Why is everything for Hanzo so low effort

Low effort Mythic (The lowest amount of customization out of every hero).
Low effort balancing (Worse state he has ever been in. They nerfed his damage patches before season 9 in preparation for this to avoid having to explain why even though he was not over performing)
Low effort mirrorwatch skin (this bundle is NOT worth $25 and I’m seeing a lot of people agreeing with this sentiment).

It’s like they don’t care for this hero at all.


I’m as confused as you are. Then again, it is Blizzard, one of those companies that will make illogical changes they will invalidate later or try to capitalize on changes no one asked for.


It’s so frustrating right now to be a hanzo player :pensive:
They are going to sweep this right under the rug or call it “unintentional” later on.


I don’t play the game often now, but I think I know the feeling. I always thought their monetization since ow2 launch was scummy, but balancing of specific characters? Hanzo needs a full rework at this point. As much as I like how much easier it is to hit the target with him now, it feels bad having to land 3 body shots or whatever with him to kill a guy and how it almost feels necessary to save Storm Arrow for when people get close.

Either rework him into a full on sniper or spammer/ duelist. Current Hanzo I don’t feel is working out.

It’s also frustrating that none of the content creators with an in with the devs have asked about Hanzo.

Hanzo is in the worst state he has ever been.
Arrge has called Hanzo mains to boycott the Hanzo cosmetics until he gets buffed! Join the movement!


They probably couldn’t afford the voice actor so they started caring less and less about the hero. At this point I wont be surprised if blizzard just deleted the hero from the game.


because hanzo is a low effort hero. You could put the lowest effort you could and still get results with him before the nerf. He has been my braindead no effort hero pick since ow1 so it’s natural that everything around him would be low effort.


You clearly have never played him in higher ranks.


on overwatch 1 i was in diamond and obviously there i used my main characters instead the one i can slack off with, on ow2 i haven’t played ranked since season 2

I see. So that’s a no.


and? that doesn’t change anything :face_with_hand_over_mouth: he’s still the lowest effort character on the most popular mode

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Probably because he’s a terribly designed hero that most people don’t like for very good reasons.

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Wait until you learn how people feel about literally every hero. They’ll say the same thing you do,: “terribly designed hero”, “not fun to play against”.


i have no tears to shed for anyone who plays an obnoxious dishonest cheese character


Because the support mains want to press E and get free value forever.

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Everytime I see these comments it’s always from people who don’t play the hero and think spamming a choke wins you games. Spamming is luck based and luck is inconsistent, you don’t win the overwhelming majority of your games by being inconsistent. I been playing this hero for hundreds of hours. Every shot I take I aim with purpose. Aim on Hanzo always required more effort than it ever did for me on widow and cassidy. Play Hanzo and show me how low effort the hero is… would love to see you prove me wrong.


Just a tracer main whining cause he can still one shot her .

Aren’t you supposed to be a tracer hanzo two trick like me or was that infamous.

Dishonest cheese? Play the hero. Show me exactly how much you can cheese out against players that don’t stand still scoped in the open on ana. The people I ask to prove me wrong just end up switching when they find out they can’t hit a shot and spamming is nowhere as reliable as they thought.


I barely play Hanzo because he’s too slow.

And no, I don’t mind Tracer’s one shots. I mind the Tank busting that’s basically ingrained in his kit

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i have and i feel like a rat each and every time i get the superior angle and plink people

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