Why is Hog still allowed to one shot most heroes?

Who cares about pros or content creators. Hog isnt played in OWL, their opinion is worthless outside of that. Content creators jump on whatever opinion will get them views.

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because that’s about all he has going for him at this point

because you and your team let them. 1 Ana shuts down every Hog. One.

Get a flanker or Hanzo to check him or duel him.

It is, sorry. You are playing poorly if you let the worst tank in the game cause you issues. And like, I’m not even good, I’ve just learned not to stand in the absolute dumbest of places compared to where Hog can be.

You know why he’s popular? Because this game panders to DPS and Hog is the only thing you can do to contend with most high or co-ordinated DPS without allied teamplay. TTK is low AF, Zen orb and Anti are OP with little cleanses, and tanking is often miserable.

Hog is the only tank not nerfed into the ground, and that’s because he’s already pretty awful.

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This. People here will try to defend a 20m main tank one shotting most of the cast, but they conveniently create scenarios in their minds where there are always shields available and people dying to hog are standing next to the shields. They pretend that half of the tanks don’t have barriers.


The other half do, and the rest of the cast can use obstacles, like they are supposes to from the beginning.

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If hog flanks you and you’re not watching for Hog, then he caught you by surprise. That’s not about being in position, its about being unaware.

Plus, Hog’s the only tank. If you’re fighting a tankless team, shouldn’t you assume Hog’s flanking just because you can’t see him?

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You are not supposed to stand out in the open against roadhog, especially if you do not have a shield between you.

Play roadhog sometime, landing hooks on people who understand the game is extremely difficult.

I like how people on this forum like to claim roadhog is a free climb, when they dont even want him on their team because deep down they think he is a throw pick.


So we literally disregard the opinions of those who have the most skill and knowledge of the game? It’s just a poor design, and people rocking it are deluding themselves about it. The Moira of the tank class basically. Coaches even agree on this point btw. But hey lets go off Plat-chat for judgment of the kit :roll_eyes:

Hardly. I see you haven’t contributed anything requiring mental effort thus far.

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Hog walks on a big open point and starts capturing. I guess my only option is to hide behind a wall and let him cap. Right? I can’t peek. I can’t “”""“get out of position”"""" so I’ll just take the L and queue for next game.


Bad players complaining about Hog’s one-shot never gets old. His damage and combo is actually the most balanced aspect about him compared to the rest of his kit. If only you people played in ELOs where anyone would punish your awful awareness and positioning.


LOL if you can’t see the arguments its you who is bad quite honestly. I mean its a joke to defend a kit that hooks you at what, 20M into a instant death combo kill. Stupid design to start with. Then out of position he huffs his breather saying “tee hee” and scampers back out not getting punished. Ridiculous design.

Really though, reasoning with Hog mains is like trying to explain to Moira mains why the kit has issues as well, they can’t / won’t see it because it suits their purposes.


So, I feel like a crucial misunderstanding here is how hog has crap defense to facilitate his damage. Hog loses to range, so of course he has to have some way to fight back against range. hence is ability to do 20m of important damage and his hook. Instead, you guys want to take that from him, but you won’t understand that he’d then need buffs to his defense.

You guys would hate a tanky hog, but you also hate to play around a glass cannon hog, so what gives? It seems like you want hog gimped exclusively so you guys don’t have to deal with him.

If roadhog walks out into the open, kill him, that is his weakness, no god damn shield. His rebreather is just delaying the inevitable at that point. So yeah, abuse the terrain, and rain hellfire on him, as a team, you know how to play as a team right?


:clown_face: :point_up:

On this account you’re posting from at time of writing, you’re sub level 100 and endorsement level 2. Why should we respect your poor opinions or give you any more time/thought?

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Complaining about getting hooked from LOS 20 meters away makes you bad.
Complaining about hog flanking killing you makes you bad.

Hog’s problems are: his breather is too good, he doesn’t give as much ult charge anymore, and his footsteps are bugged. That’s it. Complaining about a tank solo-killing you or your teammate for being somewhere where they would have died to almost any other hero anyway when in engaged is embarrassing. And to add to your wrong takes, I’m not a hog main. I have an absurd amount of time on every role and have played the game since launch when Hog actually was a problem.


This is exactly what he should have if he loses his range. Otherwise, replace hook with some other offensive ability and have him go all in. We already see this with JunkerQueen, who is a much more successful AND healthy version of Hog.


Right? I don’t main Hog either, it’s just wild that people complain about him when they could be spending time complaining about Ana, Hanzo, McMeme, or Bap.


Why nerf Hog then?

Hogs hook is his core mechanic, like taking away Junkrats grenades or Tracers blink, it will never be changed, deal with it.

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At this point, I hope it doesn’t change. He’s a bs tank that is gonna suck hard in 5v5. Good.


This. I can’t stand the witch hunting for heroes that are tame compared to those heroes with actual cheese abilities. Hook isn’t one of them. I mean how hard is it for these people to track 8 seconds?

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