Why is DM a problem for people?

I genuinely have no idea what you’re talking about. What about D.Va’s kit makes her take double damage the whole time she’s alive? Even with discord on her, she wouldn’t take double damage.

Oh, that’s what they meant. She still has to take 600+ damage through heals and sporadic DMs. D.Va has been the most consistently picked tank at the highest levels since release for a reason. She has a crazy amount of survivability mixed with being good at everything else.

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I hear they had to nerf it because people were suffocating.

Listen, mr “check my private profile.” I don’t have the patience to argue with people who are purposely being disengenous - dancing around the issue, and feigning ignorance to prove their point. Your bias, and nothing I can say can change that, so I’m not going to argue with you because these things are already known. You just choose not to acknowledge them.

If you’ve ever played Dva, you know exactly what I’m talking about, and someone answered the question for me anyway so I don’t need to explain further. Also, the “half of the ults in the game” - also not true as demonstrated earlier, and also, you can’t see when any other ability is available for use as someone else has mentioned.

Everything you’ve said is either false or unreasonable. And that’s how these discussions go because no one seems to understand what Dva can and cannot do.


well you’re right, im sorry i didnt check your profile. but you do understand how much harder an extra second of cooldown makes it on dva, while making it much easier on her opposition though right? its like asking dva players to get even better with dm (after it was cut to 2 seconds) while letting other players require less thinking on their part.


Most offensive ults, then. Picking at my phrasing doesn’t change the sentiment at all. And Genji using his ability is the visual cue that it’s down. You can watch D.Va use it and then use it again a second later and then again another second later and so forth nearly forever. She doesn’t need a ton of charge to completely erase things like Grav, pulse bomb, or Mei’s ult. That’s too strong. That’s why it was changed. As for you last point, what I said was right. It takes less than a second to recharge enough to have usable ult-eating charge. The one-second activation CD wasn’t a counterplay window and wasn’t relevant when it came to actually trying to fire ults between flickers.

I do understand how hard it makes things. It has been harder for sure to survive this season, especially against Super Reaper, but I think it’s necessary. I’m a believer that every ability should have reasonable counterplay to it. Being expected to fit ults in through her one-second activation window wasn’t reasonable.

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she just

isn’t the most picked tank by a longshot


Who, since release, has been picked more consistently than D.Va with high-level players? I’m not talking about the #1 spot in every season. That’s why I said since release. You can’t just say “no” without offering some reasoning behind it. Well, you can, but it doesn’t help your position.

A third of the cast ignoring it completely, Hack disabling it, D.Va being overall the squishiest tank… That’s more than enough counterplay.


Isn’t it Zen?

(20 characters)

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Do diva had that big pick rate back when her dm was longer and she have no rockets and was not able to shoot when she was flying?

I dont remember pickrate from back there…

But that was last time i saw dva as a tank in this game.

My original wording said tank specifically.

New photo by Josh Griggs


Yes. That’s when dive was still at its peak. D.Va has been important in every meta except for Rein/Zarya meta and in some variants of GOATS.

and that’s consistent throughout every rank (except bronze where d.va is second, and masters where she’s fourth) and throughout the past year

She wasn’t in Dive when she had 4s DM and no rockets. It was either Zarya or triple DPS.

Dude, it has been this way for 11 months…

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Ok. If that’s current (post nerf) that makes sense. It also helps prove my point.

in dm?
it’s pretty fine
moira isnt

no, its been the same and the nerf only lowered her winrate to be the lowest of all the tanks (and 5th overall)