Why is General Discussion dominated by Comp?

All discussions on general assume it must only apply to Competitive mode, any mention of it’s relevance to arcade is dismissed as somehow off topic.

But you know there is a subforum dedicated to competitive:

Yet over and over again discussions on people present points with the presumption they must be talking about Comp like how only pickrate in comp matters.

EDIT: Clockwork Elf gives an unsourced graphic that barely one third of the game is Comp. I don’t see how other gamemodes being outnumbered almost 2:1 makes comp the only mode that matters.


Comp is the center of the game.


Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t, that doesn’t mean it’s all that matters.

It’s obviously important which is why there is a separate subforum from General Discussion to prevent it entirely dominating general discussion.


Is this really an accurate description of the topics in General though? Balance is not the same as strategies or esport news.


It’s not in question; it is the most played game mode, and the game is built around it. There is no OWL for Arcade or QP :slight_smile:


Any discussion of strategies on General are shouted down if they do not only apply to Competitive mode and esports news is very frequently on General Discussion.

It’s all about Rank, SR, on “the ladder” and e-sports.

Yes, but only balance on competitive mode is tolerated here.

Any discussion of balance on any mode other than Comp is routinely rejected and they’re admonished for bringing it up.

Even if that was true - you have no figures to back that up - that doesn’t prove it’s the ONLY thing that matters.

I have concrete proof of the popularity of other modes which is the microscopically short queue times for other modes like Quickplay Classic.

This isn’t a relative thing, it’s absolute.

And why are they not here? Because they find the General Discussion is dominated by a mode they have no interest in.

Who cares?

OWL only has an average number of viewers of about 40k in 20202

Out of 60 million sales that’s just showing how irrelevant OWL is relative to the people who bought the game to play it.


The game is built around competitive. Every other mode has been already said to be just extra; no balance is intended to ever be specifically made…and since the game is made around balance, the discussions come up a lot.

So since comp is 90% of the game, and the general discussion is 90% of the forums and where most of the discussion goes on, it makes sense.

And, since it does say ‘share competitive strategies and stay up to date on esports news’…that’s not what people are usually talking about RE: comp on this forum anyway. It’s usually complaints about balance. And, since this is the most populous place, and the place that seems to get the most notice and attention from the dev team, of course those posts will be made here.

I hate this so much…I make my threads, playing non comp and everyone always wanna know my rank -_-


Because most discussion lead here is about hero balance one way or the other, which in it’s core is only relevant in the higher tiered competitive gameplay with the only and only exception being (near-)automated abilities like Sym’s sentires, Torb’s turret, Rein’s barrier and other similar abilities

So as long as players don’t try to argue improper balancing they won’t be corrected by references to competitive aspects of the gameplay, same going for reworking abilities because of purely biased takes and what not. That’s all there really is to it

The game didn’t even have Competitive Mode when it launched.

It launched with what’s now known as No Limits then quickplay became what’s now known as Quickplay Classic.

All games are made around balance, that’s a fundamental aspect of any game.

No it makes sense to discuss Competitive mode in the Competitive Discussion forum.

But ONLY how it matters to competitive mode.

But you’re just shouting down anyone who has any concern for how any aspect affects anything other than Competitive mode.

Despite having zero proof that it’s “90% of the game”.

I have proof to refute your claim, it would be impossible for only 10% of the time players play Quickplay Classic when quickplay classic has 10x faster queue times than Comp.

That’s obviously untrue.

And it’s far more than just those many exceptions you listed, you concede a few exceptions when there’s so many exceptions it doesn’t prove the rule you made up, it refutes it.

Too late, they already have, for years.


Hunt for it - Blizzard has published the breakdown on this and Comp was #1 some time ago, naturally followed by QP then Arcade/Workshop.

it does seem like the comp section does what it was intended for. talks about comp and mmr.

the general section seems to all be about nerfing/buffing xyz heroes and complaints of xyz hero being to strong or weak. you also get comp discussion along with mmr sometimes but it is called “general” which means anything goes right?

but really it does seem more about nerfing/bufffing and Overpowered complaints. also alot of people like making their own buff/nerf patch notes which is cool but become very heated sometimes lol

Damn OW players really got Stockholm syndrome to be playing comp in 2022


They should add a new feature where you vote if a Topic posted is in the wrong discussion page and if enough votes are received they get moved over to the right page suggested by the most votes received.

They don’t. What your getting confused with is when it comes to hero balance or strength it can only objectively discussed in the context of comp.

Which is a lot of the topics in general.

it does seem like queue times are higher for comp and you do on occasion need a priority pass for support to get a quicker time. (role play) quick play times seem shorter and i have never seen the priority pass end up being in the support role. at least in my region

Balance is most important in comp mode and the game can only be balanced around 1 mode. So it only make sense for that to be comp mode.

ofc there is some exceptions like total mayhem but when someone wants to discus a specific mode, they are usually just naming the mode.

I don’t think it really matters lol. I ain’t moving over to comp discussion. That’s legit just people blaming the matchmaker for the losses. Yuckkk

It’s quite funny.

  • The balance focus esport.
  • The community focus ladder.
  • Casual players are the largest group.
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No one should go on a wild goose chase looking for a source that may very well not exist.

But ONLY in the context of comp.

Any suggestion of how this matters for anything but Comp is rejected as totally irrelevant as if you’re cheating to play any other mode.

You state your personal opinion as fact when it is nowhere close to a fact.

It isn’t even an opinion informed by fact.

It’s pure conjecture.

Says who?

Says you?

Why? Because you say so?

Come on, what’s the discussion value in just making entirely arbitrary conjecture and treating it as fact.

Maybe because it was a bad idea to try to make this a “competitive” focused game and this games greatest untapped potential is as a much more casual game.

I know this is a crazy idea but people like having fun.

A very VERY small proportion really want to take a game like Overwatch that seriously, winning isn’t all that matters to them, having fun while playing the game is far more important than a win at any cost.