They’ve said that the hero pool system is not necessarily a permanent feature, they’ve said they are no longer afraid to revert changes.
Just chill, let it drop, try it and give feedback based on experience and not knee jerk speculation you plebs.
EXACTLY!! People are SO fast to cry, stomp their feet and “leave” the game over 1 week of gameplay that might not be their favorite. PLUS the possibilty it may only be this way for 1 season.
Honestly if people are gonna leave over this, then those are the people I didn’t want on my team anyway so byeeeeee
It’s kinda pathetic to be honest. I’m not the most optimistic about it myself but I’m willing to give it a go. It can’t be worse than the 17 seasons we were lucky if we got a single rank/healer.
Yes exactly! FFS 3 months ago I was sad af because OW1 seemed like the older child ignored because the new OW2 baby. I’m just glad they’re trying new stuff, communicating and growing some balls to make changes, even if the changes are reverted. We crave changes yet when we get them everyone wants to cry.
The game is moving away from the freedom it used to offer.
I could not disagree more with the current direction. It’s oppressive, unnecessary, and simply not as fun. It’s not as fun to have maps and heroes greyed out. And what for? To avoid a meta? This could have been fixed with the more frequent and drastic hero changes they want to do in the future.
I’d just rather it not be tested during a live season. For me, it gives me no desire to want to try it out if I won’t be compensated for any loss of ranking/SR as a result.
But then I also do not buy for a single second when Jeff says it’ll be temporarily LOL The very fact that they’re adding it to a live season tells me this is a permanent change, but Jeff is lessening the blow by saying it’s not. I mean, unless things go horribly wrong, like every OWL team complains and quits, I don’t see it being reverted. I could be wrong and I hope that Jeff proves me wrong and it really is just for this one season, but I have my doubts.
This takes the choice away from players to create their own metas. Jeff and co. are choosing metas for everyone to adopt to. It’s not giving players more freedom.
But by the time people “figure out the new meta” it’ll almost be time to change it again. It kinda forces people to be creative and play around the rotated out heroes they can’t pick. People who play the meta the most (gms T500 pros etc) seemed to be pretty happy about the decision.
for me its beacuse they stated no hero bans, we will ge a brand new system and this is not a system, this is devs hero bans, the easyest thing to code they could done, so im disapointed, confused, and not happy about heroes randomly baned.
lol? It will take less than a day for people to figure out the meta Jeff and co. want people to play. They’ll just watch what pro players are doing on their streams. And by the next day if you’re not playing the meta that you didn’t realize was out, people are still gonna treat you the same way as they do now.
But it takes a day or 2 before even they figure this out. Espeically if people are just completely off the table. It’s no longer “how do I make this work now” it becomes “now what do I do since this isn’t an option”
Jeff said that they are curating the hero pool themselves, so they have an idea in mind for what they want the meta to be. You can see at a glance which heroes are banned and figure out which ones would be the most effective (ex. x hero is gone that counters y hero, so y hero gonna be good). I don’t think it’ll take that long to figure out.
Okay, and considering tanks/supports usually determine the meta - I can see what you mean from this. But imagine the last 6+months of playing tank in diamond+…
pick orisa
shoot shield
pick sigma
shoot shield
if you don’t do this then you will probably get flamed.
pick moira we need her. pick baps we need him.
At least they get refreshed once a week instead of months of stagnation of playing the same hero over and over and over…
And as a low rank player - god I can’t wait for the week where I don’t have to worry about Moira sucking the life out of me. Where it’s kill or be killed … by moira lol. She’s a good hero but GOD she’s annoying sometimes. And I don’t want her nerfed anymore and definately not buffed. It’ll be nice to just have a break from certain heros to not have to worry about the possibility of them showing up.
I’m not disagreeing that the current meta sucks. I just would rather see what Jeff and co. had in mind with their more frequent balance changes with their new philosophy towards 222 than deciding to ban heroes on a rotation during a live season… They don’t seem to be giving the community a chance to change with any upcoming balance changes, but instead want to dictate what meta they’d like to see.
Edit: I wouldn’t mind so much if the hero pool was going to be a new arcade mode or even added to QP. I don’t like adding it to a live comp season. It just feels like competitive Mystery Heroes…
But that’s why I don’t like mystery heroes. You get zero say in what you play. I don’t play it cuz I always end up playing support and if I’m playing support I’d rather be getting comp points doing it since that’s what I’m usually doing. I feel like what they’re doing is trying to force us to be creative - which I think is a good idea.
But I also see how this could possibly go bad but I’m still willing to try it. Like Jeff even said - They could end up doing away with it in season 22. But it’s a nice shake up - especially to people who ONLY play comp and feel like they don’t get a chance to play someone different.
I think the biggest point a lot of us are trying to make is -people judging it before even trying it isn’t good. We’re so starved for changes and updates lets at least try what they’re offering first.