Why is Hanzo allowed to oneshot?

Picture this:

Im a Tracer, Soldier, Reaper or Widow or whoever, trying to duel a Hanzo.
I get him down to the last 2hp, only for him to randomly turn around, or send a random log and kill me instantly.
Why is he allowed to do this???

Why do all the other dps have to take their time and make a good effort to kill something, but only he has to throw a random arrow down a choke and get a kill?

Even snipers are more fair than a Hanzo, at least they have to take the time to aim, while Hanzo’s random logs (which are near hitscan speed btw) deal 120dps body shot and kill every squishy on headshot.
And if all else fails, he has a literal spam ability on E.

And yet you also want to buff this garbage?

I’m reporting every Hanzo i come across that kills me. I would never report a Widow, I would never report an Ashe (unless they are aimboting), but Hanzo’s very existence is cheating. He is not a sniper, he is a spammer. This is cheating.


hes kind of a mid-close range sniper but still i do agree idk why is he allowed to 1 shot people.




False reporting is a violation of the Blizzard Code-of-Conduct and encouraging others to do it here is not appropriate for the forums.

I will be flagging for moderator review, but I wanted to directly inform you in hopes that you understand that is not acceptable behavior and that you will correct that behavior. Thank you for understanding.


I feel like he can one shot because of realistic reasons. In real life someone shooting you in the head with an arrow will (I think, I mean realistically it should) kill you, some things in this game just need to make sense compared to real life I think. It does suck when you get headshoted by accident by a hanzo who wasn’t even aiming at you though…

ah yes, the mythical hanzo logs that are the second smallest projectile in the game.

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This feels like a bait post


If u ask this:

Why is Widow allowed to make 300dmg across the map and shes hitscan?
Either nerf all oneshots or none of them (Heroes that can do it with Mercyboost are an exception)

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It is. Cant you tell the OP is trolling

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Noted, I do apologize. Anger got a hold of me. I will not do it. The frustration is still there however.


Is it really the second smallest? What is the first? Genji shurikens I presume…

20 characters!!!

Well that does make sense, I mean the arrow’s tip is realistically smaller than the shuriken itself but it makes sense

I understand, and trust me I am still waiting on the Hanzo Lumberjack skin myself. However, Hanzo over the years has often been critized for his rather random dumb-luck hits, but like Widow, it is a matter of identifying where he is and taking the appropriate measures to avoid getting hit by him.

What did you had to do to reach the position of tech support? If you don’t mind me asking

shuriken is tied with arrow

I meant second in size. The minimum size is 0,0… next is 0,2 (shuriken, arrow)

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Oh so they are the same? That’s cool

Am i allowed to ask?
On which place are the Mercy projectiles?

I feel people think that they’re bigger because of network interpolation. You saw yourself dodging it, but your serverside position got it, then you die and think “that’s bs!”

Since with hitscan you don’t see travelling, you only think that when you were safe from LoS in your screen and still get hit.

“Super large extra thick” place. No joke those shots are extremely large (I mean it makes sense since she takes 2 hours to switch between staff and gun and she takes forever to pull the trigger)