

Hooked and one shot

Hooked and one shot

Hooked and one shot

Hooked and one shot

Not many map areas have long tunnels for decent range. Hooked and one shot.

Hooked and one shot

Hooked and one shot


You lose legitimacy to your argument when you keep saying one-shot, it is a combo. If you can not even get a fundamental part right, why should anybody read further into your arguments?